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食評 (52)
等級1 2021-09-08
2726 瀏覽
dont normally post reviews unless i feel strongly, positively or negatively. this unfortunately is for the latter.food was mediocre and extremely overpriced for what it was (tiny portions of food, and the world's smallest glass of beer, which was only filled 3/4). but what made the experience memorably bad was the rude staff and terrible service.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2020-01-24
9424 瀏覽
Yardbird 🍢🐣好多人會拎兩間比較高級嘅燒鳥來比較,一間係酉玉,另一間就係yardbird。前者以廚師發板形式上菜,後者就a la carte💁🏻‍♀️兩間都試過嘅我就覺得yardbird比較美味,不過前者環境就比較寧靜舒適總括而言這裏的雞肉肉質比較厚身,真正做到啖啖肉,而且廚師因應不同部位配上不同調味料,把材料自身的美味發揮得淋漓盡致,而且生熟度剛剛好,每一串也令我賞心悅目當中oyster, gizzard, skin個人都覺得係必試!特別本身個人本身已經對oyster位情有獨鍾,呢個部位本身已經矜貴,一隻雞只有兩粒,外皮脆內裏juicy☺️而gizzard加上炸蒜,香到不得了🤩 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-12-31
11674 瀏覽
The food is decent, the atmosphere is very San Francisco hipster/trendy, the service is good, but the portions are very small, and the prices are exorbitant.For 3 people, we ordered:- 5 x breast- 1 x miso breast- 1 x thigh- 1 x ume thigh- 1 x inner thigh- 4 x achilles- 6 x meatball- 3 x wing- 1 x rib- 1 x heart- 1 cucumber salad- 1 eggplant salad- 1 XO fried rice- 1 bottle of sake- 1 whiskey lemonade- 1 bottle of still waterThe only skewer that stood out for me was the achilles. The skin had a lovely crisp. The meatballs were supposed to be their star dish. On their own, they were somewhat somewhat bland. The raw egg/soy sauce dipping sauce does not add any flavor other than saltiness. All the other skewers were forgettable. The cucumber salad had a simple dressing, and some pine nuts. The eggplant salad was way too sour. The cucumbers in the eggplant salad, the fried onions (I think) and the vinegar-based dressing were the prevailing flavors. The delicateness of the eggplant was complete lost. The rice was good, and was the only reason we left just somewhat full. The above quantities are from my recollection, and are approximate numbers. We paid close to $2200 for the 3 people. This place is great for anyone who indexes more heavily on the scene, expat/hipster clientele, atmosphere, or hype than the actual flavors and textures of the food. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-09-19
9327 瀏覽
Whenever you walk past Bridges Street in the evening or during weekends, there's always a line waiting to get into this small yakitori restaurant. So last Friday my friend and I decided to get there at 6pm to prevent the crazy crowd.We were seated at the basement as the ground floor was already full at 6. One of the waiters explained how the menu worked to us as it was our first time there. So basically there're 3 categories on the menu- small dishes, yakitori and dishes to share.We ordered a few skewers and fried chicken to share. (We originally wanted to try the fried rice but the waiter said it might be too big for the 2 of us and suggest us order the fried chicken instead)When the food came, we were so surprised by how TINY the portions were... (or maybe I'm a big eater so I'll leave the photos here for you to judge)1. Meatball x2 ($96)These bite-sized skewers are $48 each and they taste just like one of those you can get from the street venders for $10 (at most).2. Chick Liver ($45)No comment.3. Pork Belly ($48)This is my fav dish of the night but it's way too small. The size IRL is approximately 6cm in length lmao4. Pork belly + MeatballFYI you're supposed to dip the meatball into the soy sauce with the raw egg5. Fried Chicken ($85)Last but not least, here's the "dish to share"... There're 5 pieces of chicken in total, but each of them is smaller than a piece of McNugget. This is just a very close-up pic of the dish smh We ordered a few more skewers but I wasn't bothered to take any more photos cuz I was too hangry at that time. To conclude, Yardbird is really overpriced (and overhyped) in my opinion and the food was just so ordinary. I'd expect A LOT MORE paying that $. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-08-06
6467 瀏覽
I hope to do a better job of exploring the food scene here but I just keep coming back to Yardbird for its addictive meat on a stick offerings and the friendliest service ever! The staff loves pouring sake for you whether you want it or not! I'm addicted to the hatsu moto, which usually runs as a special and is supposedly some elusive artery adjacent to the heart. The texture oscillates between rubbery and delightful in the best way possible. Also addicted to the mushroom rice, and get the clams if they're running as a special! Love me some meaty clams and these are always the meatiest. The inner thigh is also erotically delicious and a must. The wings are small but pack a flavor punch. You can't go wrong here! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)