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多利蘿瑪排骨之家30年來的招牌菜一直是嫩肋排。這一切開始於1972年北邁阿密時,東尼開了第一間店舖,並以嫩肋排作為招牌菜。但東尼.羅馬的故事時至今日仍未結束。新鮮脆口的沙津,,令人垂涎的炭火燒牛排和美味海鮮共同創造出多利蘿瑪排骨之家的菜單,使每位客人能夠愉快用餐。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 23:30
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香焗脆糖蘋果 香辣雞肉沙律 原汁燒烤雞 原味嫩肋排 繁星開胃組合
食評 (159)
等級4 2012-03-23
1657 瀏覽
團購餐: 熱賣全球:以 $289 於Tony Roma's享受2人晚餐,可享頭盤、餐湯、嫩肋排,飲品及更有原汁燒春雞、西冷扒等美食任擇 (價值 $578)!只能於星期一至四吃,地點在銅鑼灣時代廣場食通天。餐廳將於四月結束營業,原因是原本在地下的戲院會搬上來,此店在openrice食評不錯,讓我們滿有期待。餐廳蠻有空間感,但比較causal的感覺。頭盤是繁星開胃組合(半份),有炸芝士條,薯片和燒雞,配有酸醬、沙律醬和蕃茄醬,這一盤合格吧。餐湯是忌廉湯,有濃度,但沒什麼料,味道一般。麵包沒什麼特別啊,只是自製的牛油球比較有誠意。原味嫩肋排 (半份),有一半烤得太焦,吃落有明顯燶味,對身體也不健康,失敗!燒條幾脆,新鮮炸。椰菜撈沙律水感覺有點嘔心。西冷扒五成熟,切落去見到肉的確是粉紅色的,但口感、味道、肉質也不怎麼樣,不夠軟嫩多汁,可能西冷本來就如此吧,但這樣的價錢我會期望更好吃。伴菜的粟米,說真的,只是KFC貨色,完全不出色。平日晚上,都幾乎全場滿,我們限一小時半吃完離場,而侍應的動作都好像很催趕客人離去似的,美國菜,始終不太是我杯茶,太多炸物、肉類,高脂高卡路里,令人很飽滯,而我個人覺得這裡的菜式都平平無奇,最失望的是鎮店之寶原味嫩肋排都烤得太焦了,真不知為何會有這麼多人光顧,還是快結業水準下降了? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
友人買了團購卷去開餐, 反正飯也要開的, 應約。 店內燈光昏黃, 而且坐得舒服, 很適合情侶燭光晚餐。交了團購卷給店員後, 不足五分鐘先來前菜和湯, 之後一齊湧上枱 好快已經成枱食物, 唯有速戰速決 繁星組合 (半份): 唔知點解起呢個咁”娘”既中文名, 其內容就是炸雞亦, 炸芝士條, 焗薯皮等, 最讚是炸雞亦因為欣賞那酸甜重口味的醬汁, 肉質也鬆滑。炸芝士條唔熱, 所以芝士已凝固, 不會出現如廣告般吐絲情境。焗薯皮: 正常 而隨碟付上的三個醬汁, 我還是獨愛蕃茄醬的甜酸感覺。 南瓜湯: 奶油下了太多, 湯也甜得過份 。 原味嫩肋骨(半份) : 燒汁包裹著整條肉排, 火喉控制得宜, 肉嫩而且骨脆, 唔錯。伴菜的酸椰菜出水太多太濕, 西蘭花則脆夾爽口, 多點蔬菜的配搭比較健康。 主菜: 白汁雞肉意大利麵: 上枱時溫度只是半熱, 忌廉汁亦已凝固 後來要求再重新加熱, 再上枱時已另一境像, 濃郁的奶油香配上有點點over cooked 的意大利麵, 但雞肉, 磨菇和菠菜的份量豐富得令人滿足無比。 凍檸茶 : Cool down 晒 , 爽 ~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-03-06
418 瀏覽
I saw a coupon on a newspaper which offers a $100 coupon for spending a certain amount at this place. Meanwhile, it was about to be my friend's birthday, so we've decided to have the birthday dinner for my friend at this place. I've made a prior booking a few days before the day having dinner. There were not many people that night, it's a weekday and kind of early after all.We got a table with sofa seats, which is very comfortable. The setting of the restaurant is kind of bright, and the light reflects beautiful colours onto the glasses on the wall. The colorful walls were indeed a charming scene, but I still prefer a dimer lighting to boost the dining ambience. Anyway, starting with the food, we were first served with bread rolls. Warm fluffy bread rolls are always a pleasure, but they got a bonus here for serving a really tasty herbed butter. The taste of it was fabulous.For starters, we picked the Onion Loaf. This dish actually reminded me much of that of Outback's, yet this one gives a pretty different and refreshing sensation. We merely ordered half but it was surprisingly a pretty huge dish already. The onion itself, originally, was very sweet and fresh, when dipped into their BBQ mayo sauce, this is definitely one appetizing and alluring dish. It was indeed a stunning dish. Having such a fantastic dish with just $42 is totally worth the value.Another starter that we ordered was the Shrimp Stuffed Portobello Mushroom. I have always loved the strong flavor of portobello mushrooms. It always goes well with various stuffing. The