全港首創葡國火鍋+燒烤二合一海鮮自助餐, 西餐, 葡國菜
11:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
We live near the restaurant and had basically forgotten about it because it used to be under different management I think that it mainly served meaty or non-veggie dishes. However, a stroll around the neighbourhood one night revealed that it's changed a little bit - it now serves Indian Food and had a nice patio setting facing a piazza where the kids can play and run around while you eat. We ordered vegetarian Indian food items like saag paneer (creamed spinach with indian cheese), vegetable jalfrezi, veggie biryani (a kind of Indian fried rice - we ask for non-spicy), chiappatis and a mango lassi (yogurt drink to ease the spiciness of the food). The food wasn't great but it wasn't terrible either. In the saag paneer, the cheese was a little rubbery but acceptable. All the food was presented in a good way and was appropriate portions. The mango lassi was really good. We also ordered veggie samosas and they were a little heavy on the dough but still crispy and you get 4 of them which is more than enough as half of one is good as an appetizer, eating a whole one can make you a little full. What we liked was the absolutel no waiting time and the waiter and staff were very friendly and accomodating to our two kids who are 2 and 5. They gave them balloons, some toys that they obviously have around to give to customers' kids. If you sit outside to eat or to even have a drink, it's quite pleasant and the kids can run around the adjoining piazza or ride the scooters that the restaurant has on hand.So all in all, no waiting, out of the way from the mainland shoppers, quiet, good service, okay-la food. The price was okay too. We paid HKD300-ish for a family of four. We had 6 dishes and 2 specialty drinks.I would come back again for a no fuss no muss dinner when I don' feel like making my own. Apparently they also have other types of Asian food too, not only Indian. They do not serve breakfast, I asked them.Enjoy!
最近天氣十分寒冷,有時候諗要去邊度食飯真的難早前已經知道在我屋企附近有一間餐廳氣紛環境不錯的.諗左一陣我就出發了但當我去到餐廳的時候,在門口問現在有沒有自助火鍋燒烤?在入口問了一下個男仔,他說沒有自助火鍋了,但還可以安排火鍋燒烤我記得之前有自助火鍋燒烤的,現在已經轉了沒有自助火鍋,當時覺得很可惜但當日十分寒冷同大風,到最後決定入去.之後我坐低後叫左個火鍋+燒烤,在場的waitress 服務到很好食物我覺得還可以的,火鍋料好像一個set一樣,有肉,菜,圓,蝦燒烤食物有牛扒串,豬扒串,雞中翼,秋刀魚,我覺得不錯了,分量還可以的,最起碼不用浪費食物先食到差不多的時候,原來當日有人live 唱歌,之後同朋友一邊慢慢食.一邊聽歌,不錯不錯.到差不多時間,我們的食物也差不多食完了但又好想聽live,之後叫waitress拿meun 想點d 小食也想睇他們轉了meun 有什麼東西食之後我們附近來了一張很多人的枱,起初見他們好像也是叫火鍋+燒烤的見有個好像是老闆的不停在招呼最後他們的食物黎的時候,我呆了why這張枱的火鍋料跟我們不一樣的 一個set的分量也不一樣之後我偷偷問下這張枱其中一人,問他們叫的是什麼火鍋料,是不是有不同的最後得知原來是老闆的朋友!!!?!!!?不過感覺有點不公平最後覺得服務不錯,環境ok同朋友黎飲野食飯到ok的
今次係第一次打食評,因為太鐘意哩間餐廳!本身見到咁多人俾劣評,都冇咩期望,但又覺得試下冇妨就黎左食,好大驚喜!下晝同班朋友喺東涌踩完單車,夜晚就過左黎食飯&慶祝生日。一入到黎個環境都好舒服,氣氛好好。嗌左set dinner蜜汁豬頸肉扒set ($118)有前菜: 湯+ 沙律+蒜蓉包主菜: 蜜汁豬頸肉扒薯菜甜品: 火焰雪山紅酒: 唔係幾識飲酒, 但係飲落好飲過平時果d野食overall 都好食 份量都足夠飽 有水準!之後掛住出去玩就冇影相喇.....因為場內有個台有樂器 個waitress就同我地講可以上台唱歌咁我地就決定上台唱生日歌 因為有個朋友生日然後場內有一班外國人開緊party之類 大家都好high表演者都好好笑 (問左老闆每一日都會有人係度唱歌)成個氣氛好好 仲係度唱歌跳舞 大家都好開心老闆娘話特別吩咐左廚房將我地個甜品整成一個大既火焰雪山蛋糕全場熄燈一齊唱歌慶祝真係好開心 服務好好 好周到之後老闆娘就帶我地參觀下間餐廳 可以用黎開party 用睇得出佢地真係好俾心機想搞番好間餐廳!老闆話之前餐廳有d事, 所以口碑一向都麻麻,而哩幾日就改善當中! 走時我地成班都好開心 仲決定會再去!
雖然上OPENRICE見到D食評差, 但係見佢地D西餐張相都唔錯, 可能各人口味有異唔同啫!一心入到去, 餐廳外面環境確係唔錯, 不過一行到入去....UM.....周圍都好似爛爛地咁.....我地冇諗過食BBQ 所以揀左室內位, 睇左MEUN 有牛柳WOR, 咪諗住試下囉..點知佢答我得雞扒, 豬扒, 牛扒....咁...好啦, 要個西冷牛啦...又冇問我要幾成熟..都有D奇怪架喇..食得西餐當然配紅湯啦, 咁都話冇 再睇埋個牛扒...終於知道點解咩都冇喇....佢只不過係攞BBQ塊超薄牛扒放上鐵板上之嘛..換言之....佢都係攞BBQ任飲的中湯充當餐湯比我地見到D薯菜仲火, 得兩片青瓜+一片蕃茄+少量薯條....這是什麼薯菜呀?? 如果我揀飯/意粉..咁咪即係得一塊牛扒O係個鐵板上面? 唉..真係一肚氣...望住塊所謂牛扒都已經食唔落, 呢個咁嘅不知所謂扒餐, 居然仲敢收我地HK$96囉...我寧願揀去食大X樂嘅鐵板餐, 一定仲好食過呢度.
中秋第二日o既夜晚,我同埋女友同班fan來左呢間店食野,呢間店都幾遠,不過如果d野好食係冇所謂o既,但事實係.......佢呢度話就話係自助燒,但佢d燒o既料唔計海鮮只係得4樣野,少得可憐,加埋海鮮都係得8樣,而且所謂o既海鮮只係花螺,蜆同花甲,你話點會有癮,另外佢地會幫你燒魚,蚌同蝦,但全部限量供應,我地己經好早去,客亦唔多,都係食得一轉......佢地最好食己經係蝦,但d肉唔太新鮮煤煤地,燒魚立魚d肉好勁泥味同草味,好多骨,d貝類超級多沙,我d fan多到要換爐.佢d甜品亦係一絕,d啫喱超韌,就算大力吉落去都食唔到.......佢d小二算有禮,幾好,但佢呢度o既抽風好差,好大煙,好臭,真係唔得,埋單一人$180,真係太貴了!!