港鐵香港站 A2 出口, 步行約7分鐘 繼續閱讀
位於香港中環7號天星碼頭頂層的臨海露天酒吧,設計簡約清新,全店以木裝潢 ---- 木地板、木椅、木牆等等,令一室充滿大自然氣息,讓人放鬆心情,悠閒地享受一杯雞尾酒。 Pier 7 Café & Bar 並設有達千呎的露天座位,人客安坐其中可欣賞中環商廈的繁華景致及維港碼頭海景。入夜後,中環商廈亮起燈來,加上一杯紅酒,與三五知己共聚,最是寫意。這裡亦是露天派對的理想地點。 繼續閱讀
午市自助餐供應時間:星期一至五 12:00-14:30
09:00 - 00:00
Visa Master 現金 AE
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (39)
進擊的巨人也有疲倦的一刻,需要找一個小窩。。。 好好靜靜地吃一個午飯。 位於中環碼頭群上蓋的這家餐廳, 正好給了我一個這樣的地方。 由於這裡是食buffet的關係, 而且是 self-service的, 你真的可以一句話 也不用說 ,便吃完一餐飯。沙律bar 的選擇其實不是真的很多, 但各種湯、菜、肉 、意粉, 也足夠填飽我肚子了。我特別喜歡它的南瓜沙律, 混和了香草的南瓜件, 巧妙地把 南瓜的鮮味 帶了出來。 那一抹鹽花的鹹味, 亦起了提鮮的作用, 加上南瓜的飽肚感, 既健康 、又滿足到我的味蕾。看著窗外的美景 ,就讓維多利亞港混濁的海水。。。把大家在工作上的煩惱,也一一沖走吧! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
I ordered a lunch buffet with soup including tea/coffee at a cost of $138 without additional service charge. The mains today was roasted whole salmon fillet with lemon butter corn. They offer different mains on different days. Although there were not many choices, I find this lunch buffet offering good value given the delicious mains, the reasonably ok vegetables and salads, and the proximity to my office in Central.  The salmon was fully cooked outside but not inside so that it was still very tender when I ate it. But please forget the skin of the salmon because the scales had not been fully removed. There were not many choices of the vegetables/salads but were good enough for me to fill my stomach with lots of healthy vegetables. There was also bread and prawn crackers. At a cost of only $138 to keep your stomach full to bear with a whole afternoon of work, what else could you ask for nowadays? Don't expect any service here but it makes sense given the lack of service charge. And it was so full on a normal Wednesday!  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-07-16
4922 瀏覽
今日臨時臨急約咗朋友來中環食飯,所以冇book枱,唯有去啲好少人去嘅地方。諗左一陣,醒起黎 pier 7 cafe n bar 食自助午餐。我一年都會來幾次,因為呢度真係walk in都有位架。不過係中環天星碼頭,未必人人覺得咁就腳。星期一至五,每一日都會有一種唔同的肉食,豬/牛/三文魚,其他主要就係配菜、沙律、意粉、餐湯,包一杯檸檬茶。款式唔多,但係勝在冇乜人, walk in 都有位,而且只係$128。食物水準中等,服務都可以。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-06-25
2946 瀏覽
Having been working in Central for quite a while but just knew this place recently.Located at one of the pier terminals, Pier 7 is not easy for eaters to find. You need to find a less-noticeable stairs to walk up. But when you get into it, you will feel totally different.It is rather spacious that you probabl need not wait even in peak lunch hour. On the one side is tables for meal whereas the other side is buffet food. It serves basic food like soup & bread, salad bar, noodles & rice and one daily special, which was roasted beef at my time. They taste good and staff refill quite fast. However, for me, it was quite rush given that I only have 1 hour lunch time Should find a holiday afternoon to try 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-04-24
3059 瀏覽
好朋友帶我來這裡吃午飯,說這裡食物和環境都不錯。這裡午飯時間很簡單的,沙律吧連餐飲不連湯的話是$128,連湯加$10,再加甜品就多加$10,不設加一服務費。而主菜與其他沙律項目都一樣,是任食的。當天是星期三,主菜是Whole Roasted Salmon 燒三文魚,還好啦。好像除了燒以外,它還加上了一些白汁,我覺得這有點滯,如果沒有醬汁,再燒乾一點就好了。沙律的選擇不算多,質素還可以。跟平常一樣,我比較愛吃的是南瓜沙律,但這裡的椰菜花沙律調味比較出色,我也吃了幾番。如果以午餐的自助沙律吧來說,我覺得蘭桂芳的幾間antipesto地方的午餐價錢相若,雖然要加一,款式較多,比較抵食。但Pier 7環境的確比較靜,談天比較適合,整體來說也不錯的,如果有機會的話下次可試試其他主食。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)