港鐵土瓜灣站C出口, 步行約1分鐘 繼續閱讀
所有分店 (3)
09:00 - 00:00
09:00 - 00:00
現金 八達通
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食評 (96)
等級4 2024-03-24
698 瀏覽
七喜不知不覺已經開了四間分店, 港九也有, 來到這裏基本上不用擔心, 從藍領最喜歡的小菜, 蒸魚及碟頭飯, 去到老人家喜歡的粥品, 再到我最喜歡的港式粉麵也有提供. 點了牛肉牛柏葉撈麵, 麵夠乾身揈水夠, 鹼水味不會太濃, 沒有口苦感, 牛肉和牛柏葉表現恰如其份, 份量也夠, 味道簡單直接, 就是辣椒豉油來調味, 作為功能性的午餐來說, 沒有什麼好要求的.Seven Joy has unknowingly opened four branches, including in Hong Kong and Kowloon. When you come here, there’s basically nothing to worry about. They offer a variety of dishes, from the small dishes that blue-collar workers love, such as steamed fish and plate rice, to porridge that the elderly enjoy, and even Hong Kong-style noodles that I personally love. I ordered the Beef and Beef Tripe Lo Mein. The noodles were dry enough and the water was just right. The alkaline flavor was not too strong, and there was no bitter taste. The beef and beef tripe were cooked perfectly, and the portion was sufficient. The taste was simple and straightforward, seasoned with chili and soy sauce. As a functional lunch option, there‘s nothing much to ask for. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-02-14
800 瀏覽
早前經過呢間舖,呢一日決定去呢間舖食午餐,去緬懷以往在灣仔店吃過的味道。這家店的座位比灣仔的更少,但相同的是依舊很多人,雖然它不是位於主要街道上。這家店,我以往最喜歡吃的是及第粥及炸鯪魚球,而最有特色的是爽滑魚皮。記得當年吃的及第粥是廿蚊,炸鯪魚球及爽滑魚皮依稀記得是跟及第粥差不多價錢,但時至今日,及第粥已升價至四十蚊一碗,而炸鯪魚球及爽滑魚皮則同樣升至五十二蚊一客,在如今荷包大縮水情況下,只能魚如熊掌,選了最想試的及第粥而放棄其餘兩樣美食。粥上來,循例拍照後,先試豬膶,呢間店做得比較老,唔夠滑,粉腸及豬肚還可以,而且份量還算充足,要數到最甩色嘅,一定係以往灣仔店最好食嘅豬肉丸,呢間店舖嘅size唔單只比灣仔店細,而且仲只係得一粒,同當年灣仔店比,相距甚遠。當然,或者依家搬咗位置嘅灣仔店水準同樣下降亦未定。睇返佢哋嘅餐牌,似乎午餐仲吸引,$56有餸有飯,仲有油菜或例湯,下次會試下,但及第粥就免啦! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-08-15
1082 瀏覽
今日去咗土瓜灣呢一邊同朋友喺室內體育館打波,打完波之後成班就決定喺附近搵啲嘢食,就揀咗呢一間海鮮大排檔嘅餐廳,我哋幾個人打完波都唔食得太多嘢,決定要幾樣嘢大家share!其中最令我哋驚喜嘅係佢嘅蟹粥,蟹肉非常鮮味,而且份量嚟講都算幾多,我同朋友一開始以為係都幾細碗,唔知一嚟到嘅時候真係呆咗,我哋四個人食都夠,而且隻蟹都非常靚,餐廳係用新鮮嘅花蟹,咁啱我哋嗰隻仲要係重皮,正,啲膏非常香,有機會會再返嚟呢一間餐廳食佢其他唔同嘅海鮮!用餐經驗都非常之愉快,nice! 繼續閱讀
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If you're looking for a unique and local Chinese dining experience in Hong Kong, look no further than 七喜粥麵小廚!I recently had the pleasure of trying some of their incredible dishes, including the Goose Intestine Black Omasum, which was so tender and flavorful. The Crispy Fried fish dace balls were also amazing - the light and crispy batter paired perfectly with the tender and flavorful fish inside.But the real star of the show was the Fresh Smooth Fish Skin - a dish that might sound intimidating, but was actually incredibly delicious! The rich and savory flavor was out of this world, and I appreciated the opportunity to try something truly unique.The service at 七喜粥麵小廚 was also fantastic - the staff was friendly and attentive, and the cozy atmosphere made for a truly enjoyable dining experience.If you are looking to try something new and exciting. Trust me, you won't be disappointed! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2023-05-14
685 瀏覽
七喜除咗湯麵好食之餘有部份小菜都真係好唔錯每次去食都必要嘅一個菜式蒜蓉蒸開邊蝦加多粉絲粉絲入晒香蒜味濃郁好食開邊蝦蒸到啱啱好喂要留意嘅係睇吓果日好唔好彩啲蝦大唔大隻我試過去食啲蝦,好似營養不良咁但係總括嚟講佢嘅配搭份量都非常好食 繼續閱讀
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