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喺magazine 見過介紹終於有機會試吓!! D 裝修餐具真係特別,坐住toilet 食. 不過就坐得不太舒服...食物方面就正正常常,不太差不太好,不過不失咁la... 不過都冇expect 太多, 志在enjoy the decoration and environment. 因為食物冇乜特別,應該唔會常幫襯,但係如果有朋友黎HK, 都一定會帶佢地黎見識吓!!
今日1:00, 3個人去到,,好多位,,所以完全唔等位我地3個叫左套餐,,有餐湯,2塊蒜蓉包,main course,任食沙律,任食甜品,雪糕我叫左牛奶鍋,,好好味,,好有牛奶味, 個鍋有肥牛,金菇,芝士腸,魚蛋,芝心丸,生菜,玉米,豆腐肥牛多脂肪,少肉..唔係太好..其他都好好食友人叫了芝士焗豬排飯,,勁多芝士,,D芝士可以拉到好長,,友人話好味,,不過好大碗,,,友人食唔曬.另一個係日式叉燒牛奶烏冬,,D牛奶味仲重過牛奶火鍋....友人話好味我地仲叫左一個小食,,恐龍蛋...裏面有菜 & 肉....味道一般..本來睇落去以為好大粒,,點知唔係沙律一碗碗拎,,好一般....雪糕有幾款,,朱古力,香芋,咖啡,雲尼拿,抺茶...咖啡冇試,雲尼拿好甜,,其他幾好味蛋糕有6款,,香橙朱古力,泡沬咖啡,芒果mousse,雲石芝士蛋糕,朱古力蛋糕,lemon cheese cake最好味係雲石芝士蛋糕 & 香橙朱古力蛋糕service 方面,,有個女待應態度唔係幾好,,落完單又唔話我地知可以自己出去拎沙律同甜品,, 其他待應都OK. 個餐唔包飲品,,D waiter 都成日加水.價錢方便有D唔抵,,平均每人$110 ,, 中午呢個價錢唔平.會再去,,不過係好耐之後
Read the reviews on open rice before venturing to the restaurant and so I was prepared for the sub quality food. The novelty of the restaurants presentation wares off pretty fast and you will begin to take notice of the poor service and bland tasting food. Waiters should respect and address customers concerns rather than question them and doubt them. The soup was less than warm and the main dishes (although beautifully presented in a toilet bowl) were near tasteless. I was recommended in having the curry chicken but the curry tasted like it had been watered down. The size of the dessert surprised us but nonetheless, not as appetizing as it seemed on the menu.All in all, you won't be missing anything if you skip this restaurant.
This was my second time visting this place and strangely enough, I felt more amused.Many might say that eating in the 'toilet' is not appetising, but to me it just gets better evertime xD.The food was better than before, (maybe because there was not as much people?) but the service is still the same, they just 'can't' see you As frustrating as they can't see you, that meanst that you can stay and chat for longer . Ice cream was good, makes me laugh and say my joke everytime i eat it (have u ever tried eating poop?)I guess if you want to try it, you can. Just don't expect a restaraunt to be perfect in everything. In other words, they can't have everything. I wouldn't say the price is to their advantage
初時見到d食評都唔係咁好, 但又想d小朋友開心下, 所以算啦, 照去, 心諗好唔好都係一次. 但食過後又唔係咁差呀, 我諗我重會有下次添.我地分別叫咗3個套餐, 每個餐大約$90, 但都算豐富, 因除主菜外, 重有餐湯, 沙律, 蛋糕及雪糕, 除主菜及餐湯外, 沙律, 蛋糕及雪糕都係任叫任食, 而且味道都幾好, 所以覺得好抵食. 蛋糕分別有3款芝士餅, 1款朱古力及1款卷蛋, 都幾好味, 而雪糕亦有好幾款口味, 分別係竽頭, 咖啡, 綠茶及雲尼拿, 都好好味.侍應的服務只屬一般, 但要讚一位我相信是supervisor的肥姐姐, 佢的態度非常好, 事由如下 :原本我地order 咗一份漢堡, 但由於品質太差, 我們要求更換菜式, 原本我的老公想轉無錫排骨麵, 但我話見過網上食評話唔好, 所以我建議食鮮奶叉燒烏冬. 點知肥姐姐一聽我咁講, 即刻話唔想我地被誤導, 她除咗幫我地改單外, 重免費送咗一客無錫排骨給我們, 試後又確實好"林"好入味, 一d都唔係食評所講的好硬.總括而言, 都係值得一試的餐廳