2366 5784
營業時間:12nn-10:30pm\r\n收費:Visa/Master/AE ,設加一
11:00 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
it was the second time we visited this place. The first time was last saturday, we were so eager to have the hotpot (lamb-beijing style loudly advertised on its external neon sign) that we walked up the time tunnel up the stairs back to 1966. it is not a big shop,cosy, with an almost retro fitting of a dining room where my parents used to took the whole family out for a weekend dinner.The client are mainly foreigners - westerners and a lot of japanese.The hotpot we ordered was exceptionally well prepared. We had a twin pot with clear soup and ma-chilli on each side, We tried the lamb, dumplings and chilled tofu. The raw materials are all well sliced, nicely prepared and we have no complain on anything except they wont let us use the copper pot (remember those with a chimmney in the middle?) already stored away in the glass display cabinet. Actually the glass display cabinet, with all the tiny gadgets (tiny wine glasses, photos with celebrities, wines half emptied with a name tag of s/o) are so romantically Hong Kong in its 70s-80s, when there were a lot more such kind of Beijing-shanghai-sichuan mixed style restaurants on the street with its low price tag and welcome-all-kind of style. That nite we also washed down a few bottles of Tsing Tao merrily.Hence the second visit. This time we wanted to sample typical simple beijing food = fried noodle + dumplings + wok stir fired lamb. It was less of an impressive cooking of slightly blanded taste and color. The place was also much quieter on the weekdays with a stillness you can feel in the air. I have absolutely no complain on the food, they were all thankfully consumed. It was really one of the unique dining experiences in TST, though food is not superb, but it is a rarity with a certain quality / aura that we should all cherish.
猶記得朋友介紹到仙宮樓飯店, 我已被他的懷舊外部裝修吸引。因香港霓虹燈招牌越來越少...唉, 這對遊客而言是很討好的。到樓上,地方不大, 但檯布, 地板均乾淨。侍應先奉茶,再介紹套餐, 4個人食剛好。酸辣湯, 葱爆牛肉, 等都有水準當中套餐必備片皮鴨, 此處的鴨片不是熱的,很多人不慣,但我則覺得可以接受。而其配菜如葱段,青瓜絲,薄餅以至醬料均交足貨,不似連鎖式酒樓求求其其。最後,想推薦鹽爆管廷:夠鑊氣,爽脆。材料嘛...賣個關子
一班舊同事食飯,有人提議到好耐冇去嘅仙宮樓.一去到一眼見晒得一檯客已心知不妙.同事點了:片皮鴨,水煮牛,酸辣湯,椒鹽鮮魷,炒通菜,火腿津白,三色拼盤. 嘩!隻片皮鴨啲皮冇光澤,啲肉就"鞋烚烚" 仲唔熱tim!水煮牛同酸辣湯味道尚可但算唔上好食!椒鹽鮮魷:啲炸粉超厚,粉多過肉!炒通菜同火腿津白,嘩!似烚多過炒,完全冇味!三色拼盤--雞絲粉皮,海哲及紅油白肉夠爽ok!最差勁就係當時只係九點十左右而全店淨返我地一檯客,可能啲伙記趕收工,佢地無厘頭就"隊"張單過嚟話要埋左張單先.仲"三扒兩脖"咁收晒檯面啲嘢!焗我地走.連啤酒埋單每人差不多兩舊水,以咁嘅質素仲話係老字號,真係冇下次!
由上次去鹿嗚春開始老爸就說要吃仙宮樓, 說了多次今日一家人終和他小學同學一家到來吃飯~雞絲粉皮: 好一般, 比星期一在"上樓"吃到的差(但貴好多), 但粉皮尚算爽口涼拌管廷: 好爽口, 媽媽說好味, 但我就唔鍾意有好多荽茜在內燻雞: 做過功課, 知道燻雞所用的醬汁是自家浸泡的京式鹵水汁, 把黃油雞浸上最少二十分鐘, 再用乾身的茉莉花茶葉煙燻, 吊乾後再手撕而成! 果然不負所望, 個人認為是全晚最好味的一道菜~ 由於有叫烤鴨, 所以只叫了半隻雞, 極速清左碟炒鱔糊: 差差差! d汁得過杰字, 淡得滯完全唔惹味, 我爸煮的比其還好得多, 一個悲哀......椒絲腐乳通菜: 完全唔知點解叔叔會在此叫通菜, 不過佢又肯做, 腐乳味不夠, 冇咩特別菜肉水餃: 幾好味, 我覺得唔錯, 但叔叔好鍾意(佢本身喜吃餃類), 第一輪叫了一打, 後來encore多半打叉子燒餅配榨菜肉碎: 叉子燒餅香脆可口, 榨菜肉碎比鹿嗚春的好, 個人認為是全晚第2好味的一道菜~ 北京烤鴨: 一早從廚房起好皮肉, 沒有像鹿嗚春的即席表演, 興奮度大減之餘, 皮不夠油亮鬆脆, 鴨肉有點乾, 而且唔夠熱......炒拉麵: 幾好味, 和大白菜, 火腿及蝦仁同炒, 不過都幾油膩高力豆沙: 新鮮炸起, 端出來時熱辣辣, 但太實, 餡少7個人, 叫了2支青島, 埋單一千二百六十幾總括來說, 味道好一般, 又貴過鹿嗚春(雖然其叉子燒餅比鹿嗚春好一點, 但整體來說鹿嗚春好太多), 除非佢將來有大革新, 否則不會再去讚:廁所雖得一格, 但好乾淨彈:檯與檯之間有點迫, 坐得不舒服叫waitor拎多對筷子, 佢隨口應左轉頭就繼續擺檯(當時冇客等用檯, 根本唔急), 完全冇左回事!