10:00 - 00:30
10:00 - 02:30
10:00 - 04:30
10:00 - 20:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Bought the coupon from group buying website so I give it a try for a light lunch, knowing crepe for lunch is going to be quite light..Arrived and the young waitress introduced to me what I can order using the coupon, pretty good attitude of treating customer using a coupon I ordered cheese+ham+cheese sauce crepe + cuppocino (can't believe I can order that using the coupon!!) and my wife ordered bacon+egg+cheese sauce + Hawaii bottle water.Waited for about 10mins and the food arrived, the crepe size were ok but the color of the two quite different....one is still yellow but the other is completely brown.....this show the QC level of the food....taste was good, all ingredients are right for the amount but as other comments, they were freshly made but not hot enough...just warm...but the coffee was extremely hot!!! Before careful!! It's still very hot even after 10 mins..Overall the quality and portion is ok, for a light lunch, but the set original cost $58...for this price is really hard to justify paying full...of course quite good for using the coupon cost $29...
26-9-2010本來想試試蘭桂芳附近的新拉麵店, 但去到發覺佢同大部分中環食店一樣, 星期日唔開門 (唉, 俾 Openrice 專頁的「星期一至日」呃咗, 真失策!), 上上落落最後入了呢間 crepe 店. 2 人叫了一人一鹹食, 另 share 小食及甜 crepe 各一, 整體印象認真麻麻:-主食叫了 savoury 的 "create your own crepe" (又名 C-Y-O-C; $58), toppings 揀了 smoked ham, sauteed spinach 及 scrambled egg (加 $10), 醬汁就要了 honey mustard... crepe 皮做得軟熟鬆泡, 帶點蛋香, 幾好食; 不過 toppings 就幾 hea, smoked ham 唔 smoked 又好嚡, scrambled egg 似煎多過 "scrambled" 又過晒火, 腍身 sauteed spinach 就直程「發黑」, 味道似「鹽水烚」多過 "sauteed", 令人諗起「英國留學食物」(即係點: http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=1909575); honey mustard 份量就好少, 味道亦唔香唔甜又唔 mustard, 真箇嗚呼哀哉. 唔難食的一份 crepe, 但好食就一定唔係, 有點掃興的.試了少少朋友的 sausage sourdough toast ($58)... 第一次食 sourdough 麵包, 烘得好脆, 麥味香濃, 亦真的帶少少酸 Sausage 就帶少少黑椒味及香脆, 都幾好食.小食叫了 Simpli Best Fries ($38) 配 house cheese sauce ($10)... 原來係勁粗的連皮 potato wedges, 但食落好乾又「一口粉」, 薯味亦離奇哋唔香, 加上外皮唔鬆脆, 乜咁似頹焗的超級市場的 oven chips? 而 house cheese sauce 就係旁邊一 pat 份量好少, 好稀, 食落又無味的淡黃色嘢, 咁樣要加 $10 猶如倒錢落海, 絕不推介. 朋友亦叫了杯 iced chocolate ($32), 試了少少覺得好甜, 好 watery, 朱古力味亦假, 乜連茶記「凍朱」都不如呀. 甜 crepe 叫了 banana & milk chocolate ($38)... crepe 皮較 savoury crepe 的薄, 但唔夠熱 (即做都唔夠熱!?) 又較乾, 亦無 savoury crepe 皮的蛋香; 餡料的 "chocolate" 就原來係 Lindt chocolate bar 搣到一粒粒, 味道的確 "Lindt" (i.e. 好甜又好假...), 不過最噁心絕對係質地, 溶又溶唔晒, gooey 到呢 ; 可幸香蕉正正常常. 諗住香蕉 + 朱古力呢個配搭會較穩陣, 點知咁都 lai 嘢, 都幾 xyz. 每人埋單 $122, 比灣仔嗰間 crepe 店 (http://www.openrice.com/restaurant/commentdetail.htm?commentid=2110138) 平少少, 但食物差人 19 幾條街, 無興趣再來了.
在食評多次提到,簡單有很多時候的確是最好的.有變化當然是好,但連基本的也搞不好,怎變也好不了多少.所以簡單為本也真是重要.那當然要做得簡單又做得好又keep到是不容易的.中環開了間名為’Simplicity’的法式薄餅店,是在灣仔La Creperie之前開的.店子地點很不錯,內在環境光猛,但坐的位置不多,Bar枱位置反而比較舒服. 開放式的廚房雖可以看到薄餅(Crepes)的製作過程,但抽風系統不是太理想,人多的時候小店裡是挺熱的.說到sweet crepes, 其實有個set, $58有一款甜薄餅加咖啡或茶.款式可在menu上選擇.是日想對自己好一點,要另加錢要了雪糕和Cappuccino. 至於款式則要了"Apple and Almond"內有煮過的蘋果,焦糖,甜奶油和微微烤過的杏仁片.上桌的時候時幾surprise的.一塊大而薄的甜薄餅摺疊兩下成了三角,不像日式甜薄餅的淺黃色.質感亦較挺身.雖然是現叫現做的,但薄餅的餘溫竟然不足以令雪糕球溶化.香草雪糕是比較甜了點,餅身是少少脆,圓形邊比較乾身.餡料不多,蘋果經煮過後變軟身,帶一點肉桂香,甜味本身很輕,少量焦糖加上甜奶油也不覺甜膩,反而覺得杏仁不夠脆身.整體加上雪糕一冷一熱還是可以的.隨餐的Cappuccino奶泡打得不夠滑,是有點'求其’,咖啡本身味道不很濃.加了熱奶更加淡了.但想起做薄餅和沖咖啡的是同一人,在'一腳踢'的時候做到這個水準也算ok,來這裡的時候La Creperie還沒有開業. 但這裡薄餅的質感是有點’實’,而甜的跟鹹的也沒有太大的分別.款式也太多了,反而忽略了薄餅本身的質素. 要吃點好的,還是會去灣仔那處..
Some friends and I went to this place after dinner..I ordered the most expensive sweet crepe they offer "The Ultimate Heaven" HK$70 and it was absolutely NOT heavenly. The filling as fruit compote, as well as oreos amongst other things...and the flavor combo was terrible! The oreo chunks which were not crisp nor tender made it even worse. I should have gone for something simple, and take note that the place's name "simplicity" My friend ordered dark chocolate crepe topped with ice cream and it was nice....or perhaps...Simplicity should change its "Ultimate heaven" or remove it from the menu?http://mochachocolatarita.blogspot.com