stuffing was indeed savory. It claimed that the stuffing included shrimp, spinach, artichokes, feta cheese, onion, tangy Italian cheese and golden bread crumbs. However, I would like to pick on that the shrimps they used were merely frozen ones, lacking the freshness taste of it.Moving on, as this place's famous for its ribs, of course we won't forget to order one. We ordered half slab of the St. Louis-Style Ribs - Carolina Honeys. It is served along with french fries and cole slaw. The ribs are indeed very nice. It's so juicy and flavorful, but it wasn't particularly meaty, just moderate I'll say. The french fries were fried not too oily and have a bit of crisp.Last but not least, we had Chicken Tuscany Pasta. The pasta was actually linguini. It was not slurpy, but it hasn't reached the level of al dente yet as well. I enjoyed the very rich tomato sauce a lot, a good tomato pasta sauce is always very appetizing to me. One thing I particularly liked about is the Tuscany chicken. I think the chicken was of a very Tuscan style, with somewhat a bit roughness in its texture. The kind of roughness of raw and unpolished feeling of the chicken meat, which I consider as an authentic cooking.The food was pretty enjoyable, and it was even better with a shot of alcohol. I wasn't expecting that they have such a wide range of alcohol and liquors available. I spotted Baileys, one of my favorite liquors, and ordered one. I can't tell what went wrong with it, but the sweetness of the Baileys was somehow missing and turned out tasted a bit like medicine. I'll just say that's my bad luck. Looking through the drinks menu, actually there're lots of other attractive choices, such as their Signature Romaritas and cocktails, I guess I'd try those if I get to visit again next time.In overall it was quite a fairly pleasurable experience to dine here. It's a great place to hold a little dinner gathering here as it has quite a casual theme and setting. If you're seeking for somewhere with better ambience, I wouldn't quite recommend this place as it's lighting is very bright. Nevertheless I still liked their casualness and simpleness of this place. It's indeed one nice place after all. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-03-06
244 瀏覽
雜菜湯= 味道一般, 太油麵包= 暖烘烘, 可refill, ok!頭盤 = 有鷄奕, 薯皮, 炸魚條 魚條味道一般, 好似雪蔵, 沒有味 鷄奕, 薯皮ok!主菜 1 = 豬肋骨+配菜(粟米)+沙侓主菜2=很多選擇, 有牛肋骨, 燒雞, 雞意粉, 蝦意粉, 西冷牛, 沙侓.....等 我選了西冷牛 有8安士+薯條, 原價要$218, 現在團購已包 味道很juicy, 不難切開.最後有coffee or tea2人食好飽好滿足沒有因為團購, 食物質素及分量下跌, 十分抵讚.服務都好好. order 了食物想轉其他, 沒有黑面, 立即跟進環境- 安排卡位, 十分舒適, 地方寛敞 如有團購,一定會再來 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2012-02-29
237 瀏覽
因為LV的介入, UA Times Square要急急腳咁讓位, 咁UA Times Square走去邊度好? 原來將會升上食通天嘅12及13樓, 就係咁喺食通天12及13樓嘅食肆就要各安天命啦~就好似Tony Roma's 咁, 到而家還未找到合適地點再營業呵~講番今日, 我就有張生日月份可用的主菜買一送一優惠券, 今日係last day所以特登走嚟銅鑼灣食咗佢菲籍女侍應生好勤力咁不斷為我們refill兩份主菜都是一樣款式的, 都是Ribs Combo, 半份Ribs再配Steak。 我這份是Blue Ridge Smokies Ribs, 有點兒煙燻香氣, Ribs的外面燒得硬但原來肉質軟滑; 那塊Steak是rare, 腍腍的嫩滑, 充滿牛肉味也沒帶根, 吃完頓覺温暖, 牛肉好補身呵~ 中間那杯仔是紅酒肉汁, 紫紅色的吸引原來送那份主菜也要收加一 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)