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沙鍋蟹 帕爾馬火腿配甜瓜 馬介休球 軟心巧克力蛋糕 葡萄牙燒烤烤排骨 燒烤豬肋骨
食評 (34)
(非會員) 2012-05-23
2248 瀏覽
What can I say about this place?? I loved it, never knew hong kong had such a place. Of course everyone knows about those portuguese restaurants over in Macao. I've been to those places, I always come out feeling likea tourist. I did not share that feeling here. I was invited by a group of FDs, one of them got a promotion of some sort. (not important). Here's what we had, White wine clams, a must. Pepper Prawns, a little on the spicy sideBacalhau Balls , THE BEST I've ever had, and trust me I've had quite a few. Portuguese Ham and Cheese plate. Nice addition to meal, but not really the star. Spicy chicken, this too was on the spicy side, ( for me at least, but for spice lovers out there, order it.) Roast Pig, a little bit on the expensive side, but worth a try. I had a Portuguese Soda, which was good too, they have a few flavors. Lastly, the environment is pretty good, but the table next to us was a little too loud. The staff were knowledgeable and helpful enough, may lack a little enthusiasm. Overall, we/I had a nice time, will stop by again. 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2012-04-30
977 瀏覽
生日飯局, 家人問我今年想吃什麼, 由於四月頭在此葡國餐廳午膳, 發覺該餐廳食水準絕不會被澳門的葡國餐廳比下去, 而且環境清靜, 於是提早訂座及訂了One Quarter烤豬, 希望家人可在香港品嚐有水準的葡國餐晚上七時正, 我們到達Nino's, 場內環境幽暗, 每枱也點著蠟燭增添了柔和的氣氛; 我們最先點了數款小食, 有葡國腸、馬介休球、Sauteed Octopus等, 再加上自製的麵飽(可Refill的), 吃過美味的前菜後, 主菜未上前已被開了胃口了葡國腸咸香十足, 馬介休球的鮮味及辣魷魚的香辣味都十分出色, 由於葡國餐味道偏咸, 我們點了一瓶Sangria紅酒來解一解, 調好的Sangria味道香甜容易入口, 瓶內的果肉也不少, 配合以上小食來品嚐效果一流主菜先來葡國燒豬, 皮薄香脆, 豬肉味香濃及嫩滑, 果然係皇牌之作;再來的是胡椒蝦, 侍應先用瓦煲將內裏盛滿的胡椒粒及鮮蝦攪勻, 然後倒出放在碟上, 由於蝦很新鮮, 蝦肉非常容易從蝦殼弄出來, 而香濃的胡椒味早已滲入鮮蝦裏, 加上蝦肉爽嫩, 此菜乃全晚最滿意之選;接著是馬介休抄椰菜, 馬介休的咸香配上甘甜的椰菜, 又是一個很好的配搭;再來的是鴨飯, 當進食時鴨香味可感受出來的, 加上鴨飯焗的時間剛剛好, 食落不會太乾, 而飯面再加上幾片葡國腸, 也能帶出鴨飯的味道出來;最後多點了非洲雞, 非洲雞味道頗帶中東風情, 味重及不乾身的, 雞肉亦滑嫩由於四月頭已光顧了一次該餐廳, 今次再嚐肯定了其水準之高及食物水準隱定, 期望再次品嚐其餘的菜式 繼續閱讀
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I've always been a fan of Portuguese cuisine. Unfortunately, there aren't that many in Hong Kong. Two colleagues of mine were also interested in discovering more Portuguese restaurants in Hong Kong so we decided to try it out. We made a booking so we did not need to wait for a table. It seemed pretty popular so booking is recommended.Since we have smokers, we took the balcony seats. There were about 5 dining tables and 1 bar table outside. It's nice and quiet and we liked the atmosphere. We've been informed that tables are usually available from Mondays to Thursdays.The manager immediately offered to reserve a quarter of a suckling pig for us, to which we agreed.The wine selections were pretty limited and were, if I recall, only from Portugal. The price range is set between HK$350 to HK$800 which I think is a bit expensive for Portuguese wine. We ordered a bottle of "Quinta Das Tecedeiras 2008" (HK$480). We could drink it off the bottle pretty much immediately. It's strong bodied and fruity.Since it's very dark outside, I couldn't take a single decent photo of the food served so I gave up the idea eventually. Anyway, these were what we've ordered:A bread basket: seemed popular with my colleagues. Nothing spectacular but I remembered the bread was quite soft. Bacalhau Cakes x 4: It's about the size of a potato wedge each. It's delicious and had a lot of minced bacalhau inside - HK$88. White wine clams: The clams were all pretty fresh. Each of us had about 8-9 clams - not a lot for HK$168. Spicy Chicken (aka African Chicken): I remembered we ordered half a chicken. It's milder than the usual African Chicken but it tasted just as complex and the chicken was pretty tender. Baked duck rice: This seemed popular amongst customers. There were pieces of chorizo on top of the rice and shredded ducks inside the rice. I was told that the stock used for making the rice was duck soup. It sounded quite mouthwatering but I find it a bit dry actually and couldn't really taste the flavour of the duck - HK$128. Tomato cabbage: Despite the rather bland name of the dish, it tasted refreshingly good. It consisted of freshly chopped cabbages broiled in a tomato stock and served with tomato chunks. Good with the rice and the suckling pig - HK$82. Suckling pig: This was the best dish of the night. The skin was very crispy but the meat was still very thick and tender. This is as good as, if not better than, most Portuguese restaurants in Macau. I'm happy with the quality and I think was worth the price - HK$360.Regarding the service, the manager was quite helpful in explaining the different dishes. The waiters looked very serious and had no smile though. The service was on the whole, OK.With a bottle of water, $79, the bill comes down to $1,660 plus 10% service charge. All in all, the suckling pig brought this restaurant up to good on my scale. The rest of the dishes were a bit pricy, however, if you are really into Portuguese style suckling pigs but don't want to travel to Macau, this place is worth a visit. 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2012-02-16
217 瀏覽
One of my dad's favourite restaurants, so we come here quite often.The food is always good--suckling pig, clams in white wine sauce, black pepper prawns, oxtail stew are some of the dishes we've tried.Also like the desserts--the coconut tart and apple tart are yummy, and tried the pear in port sauce the other day which was good and not too sweet.The maitre D does look a bit fierce, but she'll come over for a chat and she's actually very friendly. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2011-10-02
130 瀏覽
差不多年半沒有去Nino’s了, 原來已搬到QRE, 是朋友的生日, 我特別訂了乳豬和鴨飯, 他們的招牌菜. 星期四晚, 餐廳客人非常的少, 真是驚人!相比以前在船街, 小店總是擠迫的, 要outdoor坐. 現在是因為星期四, 還是老客不知道搬店的原故, 不曉得.餐廳是兩層的, 還有露台. 如果天氣涼一些, 外面坐應該很不錯.當晚我們點了很多食物, Spanish ham 當然非常出色, 配芝士和橄欖. 我深愛的燒乳豬來了, 皮是脆脆的, 但肉身味道太淡, 平平無其, 失敗!!!! 其實我們都是為了它而來, 所以太失望了! 鴨飯味道也很平淡, 沒有驚喜. 海鮮煲價錢相當貴, 但因為portion太大, 我們剩下非常多, 好彩有朋友take away.Shangria ok 不會太多酒味, 也不會太甜.我還是覺得他們的水準差了, 是chef不一樣嗎, 但價錢又漲了不少 繼續閱讀
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