以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
那天花花約了幾位同事去了灣仔的分域碼頭這裡我以前已經留下不小腳毛因為在好幾年前這個碼頭有一間麥記仲係要有室外的,有酒牌的麥記坐在室外,吹著海風,喝著啤酒的確什麼煩惱也煙消雲散大家當年有去過嗎?直到現在...填海也填了一大截了今次的目的地是在這海軍商場的一樓 - Vero Chocolates我是朱古力的超級粉絲由其是Dark 朱古力..,最喜歡 75 - 78% 濃度的90%也嘗試過,但那種質感我不太喜歡Vero 的 memu 裡八成都是圍繞朱古力的看過後..全部雞腸,花花英文有限公司亦沒有心水,先看看出面餅櫃再決定都未遲好....下決定了先叫了 Signature Hot Chocolate 本身很想叫凍飲但心想喜歡濃味的我應該熱的比凍的來得較原味入口是超濃的朱古力,但又不會帶著苦味用它的小茶匙一口一口的喝著..真是人生的一大享受呢~我喝熱的..蝦子餅就喝凍的原以為一定冇咁香濃嘻..又不是啊~杯底的黑色東東,原來也是極香濃的朱古力但蝦子餅就一路飲一路訴說著有點酸味後來從網上得知原來濃度高的朱古力係會帶一點點酸味的真的嗎?這個我也不太清楚呢~當然小不了吃 chotolate cake 啦左邊的同樣是 signature由五層不同質感的朱古力所做成最面的朱古力醬很滑身..很美味呢~右手邊的是Ecuador 73%賣相同 signature 很相同只是加了一點點金薄當然啦..真正識吃的應該會發現兩款應該有點不同但我嗎?....哈哈哈....覺得就是差不多啊~當天,我並沒有先吃晚飯打底只吃了這小小的朱古力已經好夠飽了但當我吃著滿口朱古力同時一點開心感覺也沒有因為.............那一刻花花正在同蝦子餅鬧翻了~ 真是一個不適合的時機................多謝收看
第一次來灣仔Vero Lounge是差不多兩年前,記得那天初嚐這裡濃稠甘醇的熱朱古力,配上小巧精緻的鬆餅及幼滑香甜的朱古力,輕鬆的喝著說著,還收到了驚喜,令人懷念的下午。然而時光不再,店子現在也要搬了,七月一日就是最後營業的日子,碰著回歸紀念日,晚上在維港有煙花匯演,Vero Lounge也辦了最後一個活動Farewell Fireworks Party,我也來熱鬧一番。早了點來到,坐到第一次來時的座位,夕陽西下,天色漸漸昏暗,心裡不其然有點黯然慨嘆。很快Party也要開始,多款朱古力整齊的排列著,有白色的White Mint、Ginger、Sherry、Hazelnut Cocoz。 還有兩款Caramel dark chocolate,綠色的是Rosemary,而紅色的Chili。 另有多款朱古力甜點,如朱古力慕斯蛋糕、朱古力紅桑莓撻、迷你朱古力泡芙等等,所有款式其實也已經嚐過,但這是迷你版,份量大概是原裝版的三份一左右,全也是師傅即場製造,新鮮好吃。當中最愛吃是朱古力慕斯蛋糕 ,慕斯口感幼滑細膩,跟著下層軟綿的蛋糕入口,輕柔香甜。除了朱古力,還有Pizzeria Pubblico供應的薄餅,也試了Pubblico Pizza,配料是Mozzarella及Ricotta Cheese。烘熱後,芝士味道夠香濃,挺好吃。晚上八時,大家也湧到窗旁看煙花,在對出的維港海上發放,天空綻放色彩璀璨的煙花圖案,光芒萬丈,牽動了大家的情緒,氣氛更熱鬧。眼前的煙花閃亮過後,也離開了,心情有點不捨,難免對這裡有點懷念,但期待著新的Vero Lounge會再來。
Vero chocolate既位置都真係算難搵,一黎位置已算唔太方便,係演藝學院對面,二黎係搵到個位都唔知係邊,原來要行上一條小小既樓梯先到,係頭去,如果係灣仔中心地帶行到黎呢度都已經身水身汗入到去環境同外面都幾唔同,入面環境幾優雅,仲有幾個好特別既朱古力擺設,有一個半開放式既餅房,坐既係一張張既圓枱。好適合靜靜既享受一個下午,出面既風景亦很優美點左最出名既熱朱古力,同一條朱古力榛子條兩樣野既外表都真係無批評,靚到好似藝術品特別係杯熱朱古力(Signature Dark Chocolate 70%),面有一層微溶既朱古力,上面有vero字樣既花紋,呢杯熱朱古力真係熱+朱古力,真係好似飲緊一杯用溶左朱古力整既,係我飲過濃度最高既朱古力熱飲,但最唔鐘意既係呢杯熱飲帶微酸,飲落差少少朱古力榛子條(Chuao Caramel):好食係算幾ok,但索價太高,唔係好值,講緊係六十蚊,就算五星酒店賣既都係講緊四十幾蚊咋喎店員服務都幾殷勤,成日都湛水總括黎講,呢度環境很寫意,熱朱古力很特別,但食物甜品就一般,索價略高,但可以一試
Could not believe in my eyes when I received the email that Vero would bid farewell to farewell to Fenwick Pier. Originally I thought there would not be a slim chance for me to say goodbye to this lovely lounge, but fate has once played a part that here I was, with two of my favorite persons, spending an enjoyable afternoon right after the storm.Maybe they were preparing to depart from the lounge, lots of lovely chocolate decorations were gone already, boxes took half of the venue so only 3-4 tables were still available. Glad we were still able to secure the last table. Since we were pretty familiar with what was offered on the menu, we decided to make it a chocolate tasting afternoon.The three of us ordered Hot Chocolate 70%. It was as good as ever, so rich in texture, and so satisfying to the palette that the aroma still lingered after every tiny sip. I did not want to finish up the small cup in one go that I just had a spoonful from time to time. It was such a luxury to sit in tranquillity, drinking Vero's hot chocolate while enjoying sunset