11:00 - 23:00
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食評 (19)
父親節正日,仍要上班,慶祝父親節只好延後一天,老爸為人甚「師爺」,天時暑熱,他又怕到處行,食肆級數又不可以太「草根」,想了又想,我選了一間在他居所附近又幾骨子的食肆。十二時半,進入酒店的地庫,經過西餐廳,望見自助餐的捧場客不多,也許是早一兩天有些人也會吃自助餐來慶祝父親節,再下層,到了龍皇,亦只得六成滿,我們被領到柱邊細檯,地方有點侷促。先點了些得獎點心:藕斷絲蓮和燒汁煎包,又點了鮑魚燒賣皇,香茜叉燒腸,龍皇一品炒飯。先來的藕斷絲蓮,造形是Q 版的蓮藕,樣子可愛,內心正籌躇好不好拿相機出來拍照,但懼怕老爸生氣,誰料老爸知我心意,竟然叫我:「影張相先啦!」令我十分感動。噢!老爸怎麼變了,奧巴馬叫 change,連老爸的性格也 change,顯然過了幾個月的冷靜期,父子倆都想清楚,雖然皇恩大赦,然而,自己也不敢放肆,戰戰兢兢隨便拍兩張便算。藕斷絲蓮外層是脆炸的酥皮,內裏有吉士,像奶皇包的餡,有蝦,說有芒果,但嚐不到芒果味。鮑魚燒賣皇,有一小片鮑魚放面,看來較矜貴,燒賣肉質、味道都不錯。香茜叉燒腸,一長碟盛著有六件,腸粉太透明,不喜歡此質感和切法。燒汁煎包用燒熱的石碗上,煎包的餡有黑椒,令肉味更香,我和老爸都喜歡。龍皇一品炒飯,看名字以為好正,好多料,其實是 cheap cheap 炒飯,欖角碎,炸乾的蝦米、江瑤柱絲,蛋白和翠玉瓜粒,賣九十幾,中計!服務方面,侍應很落力推銷,笑容也好,直到結賬時,一貌似較高級的女仕經手,看見只得數元的小費,沒說多謝亦無表情。老爸,摯愛的母親已經離開了多年,您是我至親的人,我很想和您到處品嚐美食和旅遊,但請您容許我有自己的嗜好,我實在太喜歡攝影,也許擔誤您數分鐘進食的雅致,請您原諒我的任性,亦請您准許我愛您。
mar 23, 11來lunch, 4人叫咗 : 1) 香煎臘味蘿蔔糕 -煎得好靚,表面微脆,所以挾起都唔試散開-不過中間都喺腍咗少少,味道喺無問題的 2) 菠蘿叉燒餐包-這個無試到 3) 燒汁翡翠雜菌-呢個炒得乾身,惹味 4) 翡翠帶子腸粉-很滑 5) 沙巴海蝦餃 -蝦餃餡份量多,彈牙,個皮亦黏軟,真的皮薄餡靚,很不錯 6) 7味魷魚鬚-脆漿喺薄,但幾油膩吓-還是喜歡傳統嘅椒鹽魷魚鬚,想像下大條魷魚鬚緊痴住椒鹽粉漿 7) 蓬萊素鵝-見個皮吸咗太多油了 8) 健康紫薯壽桃仔 x 2-裡面個心喺紫心番薯蓉,都幾有薯味架-個皮又軟熟,不錯-呢個要最少叫2個起 9) 鮑魚燒賣皇-正常,好似蝦餃出色d,雖然我個人1貫喜歡燒賣多d 10) 鵝肝帶子粒炒飯-個飯炒得乾爽-鵝肝就唔喺點樣食得到喇 11) 蛋白杏仁茶 x 2-這裡嘅杏仁茶水準保持到,杏仁味濃喺肯定的-雖然無海x軒嘅糊糊地質感,但都做到少少,已是不錯了,因香港唔喺有好多間做到呢個效果* 好多謝友人們請食飯.........很意外其1友人主動要請我食飯..........我真的好多謝佢.........很高興大家只同我談天說地 * lunch好爆場,坐得好密..........但又好奇怪,隔離枱食完走咗,職員會即刻收晒張枱.........雖然我哋都知張枱喺因應付午巿嘅人流而額+開的
今次嘗試得獎點心,第一樣係"藕斷絲蓮"個樣子睇嚟非常吸引,手工精緻,用紫菜條作環,放入口外皮鬆脆, 內涵有奶皇同芒果粒,既滑又有鮮香芒味,外脆內軟,口感好特別,抵佢攞金獎!第二樣係"水晶禮盒"賣相瑩通誘,皮薄,非常細緻,有脆肉瓜同菌茹粒做餡,爽夾香!第三樣輪到燒汁煎包,熱透嘅沙煱上放滿蔥條,在檯上傳來陣陣葱香,包身軟滑,一口咬落去,燒汁即爆入口中,味正之餘但要小心燙親條脷啊!燒鴨唔肥皮脆,充滿鴨嘅肉汁味,不能跟一般酒樓比較。糖水都幾持別,有鮮人蔘、棗子、天山雪蓮子,小甜、好潤!
今日LUNCH 去試左幟哥打理果間龍皇酒家到食. 之前係公仔箱睇佢煮既野都好有興趣, 因為佢好多時都會加入西菜既元素, 唔知佢管理既酒樓點心會變奏些什麼出來, 決定試一試. 先食左個奶皇酥 (唔記得左佢個真名, 哈哈!), 賣榣真係做得好精緻, 唔捨得整爛佢, 口感好鬆脆, 奶皇同酥皮既比例配合得不錯! 另外的一碟蘿蔔糕, 賣相好似馬拉糕咁, 但好有蘿蔔味. 之後試左個牛腸, 賣相已經好有西菜FEEL, 食起上黎都方便.佢地個豉油皇炒面都值得一試, 炒得好乾身香口!~仲有試左款叫做”春風得意卷”望落去似係用粉皮包住D 蘿蔔絲, 上面加上肉鬆, 進不知一咬落去, 脆卜卜的, 原來粉皮同蘿蔔絲之間夾左一層脆料, 口感不錯, 味道比較清淡. 其他食物整體都係水準以上, 個豆苗餃入面放左好多乾搖柱絲, 蒸完之後真係好香. 最抵讚係果白烚生菜, 好爽口新鮮.
