港鐵西營盤站 A1 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
94682172 (WhatsApp)
創辦人兼主廚Vicky Lau曾於巴黎藍帶廚藝學院深造, 2015年獲選為凱歌香檳亞洲最佳女廚師。餐廳供應法式及亞洲創意料理,並主張以食物來說故事,每一道菜都充滿個人風格。 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2018-20), 米芝蓮二星餐廳 (2021-24)
17:30 - 00:00
12:00 - 15:00
17:30 - 00:00
Visa Master AlipayHK 現金 AE 銀聯
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以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (67)
I have heard about this restaurant and for their fusion dishes and finally got the chance to try it.Pay attention to their entrance as it is easy to miss especially at night.Their first dish, featuring century egg, was a stunner already. Instead of using just egg, you get the distrinctive aroma of their choice of centruy egg and being elevated with crab and the osmanthus jelly. Definitely a great start.For their butter, it has fermebted bean curd which further reminds of their fusion flavors.The mild flavors of the langoustine contrasted with the caviar and the salad, where they added ginger, which is quite commonly used for seafood in Chinese dishes. Preparing the sauce as 3 components and creating such a colorful presentation shows how much work they prepared for it.This dish uses 2 different mushrooms though I have to say the aroma of their mushroom soup overshadowed it, leavning me wanting more soup.Who could have guessed garlic and scallops could be combined together into a saovry souffle. They did just that while retaining the fluffy texure of souffle.They were able to combine the fish and olive in 2 ways one by fire roasting with the sauce and another wrapping it with olive leaves as a ballotine. Loved both of them but the ballotine was definitely more interesting.I chose the venison as it is not that common and  I was curious to try the strawberry sauce. The venison was surprisinlty tender despite its lack of fat and the berry infused bean sauce made it even more appetizing.Even the sorbert for refreshing the palate was beautifully presented and despite the melon, it tasted closer to salad/vegetables, which allowed us to appreciated the subsequent dessert more.The dessert was a beautiful combination of chestnut with soymilk cream, maintaining its fusion nature.In the end, my petit four became a petit eight(I know... four doesn't mean 4). I got to try each of one and my favorite was their berry tart. The presetnation was stunning and it definitely fit the name of Lotus Pond Temptation. Definitely pricey but worth trying. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2025-01-25
