12:00 - 22:00
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食評 (17)
等級2 2012-11-06
211 瀏覽
Went there for diner.The staff is indeed quite attentive: they want you to enjoy your food and experience.I had a steak with pepper sauce. The meat quality was ok (nothing to write home about), about the same that you would find in a wildfire restaurant and others of that level of quality. It was, however, much better cooked than in those places and therefore tasted better.The sauce wasn't particularly good, however being french my standards and expectations are maybe too high for Hong Kong. The vegetables and potatoes were very good, and most of all the presentation was really great - much better than what you would expect from the place. They get good points there.The decoration and ambiance of the restaurant are quite bland, however I had the impressions that several patrons were regulars.All in all: good food, good quality for the price, extra attention from the staff - definitely recommended. Will go back to try more elaborate dishes. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2011-10-17
107 瀏覽
I always see this place on my bus ride home but never stopped by until recently. Fusion is less "Fusion" and more of a "plethora of choices". Basically all your favorite Asian foods they have in one menu. This is usually a disaster (jack of all trades, master of none...quantity over quality) but I was surprised by a very good Nasi Goreng and a nice pumpkin soup that hit the spot on rainy day. Wife had a steamed fish and veggies that was also good.I'm planning to go back and try more things on menu.Small restaurant, nothing special about the ambiance but food was good and staff were friendly (not just by lowered HK standards) - for example, I wanted to spice up my Nasi Goreng so they brought out both Tobasco and Chinese chilli n oil when I asked for chilli sauce. They seemed like nice people who wanted to make sure my dining experience was pleasant. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2011-01-02
51 瀏覽
2010年12月31日2010年的最後一日, fusion 的晚餐可算是為這一年畫上一個完美的句號。我們大約八點半左右到達, 餐廳卻出乎意料地多人, 幸好剛好有一張兩人檯, 不然我們必然在凜冽寒風中等候, 未食已經凍死。是日只有元旦大餐, $188 一位, 但可以散叫套餐內的食物。由於我食量不大,我和男友只叫了一個套餐($188)和一碟主菜($128)。 南瓜忌廉湯男朋友不喜歡吃南瓜, 卻迷上了這裡甜甜的滑滑的南瓜湯。芝士菠菜焗生蠔這是前菜, 生蠔頗小, 芝士味不夠濃, 惟加入菠菜, 味道不至於單調。燒羊架我很怕吃羊, 就是怕牠的騷味。這裡的羊架還好, 完全不騷, 而且很腍很juicy!咬下去有檸檬汁在口中爆發, 正!鮮三文魚扒大蝦意大利飯大蝦: 從中間被切開, ,釀入蒜蓉烹調, 蝦肉爽口, 味道很好而沒有濃烈的蒜味!鮮三文魚: 看餐牌還以為是生三文魚, 上菜才發現是煮熟的, 也好。至於味道就是沒有什麼特別喇, 還不是一般煮熟的三文魚一樣。意大利飯: 最欣賞廚師用上了鮮菌, 而不是蘑菇, 也沒有白汁很膩人的感覺和味道!雪糕焦糖燉蛋及焗蘋果酥焦糖燉蛋完全不焦, 你看焦糖還是液狀, 像吃普通燉蛋一樣。雪糕是維記雪糕, 是店主的小女孩在旁邊的惠康買來的。蘋果酥(apple crumble)也沒有太大驚喜。$188 可以有其他更好的選擇, 略嫌太貴。但不想因此給個OK 臉, 因為這裡平日一個晚餐都是七八十元左右, 賣相精緻, 西餐水準來說這個價錢的確不差! 溫馨提示:餐廳只收現金。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
細細間,坐得迫D,浪漫之選。$48午餐都有好野揀,上碟似食fine dining,不過就大碟D。OK,個忌念湯就咸左D,main course個番茄龍利意,個汁同意粉都好好味,但係魚多過粉,同埋魚都係偏咸。一大班人叫凍OT,有D就甜得滯,有D就走甜,奇怪。一個好嚴重嘅的問題係個度個抽煙系統,成間鋪都係煙味,食完後成身都係油煙味!人手唔多夠,要比D耐性。總括而言,呢間我會再幫親嘅。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2010-03-20
20 瀏覽
尋晚吃了燒雞伴薯蓉, 意大利海鮮飯. 它的燒雞很嫰滑, 海鮮飯內的海鮮多得很, 還有雜菇在飯內. 食物賣相, 味道和質量都煥美酒店, 但價餞很相宜又沒加一. 飯後再加了朱古力軟心布甸, 很正! 它們的湯和飲品也很ok. 尤其是海鮮湯和凍朱古力. 看見店主兩夫妻很落力, 餐廳內洋溢着一份温暖的人情味. 這餐廳最能令人感到自然和無拘束. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)