It was my first time dinning in this well broadcasted restaurant. We went there to celebrate mother's day with high expectation (my mum loves the TV program). Although the restaurant is rather small and was packed, very understandable though as it was mother's day, the service was good and the recommendation from the manager was excellent (good choice of dishes in terms of food and qty). The quality of the food is good overall, at least it worth such a good name, although only limited choices of dishes so we decided to try again on other usual dates...until something happenedWe ordered a dinner set for 4 with sweet potato paste bun as dessert. They sent us 6 buns and we thought maybe the 2 were extra (as they haven't specified how many buns in the menu) and we started eating and it tasted good. Then a waiter with a pair of chopsticks came to our table and took the 2 buns away. We were so surprised and asked and he said they delivered 2 more buns, which were belonged to another table and now he had to take and serve them back to the table. I was shocked and said what if i spit on the bun? He didn't answer and just left. Like 2 mins after, i saw him taking those 2 buns to another table....It's not like I want the extra free buns, but since it's such a restaurant and it's only 2 buns worth nothing, they shouldnt be so stingy and honestly, if they ask me to pay for the 2 extra, i would (although i would still think that they are quite stingy). But now, it's more serious problem related to hygiene. If they can take back these 2 buns while we already started eating and they did it in front of customers, please imagine what could happen in the kitchen...like those dropped to the floor/sink/trash bin.......honestly, i'm afraid of going back there again after what I have seenWhat a shame, their food is in fact very good