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北海道蟹腳忌廉汁意粉 焗煙鴨胸伴燒蒜黑草汁
食評 (14)
等級2 2010-10-02
66 瀏覽
Had their lunch set. The garden salad was nice. I liked the dressing (I could taste honey in it.) I had the Duck Breast and Peach Penne in Tomato Sauce. Portion was quite small. The few pieces of peach were cold and in my opinion cold peaches and hot penne don't really match. But other than that the dish tasted okay.The air conditioning was really cold. In fact I felt kind of rushed to eat quickly cause my food turned cold within like 5 mins. Wasn't too happy about that. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-07-31
35 瀏覽
金豬媽媽來電邀約做皮膚測試,並要求找個地點吃晚飯, 最後選了一街之隔的加路連山路,這家去年路過過的心水餐廳。事前已致電訂位,接近預定時間,餐廳也來電有禮地提醒,以免浪費餐廳不多的座位。餐廳環境不大, 燈光也不算明亮,不過也不是靠燭光照明的地步;我們佔據餐廳最大的桌子,梳化配著柔軟腰枕坐得也相當舒適! 不過個人還是最喜歡臨窗的二人座位,要是在陽光明媚的下午在此吃下午茶,實屬一大樂事!!晚餐款式選擇不多,不過每款也很精美, 金豬父母選了北海道鮮帶子南瓜意大利飯(好長的名字!!)而自己就選了煙鴨胸黑醋汁。頭盤為黑松露鵝肝醬沙律,西式沙律菜份量不多但相當新鮮,每款也爽脆清甜,尤其火箭菜的特有甘苦味道最為突出,看到用上黑醋而非沙律醬已感開心,誰知那黑醋竟是濃甜稠身的那款,真的大樂!! 濃甜中帶微酸的黑醋極對自己口味, 配上清爽蔬菜就是一道佳品! 忽而一小團像肉醬的東東在青瓜片上,原來就是那鵝肝醬,上面還有丁點的黑松露,味道濃郁特別,鵝肝醬軟軟滑滑的在舌頭上溶化,蠻有趣的味道,不過份量的確少得很耶。再來的是誤以為是飲品的磨菇湯,捨棄湯碗以玻璃杯來盛載都算是特別,雖然我們點了三個晚餐,餐廳卻多給半杯熱湯予金豬寶寶享用,這方面又蠻慷慨的說。湯中滿是新鮮磨菇碎, 菇味非常香濃,滿口都是滑溜湯底和菇碎,香滑中有嚼勁又有菇香,的確一道很好喝的湯。配上的幾片牛油多士看似普通,但牛油味極香,不知用上那個品牌的牛油,那牛油香真的好讚!! 麵包薄身烘得香脆,是自己稍等一下才吃才會變軟一點而已,要是換上香脆法包或其他麵包,觀感會比用方包好一點。煙鴨胸黑醋汁的鴨胸原件上碟,煎過的鴨皮香脆中仍油潤,皮肉間那層肥美鴨脂,令鴨肉更為甘香,肉質鬆軟不粗糙,煙燻味微重,澆上酸甜味道不重的黑醋汁也頗為味美,個人覺得沙律的黑醋汁比較味美; 配菜只有焗薯, 西蘭花, 椰菜花,車厘茄,幾款蔬菜簡單以水煮熟,保持蔬菜原味沒多花巧,焗薯則有點粉糯,雖沒有任何米飯或意粉作伴,但也很夠飽肚的。分享回來的北海道帶子真的蠻大,半熟帶子跟全熟的口感真的不一樣, 那柔軟感覺真的不錯, 面層芝士粉雖香也掩蓋不了帶子鮮甜,那我日後要試試帶子刺身,看看會否更為愛上生帶子了?!餐茶補差價換了熱朱古力, 雖然要補$15也算值得的!朱古力有著頗濃郁朱古力香,像牛奶朱古力的質感也很滑溜,只是偏甜一點和口感較單薄;面層還有層打得有點鬆的奶泡和灑上朱古力粉,不是咖啡也當泡沫咖啡般收貨了, 最特別是三杯飲品用上三款不同杯子,每款也很漂亮的。招待我們的應該是位菲籍女仕, 笑容滿臉的又可訓練英語會話,只可惜英語流利的朋友們今日一個也不在場而已! 繼續閱讀
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I woke up pretty late this afternoon around 2pm, I felt extremely hungry and wanted a big late lunch. My boyfriend wanted burger, so we headed Burgeroom for lunch.BR - When we arrived BR, the place was full and packed with people waiting for seating. We thought we could wait at any table we wanted, but then a waiter came over, asked how many people we had, told us we have to wait a bit then left us standing there. We felt extremely lost as we didn't know whether there was a queuing system or not. We waited a bit and left as most people just started their meals and there were several groups before us waiting. BR, may be its time to improve a bit?Anyway we decided to check the restaurants nearby. We went passed this decent looking cafe shop and decided to give it a try. The cafe decor was really nice and cosy. There were bookshelfs holding real books and magazines for customers and little decorations along the wall of the open kitchen. The environment was relaxing and comfortable.The