at the harbor.The drink just marked the start of our chocolate journey. We ordered both pastry and chocolate selection to pamper our tummy and we picked Chocolate Raspberry Tart. It was made with 70% dark chocolate ganache, raspberry paste in between and pralined crust. Loved this cake! The strong raspberry taste was an awesome complement with the rich dark chocolate that it made the cake less filling while the crunchy pralines were like sprinkly touch up for a heavenly piece!Then we moved onto a Chocolate Selection of 5 which you could pick 5 flavors out of the 8 offered. We picked Golden Hazelnut, Orange Grissini, Lemon Drop, Noccioline Bark and Yoghurt Cluster.Golden Hazelnut was definitely my favorite out of the 5! Loved thick crispy layer of dark chocolate coat with roasted Hazelnuts inside! My second favorite went to Noccioline Bark, which was actually another twist of roasted Hazelnut chocolate, but they came in a chocolate bar shape. Loved the combination of rich chocolate with crunchy whole hazelnut. The third would go to Orange Grissini. Have I always been a fan of orange dark chocolates, so there would not be any chance that I missed it out if it was offered on the menu. In this version of Orange Chocolates, sugar coated orange peels were laid of thin and dark chocolate bars. I could feel taste the refreshing sweetness in orange, but I found the sugary coating a little too sweet for my liking. I preferred orange zest to be infused in the chocolates. Then we had Lemon Drops. Loved the refreshing scent of lemon dark chocolate, but would rather have the top part of white chocolate removed. Last of all, we had Yoghurt Cluster. I tried a bite only, since I was not a huge fan of white chocolates, glad there were raisins or dried berries inside to neutralize the sweetness. Though I am a all-time fan of chocolates, I am 100% biased towards dark chocolates, with a perfect blend of bitterness and sweetness.One of the contributing factors to Vero's success was that eating is not only about putting the food into your mouth, chewing and swallowing it, it is about the whole journey, the experience which makes it complete. I have always loved Vero's white interior design that faces the Harbor (even though there were lots of constructions going on outside). It gives you a place to breathe in the city while relishing awesome chocolates. A little sad to say goodbye to Vero lounge, I did ask the staff if there were plans to move the lounge to another venue, but it seemed like there weren't any concrete plans yet. Thanks to Vero for all the lovely memories and encounters I have had all along the years. So fingers crossed, I wish fate would kick in some time in the near future and that's when Vero and I meet again.
對這餐廳的第一個感覺是: 很難找啊...而抵達後竟然意外發現環境很寧靜,這可是星期天呢!很快與朋友們齊選擇好自己的心水朱古力飲品.我喜歡傳統的, 所以點選了普通的熱朱古力 :寧靜的環境, 令人感覺寫意.飲品到後,朱古力散出薄荷味...原來飲品來錯了..不過很快侍應便把薄荷朱古力換回普通朱古力..呵呵, 朱古力味很重,而且質感很"傑", 感覺彷彿在吃溶掉了的朱古力.過了一會, 我忘了什麼原因, 侍應拿了一些甜品給我們, 免費的.賣相很漂亮, 味道卻忘了.雖然這裡地點有些難找, 可是它的熱朱古力真的值得一試.