+853 88862169
米芝蓮兩星及黑珍珠兩鑽的行政總廚Riccardo La Perna的帶領下,以細膩獨到的手法,把世界各地最優質食材發揮得淋漓盡致,呈現正宗的意大利美食,同時更增添純正地中海及西西里風味料理 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2016-25)
12:00 - 00:00
12:00 - 00:00
*午餐:中午12時至下午2時30分 晚餐:下午6時至晚上10時30分 酒吧:下午6時至晚上12時
Visa Master 支付寶 現金 AE 銀聯 JCB 微信支付 MACAU Pass, MPay
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
"Aveyron" 羊肉 香煎挪威海螯蝦 手工自製意大利寬麵 檸檬喜悅
食評 (17)
等級2 2023-04-16
2578 瀏覽
We need 2 to 4 weeks booking in advance if we wish to dine at 8 1/2 Otto Mezzo Bombana in Hong Kong, but not in Macau (by luck) during this Easter holiday.Chef Riccardo specially made a 5 courses vegetarian menu for us which was amazingly delicious! From the gorgeous presentation of each dish to gustatory delights! The garden salad seems like a simple plate of appetiser yet by using fresh ingredients and adding salt, lemon and olive oil, we could taste "Spring" on each bite, simply mesmerising. This is most probably the best tomato salad we've ever tasted so far. Chef also brilliantly turned a morel mushroom dish into a savory meaty work of art.Thank you Chef Ricardo for taking our taste buds on a wonderful journey! And thank you to excellent customer service team! 👏👏👏Marino the GM who welcome each guest like his own house guest, Nancy Wang the restaurant manager who has so much energy! She seems to really love her profession and Gérard our man of the evening, he's very knowledgeable in guiding us through the journey though our foods were not on the menu. We hope we could come back again soon! 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-11-04
3893 瀏覽
其實一直都好想係香港食呢間餐廳所以就諗橫掂係澳門唔知食咩所以就book左呢間餐廳😂😂😂😂😂張單同menu都唔記得影🙈所以我會形容個碟餸係咩泥🙈呢個係餐廳送嘅餐前小吃前菜係生牛肉卷香煎小形龍蝦尾呢個意粉完全做到 al dente 意粉入面條芯半熟狀態所以個口感同平時食開嘅唔同 呢個係一個海鮮味好重嘅意粉呢個都係意粉但係用左第二種sauce 佢嘅黑松露味好重食完好滿足☺️呢個都係香煎龍蝦尾但係呢個啲肉大啲同埋鮮嫩一啲呢個係煎和牛個牛我無記錯係澳洲嘅去到最後佢比左個青瓜雪巴,呢個雪巴係勁fresh,解左岩岩個和牛嘅油膩感去到最後其實佢會有甜品但係我地掛住食唔記得左影🙈🙈🙈🙈整體泥講呢餐係好食嘅同埋服務都好好 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-05-24
4021 瀏覽
在澳門享用Fine dining 性價比非常高,數百元一位就已經享用到米芝連1-2星的高級餐廳。這次就Target on 在香港是三星,澳門是二星的意式料理8 1/2 Otto e Mezzo Bombana.我們分別選了main course / pasta 作重點菜式。歡迎小食方面,芝士條、紫菜脆餅都香脆不油膩;巴馬火腿伴蜜瓜是最佳拍檔,清甜與鹹肉兩相平衡;迷你撻帶蝦肉等等十分可口。其實麵包質素感覺很優,挑橄欖油就像挑酒一樣的講究,可是本身愛好較綿綿麵包配牛油,這種橄欖油配硬麵包不是我的菜😂前菜方面點了松露溫泉蛋,松露一大一大片好足料,可是配搭蘑菇汁和溫泉蛋的整體口感不太順滑,而且偏鹹,可能是用來沾剛才提到的麵包🤫Pasta 是一種曲曲像螺絲釘的,並且搭配海膽,口感太堅實,但感覺很新鮮。Main course 則是和牛,肉質嫩滑,牛味縈繞舌尖,烹煮滿到位。甜點方面是香草榛子醬卷,甜而不膩,層次豐富,的確很有驚喜(P.S. 壽星免費寫朱古力牌)午餐最後當然是茶啡熱飲,但除此之外還送你茶點,很有質感~兩人用餐連加一服務費,每人只需$600左右,餐點豐富得體,環境優雅,服務周到,在香港吃上過千一都未必有⋯ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-02-23
2847 瀏覽
一行七人到這裡午餐,可以因為人多的關係,所以早幾天按餐廳要求付了 $2000 訂金。Cocktail 叫了 Apple Mint Cooler ,淡淡青蘋果夾著點薄荷香,好清新。首先來了餐前小食及麵包籃,麵包微暖又鬆軟,跟著是煎帶子,生熟剛好,皇帝蟹意粉,意粉帶點麵包香,主菜是和牛五成熟,煎得外脆但內裡肉質入口即溶,十分出色,甜品是榛子卷,榛子味濃。最後來了杯 expresso double ,香濃淳口,奉送小甜點的檸檬小餅好清新、士多啤梨白朱古力撻也不賴。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2018-12-31
2043 瀏覽
Came here for new year eve dinner. Surprisingly, you can walk in THE famous Bombana restaurant. Set menu as expected. The crab starter was way too creamy with the crab over cooked with no freshness at all. The scampi was big, actually, huge, which made us feel that it got water infused...no memory on the agnolotti while the prawn pasta was a total disaster. The prawn was way too big and not fresh at all (similar to the scampi). Isn’t the prawn head sauce supposed to be the best for the entire pasta? Sorry, cannot taste at all. Did the chef really put the prawn head into the sauce? The fish was a total disappoint as well while the beef was okay - well, it was Australian beef and hard to be wrong with it and a braised short rib. The service was even more disappointing. People here are arrogant and not helpful at all. Did not finish most of the dishes, not because we were full, but because the dishes were disappointing. Raised the concerns to them with no response from the kitchen or chef - aren’t they supposed to come to at least listen? The best part of the dinner...olive oil... 繼續閱讀
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