2940 0682
以澳洲內陸為靈感的Outback主打特色牛扒,烹調不同的牛扒種類,並均由澳洲空運到港,連餐廳佈置也充滿澳洲色彩。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 15:00
17:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 22:00
12:00 - 22:00
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食評 (308)
等級4 2020-04-22
943 瀏覽
早前朋友新居入伙,單身貴族間屋特別有品味之後去愉景新城排隊食outback排隊成粒鐘先有位...........等到大家肚都扁晒,真係無奈,但無計,唔通等等下走咩,都等左咁耐廢話少講,間野最好食真係個黑糖包,食完走時打包多一兩個真係唔過份😋😋😋😋😋😋😋個斧頭扒我覺得都好好味,不過無黑糖包咁驚喜😁唸起都想再食但炸洋蔥真係差d,可以唔叫都得,一黎油,二黎真係太大中,我鐘意食番 薯條比較好😂😂😂 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2020-04-14
427 瀏覽
行商場行到攰攰地見到間扒房就諗住入去坐下啦呢度嘅座位坐得比較闊落同埋舒服真係好耐冇食過呢度嘅黑糖麵包啦呢度嘅黑糖麵包呢晚市係免費refill佢最大嘅特色就係可以配到個忌廉仲熱辣辣嘅黑糖包配上個cream真係好好食㗎呢度呢有lunch set比平時夜晚呢就平好多我哋嗌左個燒肉醬味豬肋骨🐷同埋香辣燒蝦飯🦐我哋就比較鍾前者,因為呢個配菜好開胃,而豬肋骨肥瘦適中,仲有個薯條可以配中和返食肉嘅口感!每個lunch set呢都會配一杯嘢飲嘅咁當然我哋就揀咗凍檸茶啦提提大家係app做會員仲可以享有額外嘅折扣! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-04-13
858 瀏覽
很久沒去 Outback 用餐,質數仍然保持水準,份量也十足。服務態度也尚算可以。最喜歡食他們出品既自家製麵包,超好味。朋友帶左小朋友,也可照顧周到,配備小朋友高櫈。所以值得推薦啊!飲料選擇多,叫了一杯菠蘿香蕉沙冰。海鮮意粉, 肉眼扒配豬肋骨... 等等 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2014-09-18
5286 瀏覽
6點幾去到walk in,都唔算等左好耐,大概半個鐘。因為好多人,廚房同waiter都做唔切,催左好多次waiter終於送上面包同湯,個包好好食,外脆內軟,加上少少微熱。滋味三色拼盤拼盤有炸雞搥,豬肋骨同埋芝士薯條。豬肋骨嘅肉好淋而且吸收左醬汁嘅味,好脆嘅薯條配合芝士,味道幾特別。呢碟拼盤都算掋食又好味。安格斯肉眼牛扒肉質唔算太硬,有少少淋,肉汁豐富,配合埋用磨菇製成嘅磨菇汁,兩樣夾埋一齊味道多層次而且鮮甜 。雲呢拿雪糕朱古力軟餅冰凍嘅雪糕加上入面有Oreo朱古力蛋糕,味道適中,簡直係完美嘅配搭。 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2014-09-02
3986 瀏覽
As I stepped into the steakhouse, I noticed how the restaurant was teeming with people, I was so sure it was going to be a splendid meal until a waiter with a half hearted smile approached and guided us to our booth, that was when I convinced myself that maybe my meal would have quite a few flaws, yet I decided to give the restaurant the benefit of the doubt. My eyes darted across the room; certainly this wasn’t my stereotypical idea of living in the Outback. It looked like an ancient Texas style ranch house with an abundance of wood as its interior theme. Aside the interior design, savoury showy spices in clear jars hung in the middle of a wooden frame, and to its left accompanying them, was a large map of Australia. I opened the menu and my mouth instantly started jumping up and down in joy, everything looked so scrumptious. The price of a set lunch ranged from $100 to $200, the prices weren’t exactly very cheap, but at the same time they weren’t intolerable either. I took the opportunity given to order a set meal and immediately was first presented with a cream of mushroom soup, bushman bread and a salad. Although I was not a huge fan of the mushrooms bathing casually in the bowl, I could immediately tell how thick and creamy the soup was. It was rich in ingredients and was the complete opposite of canned soup. Ironically, the bread was bland and flavourless; it was like the chef had made the bread while pulling himself out of bed five am in the morning after a three-hour sleep. The ingredients in the salad gave it a crunchy texture and felt fresh. It was just a quick 7 to 9 minutes wait before my main course arrived; an Angus rib eye steak. Thick steak, veggies and golden potato wedges dominated the entire plate; it was such an exquisite sight. The blissful scent that came along with it produced a lake in my mouth. Though I asked for my steak to be cooked to my favourite doneness, the mighty meticulous medium rare, it came out somewhere in-between medium rare and medium. That instantly reduced my mood by a little, but it still had the juicy pink centre I desired so I was contented; tender, flavoursome, bouncy and definitely something that coats your palate. It was definitely a succulent steak. A lovely morsel of potato that was baked to achieve crisp crust and soft middle that exploded in your mouth with a slightly salty and earthy peel. Probably, one of the best potato wedges I’ve ever tasted. Definitely gave McDonalds a run for their money! Despite the vivid colour combination of the vegetables, it taste undercooked and mushy. Unseasoned, raw broccoli dispirited the whole meal. There were soft music playing but the amount of noise created by other diners caused a peaceful ambience to be uneven. The waiters seemed to have a problem with smiling but still answered questions patiently. Overall, it was a delectable meal if you take away the stale vegetables and the dreary bread, it was worth the price and I would absolutely recommend the Outback Steakhouse to anyone who has a particular liking for sizzling steak and fries. 繼續閱讀
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