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奶油磨菇蛋包飯 朱古力奶油凍 羊架 青口 洋蔥湯 龍蝦沙津
食評 (62)
等級3 2012-11-27
538 瀏覽
Had to wait while the table was being cleared. I had originally planned on the turkey and brie sandwich. The server suggested the turkey and green apple sandwich to me. I accepted the offer hesitantly as I have never had apples as part of a sandwich. Clearly I had my doubts. Pleased to note that the server was right: It was a great sandwich. Many simple flavours inside (some sort of chutney, turkey, apple slices, cheese) combined to make each bite refreshing AND unique. Never the same.. The apple really did help to add a great deal of refreshment. My only disappointment was that the apple was not de-skinned. Still, considering that the sandwich was toasted, it was all the more remarkable that the apple was crisp and light (not heated to the core --as the other ingredients were). The turkey was high quality seasoned (smoked?) breast meat - with little if any fat. Well done there!Then on to dessert: The Vanelle is custard sandwiched between two thick wafers. Unfortunately, a puny, entirely insufficient plastic fork was provided. After getting nowhere with it, I literally took matters into my own hand and ate it, literally, as a sandwich. The vanilla custard was very creamy and very well balanced -- not too sweet or thick. The wafers had a light buttery taste, quite like croissants. The two went well together, but I did regret the absence of a REAL fork. 繼續閱讀
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(非會員) 2012-08-08
124 瀏覽
I have enjoyed going to Agnes B for a break whenever I have shopped at Times Square. I looked forward to the baguette and strawberry tart after shopping non stop for 3 hours. The staff recommended the roast beef baguette as the chicken baguette he said was dry. It was yummy but the real reason I stop at Agnes B is for their fresh delicious pastries. Fresh and delicious no more!!! The strawberries tasted old and the pastry at the base of the tart was soggy. I asked for a refund and the staff refused offering only an exchange. I looked for the freshest cake in the cabinet and decided on the chocolate slice. The chocolate was suppose to be smooth and creamy, it was so dry it crumbled away when I cut. It was powdery and most unappetizing. Needless to say I will not be returning there. So sad, the concept was good, the execution is poor. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2012-01-23
87 瀏覽
一間更貴價的星巴克…除左樓下話有lunch set外…食物單價一件三至六十元,但只是冷藏翻熱的東西…有次太多人,蘆荀雞蛋批翻得不夠熱…突然有種只是冷藏食物的感覺…(汗)算是比星巴克那些好吃吧…但也沒什麼特別咖啡比星巴克穩定多了不過都是貴多 XDmocha,三十幾,幾乎四十元有次買咖啡芝士蛋糕回家吃,細細件幾十元,沒特別,芝士和奶味都沒太大感覺,倒是下面的餅很硬可能期望太高了吧 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-11-23
74 瀏覽
早前用信用卡優惠換了兩套咖啡加蛋糕的套餐,這日已差不多到期,便相約友人一起嘆個下午茶。我要了一杯熱姜汁鮮奶咖啡加一件香蕉合桃蛋糕,而友人就要了熱棒子咖啡和marble cake。我姜汁咖啡很香姜汁味,喝到杯底還有姜蓉,喝得很舒服的一杯熱飲,很適合這個天氣喝。不錯蛋糕很香,做得很濕,除了稍甜外,很好吃。友人也對他的咖啡和蛋糕也滿意。就這樣我們過了一個休閒下午,消費才$20 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2011-08-31
66 瀏覽
行 Time Square 行到累累地, 今次唔去 Starbucks 喇, 去試下 Agnes B 有幾好味?E...原來 Agnes B 既咖啡係 illy 供應架? 諗住試新野既心情, 有少少失望. 好在 illy 咖啡一向都好飲. Waitress 仲好有誠意甘介紹每一款 cake, 好nice~件 Melanie cake 有好重朱古力, 最岩我呢d朱古力怪! 繼續閱讀
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