menu book was exquisite too. The menu and drink list were attached in the menu book just like those photo album. Every single book was handmade and thus looked special. As this is a cafe, they provided a wide range of drinks to chose from, yet the food choices were limited. Anyway, the decision was not that hard to make. (Note: the waitress who served us speaks English, I dunno if she could understand canton or not.)1) Spaghetti with Mushroom, Garlic And ChilliMushroom and chilli are kind of my thing, so they are always at the top of the priority list when it comes to ordering. The Spaghetti was fettuccine topped with mushroom, garlics and peppers on a white sauce. The sauce was creamy and rich. It had a strong nice taste of garlic, apparently the garlics were being chopped tiny and fried well. The dish was also slightly spicy, yet the spiciness was not coming from the peppers, the peppers were actually fresh and sweet. The fettuccine was cooked al dente and was very smooth with the creamy sauce. Delicious dish I would say.2) Bake Potato Shell with Bacon and MozzarellaPotato skin is one of my favourite appetizers too. The baked potato skin Cafe Tornado offered had a crispy potato skin and a soft inside. The mozzarella cheese were totally melted on top of the baked potato skins with lots of bacon and onions bits. The potato skin tasted even better with the mayonnaise set at the side of the dish. The side salad was fresh and tasty too. The salad dressing was black vinegar sauce which was rich and smooth. The little baby tomato was fresh, sweet and was baked to give a slightly crispy skin too.3) Ice Banana LatteThis Ice Banana Latte was today's special. I haven't really tried much varieties in coffee before, so I order this. It mainly contained the taste of milk, had a mild taste of coffee and had no banana taste at all. The Latte was actually not bad at all, it just did not have the taste of banana.Generally, the environment of this cafe was very cosy and relaxing. I guess I have found myself a new spot to hang around now.www.cinnamon4coffee.blogspot.com 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2010-06-03
4 瀏覽
天黑黑,好地地落大雨。黎到呢條街,早個月食過阿麥,未食過呢到,又試下啦。前菜個沙律,味道很一般,食左幾啖就放棄了。蒜蓉包用的係生命麵包,甜甜地,很有趣。接住上既係甘荀湯,味淡淡的。主菜係墨魚汁海鮮意粉同埋豬肋骨,意粉用上幼身的,很好吃,海鮮只係墨魚,有點韌。豬肋骨兩大件,有成十條到,抵食。醬汁多,酸甜味適中,食落d肉鬆化,不過乾了點,可以好一點既燒肋骨。餐後咖啡連熱也稱不上,微暖,咖啡味唔算香,一般。服務不錯的,環境小小,人多既時候,有點油煙味,不過不失的小店。 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2010-04-04
10 瀏覽
連平時淨係睇食評但唔打食評既我..都頂唔順其實半年內都去過幾次..但係半年前同半年後個menu都係一模一樣..你唔悶我都悶啦不過淨係講服務都真係唔錯..Waitress細心又常帶微笑..講環境都唔差架..都幾舒服..談下情,傾下計既話..簡直一流但係衰就衰晒係食物上面啦最近食過茄汁鴨胸螺絲粉..同茶餐廳個火腿茄汁湯通粉無分別80幾蚊一個粉俾幾條煙鴨胸人食..平時食開d紅汁都係杰杰地架嘛..佢直情係用番茄湯咁出俾你好似食緊湯粉咁..男朋友食左個和牛..本身舊和牛其實就唔差既不過叫廚師整7成熟變10成熟..幾靚既和牛都無用啦咁既價錢食埋d茶餐廳野..真係無下次 繼續閱讀
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