2382 6639
老闆兼本地甜點界名人Tony Wong有30年製作糕點經驗,其出品有如藝術品,名物玫瑰花蛋糕及巨型紅鑽石蛋糕深得女士喜愛。 繼續閱讀
最優秀九龍城開飯熱店 (2011-2015), 最優秀開飯甜品店 (2012-13)
11:00 - 21:00
泊車 詳細介紹
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食評 (445)
等級1 2020-12-21
1977 瀏覽
終於來到餅店!入到去見到好靚好有聖誕氣氛,就帶咗聖誕蛋糕杯🧁回家😋之後見到聖誕曲奇餅,好可愛,非常靚,由於攞住太多嘢,冇買到,之後過多幾天來,想再次光顧,可惜已經賣晒了,真係好失望😞⋯⋯如果可以的話講明日期內限量幾多盒發售,非常之可惜😭 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-12-20
5321 瀏覽
每次有什麼特別喜慶場合,例如家人或朋友生日,第一時間要預訂蛋糕或且要立即買個蛋糕慶祝,都必定會去tony wony,佢呢度既蛋糕隨左款式靚,蛋糕材料質素仲好足料,呢款係我最鐘意,佢既朱古力濃厚味道,係配合得好好味,鐘意食朱古力既我,完全係無法抗拒,即使係家人或朋友,都特別喜歡呢款蛋糕,其實佢仲有好多款式好特別,唯獨是呢個濃濃厚厚的朱古力蛋糕就係我同身邊所有人既至❤️款式✌️✌️蛋糕咬落囗有質感,味道不會太甜,朱古力濃厚,但又不會覺得滯和溜,食一啖就愛上左Tony wong既蛋糕🍰🎂🧁了❤️🧡 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2016-02-02
11420 瀏覽
The shop has just moved across the street -- bigger and very empty (maybe there'll be tables and chairs later?? I'm not sure). This time, I ordered the earl grey tea cake from Tony Wong for my wife's birthday. We tried their Green Tea Opera and were totally impressed. Thus, we have high hopes for One Two Tea. Well, in terms of presentation, I prefer the minimalistic sleekness of the picture shown on the website. The two white chocolate butterflies look like they're from an elementary school craft class -- kinda childish and not too elegant. Very much like the decoration you'd get from lower-end cake shop such as St Honore or Maxim's (of much lower price range, of course). On the up side, the vertical side of the cake has fine three dimensional quilted pattern like a Chanel handbag. I suppose such elegant connotations should never be juxtaposed with childish colourful butterflies. In terms of taste, it was a let-down. True, the Earl Grey is there, robustly. But the mousse cake lacks dimensions in terms of mouthfeel. The so-called custard is very much mousse-like with too much gelatine. A fatal mistake is the patisser couldn't even keep the orange sponge (which is totally devoid of any orange flavour) parallel to all mousse and custard layers. It kind of warpped at the centre and this ruined the surprise after cutting the cake. Onto a side note, the patisser couldn't even keep the cake at the centre of the cake circle (i.e. the gold foil paper beneath the cake). How can I blame him for messing up the perfect layers inside the cake??Well, I'll still come back, but I'll just stick to chocolate truffle, green tea opera and napoleon. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-11-12
10222 瀏覽
If one's has a sweet tooth and craving for quality cakes in Hong Kong, you can check out this shop. This shop seems to specialize in puff pastry layered with crème pâtissière (aka custard) in various flavours such as chocolate, raspberry, strawberry, mango, etc. I bought a piece of chocolate truffle cake for take-away. Thing will never goes wrong when it comes to chocolate. Mousse doesn't seems to be common in Hong Kong and this makes no exception with a generous layer of chocolate cake topped with chocolate mousse and dark chocolate glaze. It is light on the palate and surprisingly refreshing. Moreover, it has rich chocolate coating with chocolate truffles in it. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-10-25
9270 瀏覽
無花果撻($460)雖然司令試過幾次尼間既蛋糕,亦都有中過伏,但一見到無花果,又忍唔住買左。個撻望落去鋪滿曬無花果,擺得好令好吸引,一開始司令以為入面會係蛋糕咁樣。但切出尼,個撻底係果仁層,咬落好香,然後係cream,唔會太厚,配埋下面既果仁同上面既無花果真係好好食。不過定價四百幾司令都係覺得太高啦,值唔值真係見人見智。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)