734 瀏覽
好耐之前係呢度食過飯,之後因為menu唔啱冇再嚟,最近改咗而又係聖誕節兼朋友生日,所以揀選呢度食生日飯🥳FESTIVE LUNCH MENU 1,180pp另加 $498 Ode to TeaExclusive Tea Pairing provided by Being & Tea 存在與茶好窩心,有個生日嘅welcome sheet,上面印埋生日嗰個人嘅名,同埋生日賓客開胃前菜左邊係尤魚、右邊係鴨肝醬😋I. ODE TO CENTURY EGGCentury Egg Mimosa with Alaskan King Craband Delicate Osmanthus Jelly好豐富嘅蟹肉,配合蛋香,仲有咁靚靚嘅花花,真係又好睇又好食😋Ancient Tree White Tea古樹白茶 (冷)II. ODE TO ABALONEBraised Fresh Abalone in Umami Essence withPearl Barley and Lemongrass Foam將鮑魚切片,再將珍珠貝切碎、配上薏米+香茅泡泡,幾特別嘅組合。Xi Niu Tang Raw Pu-er 2013犀牛塘普洱生茶 (室溫)III. ODE TO MUSHROOMShiitake Mushroom tenderly braised with Earthy Mushroom Ragout and Black Truffle Sticky Rice好似漢堡包咁嘅樣,原來係菇層層疊包住糯米飯,旁邊嗰舊嘢都唔知係乜,有啲唔係好夾,我哋大家都覺得怪怪地🤭Wu Yuan Jian Rou Gui 2021悟源澗肉桂(熱)IV. ODE TO DUCKRoasted Beijing Duck with Five Spice, Hibiscus Strawberry and Plum Compote accompanied with Duck Wonton北京填鴨,又做得幾脆皮😋仲有個鴨肉雲吞個雲吞都幾飽滿Shi Zi Feng Bai Ji Guan 2023獅子峰白鷄冠(室溫)配甜品嘅茶V. ODE TO CHESTNUTSoy Pastry Cream with Chestnut Mousse, Soy Rice Ice Cream and Confit Chestnut甜品用咗當造嘅栗子 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-10-27
2251 瀏覽
這是我第一次試這間餐廳。我個人覺得食5course應該好滿足了,但試7course好像開心點。我沒有食完sourdough 。我個人覺得最好食是菇的那道菜,還有那湯是十分推介的。請預留充足的時間,我是星期五晚,應該滿座了,吃了起過3小時。不好意思,我看以前的食評,以為會用Hermes 食具。以我觀察,應該不是,不好意思,我沒有翻轉碟去確認。這餐的開始是一杯清味蕾的紫蘇水。開胃菜份量也不少,中間那塊好像是潤腸做的,我覺得太膩。第一道菜:蛋當中有皮蛋,魚子和蟹,十分和諧和鮮第二道菜:龍蝦個人十分鍾愛龍蝦,這次也沒有令我失望第三道菜:菇最推介,你以為是伴碟,原來可以食用。那塊像蝦片的叫青蛙皮,脆脆的,香口也鮮。第四道菜:帶子疏乎厘,沒有帶子。醬汁才是帶子第五道菜:欖菜魚ok,沒有太大驚喜第六道菜:乳鴿還是傳統烤的好吃,蒸的乳鴿怪怪的大紅袍雪糕,好好味!我承認我對甜品沒有免疫力。第七道菜:無花果甜品好漂亮,讓你打咭。最後還有甜品車讓你慢慢挑!總結,會推介,但你要預備充足時間應該可以選擇廣東話或英文解釋菜式 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-02-04
4987 瀏覽
去咗間嘅餐廳,食咗個由頭笑到尾嘅午餐,真係食得開心過癮!每一樣菜都好似打小人咁,一啖一啖都歡樂。從頭盤嘅雞尾酒,混合咗獨特嘅豉油風味,一開始都覺得怪怪哋,但飲多幾啖後,真係有種不得了嘅發現。😮菜式之中,最出彩嘅一定係魚,魚身燒到剛剛好,滑嫩得嚟唔單止,配上嘅豉油汁又提升咗整體味道,食落去真係令人回味無窮。同朋友嘅個桂魚比較起嚟,雖然唔同款,但都有驚喜,記憶猶新。而家講下嗰個Puff Pastry with Apple Caramel,淨係睇落已經鬼靚,食落去更加係口感與味道嘅完美結合,酥脆嘅外皮包住濃郁嘅忌廉,再加上微咸嘅焦糖豉油,簡直食到一個天昏地暗!只可惜,個湛江雞就未夠哂嚙度,有啲過於平平無奇,似乎失咗色。哦,唔好唔提,份外整件事都好靚,用上Hermès嘅餐具,真係提升咗整體嘅享受感。總之,食呢餐,食得過癮,又食出咗新意境,真係食到心滿意足!🍴👌🎉 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-01-05
4758 瀏覽
老饕我又黎喇,剛去咗一間號稱咁勁嘅餐廳!噚日嗰碗海膽粥呀,軟滑得嚟帶子味道得嚟鮮,海膽鮮甜滋味滿分!不過呢,我係嗌熱粥嘅粉絲,佢嘅凍感稍咪過吓。至於另一道泰式味道嘅Crispy Rice with Steamed Cod Fish,外皮餅脆魚肉滑,味道幾正點,清新得嚟唔失水準。🐟嚟講下哈嘿,講真我覺得“暗然銷魂飯”有啲夸張,叉燒risotto上頭啲叉燒實在係少少跩,味道同質地都一般。驚喜呢,系個Steamed Rice Roll with Shrimp配龍蝦汁a,創意十足!醬汁啱晒口,不過嗰蝦要再過關啦。🍤 隔離嘅Brioche仲唔洗講,頂!腐乳牛油撈埋嘅話,你嘆息聲都會停。Dessert嗰邊,Sake Soufflé食落輕盈,伴侶嗰啲米味雪糕真系心水。環境,餐牌,都正!可惜佢哋D服務質素,同菜單介紹似乎未夠熱烈同用心,頗有點hea。呢度比起LEGIT啲嘅餐廳,有房間可進步。不過話咁容易,下次仲會唔會黎?得閒陰天就未必啦。🤔 繼續閱讀
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