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食評 (13)
等級2 2016-07-12
1189 瀏覽
琴晚屋企冇煮飯,一家人去左清涼廚房食晚飯。呢度既環境幾特別,有一個兒童玩煮飯仔既地方紅燒乳鴿乳鴿既外皮脆卜卜,肉質厚實。雖然size比較細,但以10蚊一隻既價錢黎講,絕對係好抵食。銀芽肉絲炒韮菜芽菜,肉絲,韮菜都炒得好爽口,但係味道偏咸。蝦乾炒白菜蝦醬味好濃,白菜亦夠嫩。但是味道同樣偏咸。送飯食是不錯的,空口食未必得這裡的食物價錢大眾化,但味道偏咸,如果廚師可以調節食物味道就更好。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-04-18
1189 瀏覽
這間店是由綠悠軒的早期經營至今,雖然我一直都知道它的存在,但是卻從未到這裏用膳。今天與家人吃晚飯便到這裡嘗一嘗。 發現這裏的店舖面積十分大,還有兒童專用區,不知道平日會不會辦一些煮食工作坊呢 廚房亦十分整潔,客人可以清楚看見廚房內的煮食情況這天點了晚市三寶 注意: 這個餐沒有包白飯及湯價錢不算便宜魚香炒雙瓜將蒜粒炒香再加入矮瓜聖瓜 這道菜十分有鑊氣,聖瓜吃起來有青青的味道用鼓椒蒸龍䠢魚不是太滑,有嚼口 由於沒有白飯的關係,我們加了一碟炒飯炒飯啖啖都具有月餅內蛋黃的味道, 材料普通,只有聖瓜炒成簡簡單單,吃起來挺好吃的炸子雞,份量不多皮脆肉滑,建議可以嘗試最後還有蜜糖豆炒龍躉豆吃起來沒有青青的味道,不過不失 整體來說,餐廳的食物還可以,但價錢偏貴 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-04-03
788 瀏覽
少有到新界區的我,吃了一頓與別不同的晚餐,菜色新穎有特色,的確驚喜!前菜黎講先點了宮庭蘿蔔,賣相已很有心思,而味道亦沒令人失望,蘿蔔很入味,味道復雜得要以百感交集來形容,初時睇色水還以為會好咸添!第二道菜,是虎皮尖椒,呢道菜,水準一般,略嫌油泡得太過久。主角當然係冰鎮咕嚕肉啦!造型已經爆,大堆頭刨冰上枱,扒開面頭的就是晶瑩剔透又滲出橙色的咕嚕肉了!可能係煮完即時冰鎮的關系,吃落口是比平時的脆一點,真的驚喜!味道亦不裕喔甜甜酸酸,非常醒胃。脆皮雞,賣相似是白切雞但是一道涼盆,如它的名子一相,雞皮很爽脆沒有肥膩感,配埋芝麻醬、清瓜、粉皮和雞絲,絕對是清新,亦適合一些懶吐骨的人食呀!麥皮蝦,齋睇名子已經怪怪的上碟已經不吸引,但是吃落又是另一個驚喜,甜甜脆脆的麥皮包着熱騰騰又軟又彈的蝦球,好食!脆炸立方豆腐,外層夠脆皮並皮薄,抵讚,內裏的豆腐非常嫩滑,而且做得好的更是華鹽份量的控制,不會太咸,點埋喼汁來食,一流!呢碟五蔬.....配搭是很新穎的,但味道就一般,可能有點太清,而又沒有一款是主菜的關系,下次可不點。胡椒蟹,味道很正斗,胡椒味得出色,吃落很辣很野味,蟹夠大隻多厚肉,味道好夾,辣得好爽。最後一味也是驚喜之作,芥末牛肋骨,睇佢樣子一堆黑色醬料,很肉酸,吃落前所未有的軟熟,牛肉很有肉味好香,做得非常好,配上芥末味道的蔬菜,味覺完全受到前所未有的衝激,而肉香仍然一陣陣的從口中散出來,好好味呀!連同行冇牙食牛肉的老人家也食到話好! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-08-21
1019 瀏覽
Fanling is a new territory for me. The restaurant was not easy to find in a quiet corner of a quiet mall in a huge residential complex. When we got there, it was indeed quite cool They had 10 most popular dim sum and 10 most popular dishes displayed. We went for mostly dishes from the top 10. The Crystal Chicken was no. 1 and it was firm and slightly crispy if you can imagine that in a nice way. Slightly salted with clear cellophane noodles underneathSweet and Sour Pork was buried in a mountain of ice, another top 10 dish. The pork was tender but some pieces were still warm, some were cold on the outside. Tasty but did not need the ice. Lee House Restaurant in Wanchai does this dish much better with the pork all crispy and icy cold on the outside. However, it was a bit of funSingapore Pepper Crab was spicy. Delicious but most of the gang could not take so much heat. More for me but wonder how local Hong Kongers can take it. It was much more spicy than versions in Singapore and it came with a dish of chilli sauce  too  Prawns in Cereal is another Singaporean dish. The prawns were first deep fried in batter and the cereal sprinkled on. Nice but again unlike the original Singapore version where the cereal is stuck onto the prawns. But never mind, my friend liked it so much she asked the waiter to pack the cereal to take homeBraised beef on the Bone was another top 10 and also one of my favourites that evening. Beef was soft and tasty and sauce was peppery and deliciousWe ordered 2 vegetarian dishes. One was Sweet Potato leaves in black bean sauce and the other was Steam Eggplant with Preserved vegetables. Always a great combination. I loved bothBy now, most of us were full after a most wonderful plate of Fried Noodles in Soy Sauce with squid tentacles. It was one of the best I have had. But our teenager friend was not full and he ordered 3 more dishes, Steamed bean curd with Scallops in Black Bean Sauce, Prawns in Thousand Island Sauce and Water Cooked Fish which is a Sichuan dish of fresh water fish slices cooked in water flavoured with many spices and chillis. I tried one slice of fish which was not as chilli as it normally be, so most of us could try and like itWe had a really enjoyable evening with interesting and mostly delicious food. The restaurant had a very diverse menu with lots of choices from different cuisines. Would be happy to come back if in the area again 繼續閱讀
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咸菜豬肚雞, 味道好一般古法白鱔, 又係煮得好普通 (有落咸菜炒, D咸菜真係一D味都冇)沙嗲牛肉炒菜, (沙嗲牛肉堅無沙嗲味)鮑汁雞腳 (大家一致食到係鹵水雞腳)冰鎮咕嚕肉 (個賣相就好勁, 又唔凍又唔熱....... 係得個裝飾靚.... 大冰)海皇豆腐煲, 攞到嚟都唔熱 (開放式廚房, 我地坐最近廚房張枱..... 都唔熱)班球湯烏冬, 煮淋少少會好D囉, 唉~order左個大例湯又漏單最好係果半斤梅酒 $168/半斤, 要埋個樽就另加$50ps: 以上是5大1小食既野, 真係求其食完即刻走......影完第一張相, 都唔想影, 所以得一張. 繼續閱讀
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