2808 1608
10:30 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Had previously walked past this cake shop and was attracted to the colorful cakes, so when there was an offer to try the cupcakes at half price, I ordered half a dozen cupcakes for the family to enjoy as a tea-time snack over the weekend. When I went to collect the order, the service at the shop was not as friendly as when I called to place the order a few days earlier.I ordered 4 flavors of cupcakes - Chocolate Crunch, Hazelnut Caffe, Chocolate Hazelnut, and Rose & Lychee; but only tried the first 2 myself.The cake itself tended to be a little dense, so tasted a little dry on its own. Fortunately, the dollop of buttercream atop the cupcake with some "filling" inside the cake itself were a nice balance, moistening the cake as one ate it. The chocolate crunch cupcake was quite rich but not too sweet, with chocolate buttercream atop chocolate cake. Inside the cupcake was a little chocolate ganache with chocolate crispy balls, creating a nice textural difference. The hazelnut caffe cupcake had a fairly strong coffee flavor without being cloyingly sweet, but I could not taste the hazelnut as indicated by its name. I liked the taste of the cake, but with just the buttercream alone to moisten the cupcake, the cake still tended to be a little dry.I did not try the chocolate hazelnut or rose & lychee cupcakes, but my family members who did, shared that:1) the rose & lychee cupcake was too sweet with no rose flavor; and2) the hazelnut flavor was undetectable in the chocolate hazelnut cupcake.The cake box that the cupcakes were packed in was thin and flimsy. I asked for a bag to put the box of cakes in as the box was a little warped and could not be sealed properly, but was told that I had to pay for the bag. It was a little disappointing that given the cost of their cakes, the shop could not provide better packaging or a bag as most places would.In summary, I enjoyed the cupcakes that I tried, but at the original price, would think about whether to buy it again, especially with the wide selection of cupcake shops available nowadays.
今天全日都在銅鑼灣, 人又多車又多, 超累~走著走著不知不覺走到了近柏寧酒店附近. 嘩~那個商場原來開了很多新店, 自從搬了去九龍成為九龍人, 真的很少逛銅鑼灣了, 不逛真的不知道~那裡還開了間蛋糕店呀!! 門口還放了個TOY STORY主題的超級大蛋糕!!!啊?? 原來除了大蛋糕, 他們還有賣幾款小小的CUPCAKE~款式其實很簡單, 幾乎都是一樣的, 只是味道不一樣~CUPCAKE上面的小牌子都是以TOY STORY做主題, 款款也不一樣來吸引小朋友~我買了一款巴斯光年小牌子, 巧克力脆果做內涵的CUPCAKE小CUPCAKE份量其實真的很小, 上面的巧克力忌廉是比較硬實的那種, 近似奶油吧~有點膩~ 底層是比雪芳蛋糕硬實一點點的巧克力蛋糕, 味道濃郁,內裡有一顆巧克力脆果. 其實味道是OK, 不過要廿多元一小杯實在有點不值. 還好上面的小牌子, 原來是一只塑膠的戒指! 可以讓小朋友吃完清洗乾淨戴上去玩的~很好的主意呀~
在現場見到個蛋糕demo. 完全同實物係兩樣嘢, 當我返到屋企打開個盒, 認真望清楚, 簡直仲差過剛剛學整蛋糕既人, 之後打去問既時候, 態度不但唔好之餘仲話DEMO.只供參考, 所以我對呢間嘢已經無晒信心, 只有失望, 我畀其他朋友睇完都嚇了一跳...。
我於一個月前親自到銅鑼灣門市訂蛋糕給囡囡生日會用, 當時職員表示, 如果要早上取蛋糕, 要到柴灣工場, 單據上亦注明9:30到柴灣取.當日去到柴灣的工埸, 由9:30一值等到10:15都無人, 電話亦無人接聽........囡囡的生日會10:30開始, 12:30結束, 一個沒有生曰蛋糕的生日會. 職員事後沒有任何解釋, 只冷冷道:"我哋會退返錢比你!"這樣不守信的店舖, 蛋糕做得再漂亮也沒用!
上星期試左胡廸, 今次試巴斯光年就知邊個好食, 下個星期既生日會用邊個好啦, 今次去到, 以為佢十一點會開門…點知成十二點先開門…攪到我要四圍行等…行得街…就一定買野…無啦啦又洗左7百幾蚊買埋D無聊野!今次去到, 小姐依然好有耐性同我討論要咩配搭好, 最後因為下個星期既生日會會有小朋友, 所以咖啡味係選擇以外既…今次簡左原味配紅莓餡料, 3日後先有得囉…但個CAKE就朱古力好食好多..蛋糕決定左啦...^^蛋糕終於到手啦…唔…胡廸靚好多…巴斯係就咁放個膠公仔係上面嫁咋…^.^個蛋糕就無上次咁好食, 我諗都係朱古力味贏左!好難決定用邊個公仔……所以….下次先決定囉…