港鐵上環站 A2 出口, 步行約3分鐘 繼續閱讀
米芝蓮一星餐廳 (2021-2025)
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:30
12:00 - 14:00
18:00 - 22:30
*午餐最後入座時間:12:30 晚餐最後入座時間:20:30
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食評 (16)
等級1 2024-08-07
2745 瀏覽
食物及招呼都完美、無懈可擊!前菜係鮎魚一夜干,鮎魚能吃到炭火的薰香加上調味適宜的水果蕃茄汁,真係回味無窮,其他令人激賞的還有炸牛,鰹魚刺身,魚子醬押壽司,馬糞海膽鮪手卷及一試難忘的毛蟹豆乳湯 繼續閱讀
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慶祝生日的一餐🎂「割烹 かっぽう」以開放式廚房及Bar台為主的Omakase 岩哂唔係好食壽司/刺身既朋友~瑞兆廚師發辦套餐丨2500• 前菜 ‘平貝 桜海老‘酸酸的柚子凍配上大大粒平貝作開胃菜• 掦物 ‘薩摩牛𥚃脊肉’ ❤️‍🔥一層薄薄的金黃外皮襯托嫩厚肉質 入口即溶• 椀物 ‘鮑魚素麵’ ❤️‍🔥限定菜式🌟 看似普通的素麵下滿滿的鮑魚膏 厚厚的湯底香濃而不膩• 刺身 ‘鳥貝’• 一品 ‘太刀魚棒’兩款魚類都經師傅稍為烹調 完全不會吃到比較生冷的料理 調味也不重 享受魚質原有的鮮味• 鍋物 ‘鮎魚女 山菜’限定菜式🌟 平時會是牛肉鍋物 今次比較特別 主角是1日本高級魚類アイナメ的鍋物 肉質嫩滑 一點都不腥 (雖然呢款魚原本的樣子很奇怪🤭)• 清新小吃 ‘雜果乳酪清酒’ ❤️‍🔥中場休息 非常順滑易入口的小點心 奶香味昇華清酒原有的苦澀味• 壽司 ‘雲丹 本鮪’ 海膽鮪魚蓉的配搭• 食事 ‘螢光魷魚’ ❤️‍🔥滿滿的小魷魚 普通及茶漬兩種吃法都可以 茶漬的湯底更是師傅精心調製 唔夠飽仲可以添飯!• ⁠番外食事 ‘咖哩牛肉’ ❤️‍🔥事關當日之後的兩日是店舖久違的休息日 開心的師傅免費加送咖哩牛肉料理拌生雞蛋作結尾👏🏻• 甜品 ‘雪糕麻糬夾餅’ ❤️‍🔥普通的廚師發辦可能只有雪糕或蕨餅 但呢到有師傅親自搓的麻糬!再加上雪糕的夾餅 太好食了🥹如果飲清酒既朋友仲可以揀自己鐘意既清酒杯~環境丨上環地鐵5分鐘距離 不難找但店舖不大 經典日式淺木為主 bar枱可坐到8位 如有需要更可以提供priavte room 服務丨服務一級棒!多數師傳都是日本人 未免溝通上會有些障礙 幸運地店員先生完全彌補當中尷尬 不但細心介紹每一道菜 還有趣地提供背後一些知識 就算閒聊都完全無問題 更會適當時機退場 當日是慶祝生日 除左有精美的生日驚喜 更會提供即影即有服務 最重要係識影相!有高炒瘦面有影到要影的 very good👍🏻 但唔記得問佢叫咩名 不過都感謝師傅及店員先生提供一個很好的體驗🫶🏻 繼續閱讀
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米芝蓮一星的日本割烹餐廳,早幾年這店鋪是另一家米芝蓮三星鮨店 - 志魂,所以內裏裝修還是比較熟悉,而同一店舖已經出了4粒星,証明這店風水應該很不錯!在香港有水準的割烹不多,但這家水平相當高!感覺香港人還是比較喜歡吃壽司,但其實割烹也是高級日本料理,無論是海鮮肉類還是蔬菜,他們每天都為客人準備來自日本最新鮮最美味的食材烹制,簡單來說就是席前欣賞師傅的刀工和烹調技巧。我個人比較喜歡魚子醬金槍魚押壽司、蕯摩和牛壽喜燒、鮑魚伴鮑魚肝醬和最後的蒲燒鰻魚炊飯。特別是招牌菜薩摩和牛壽喜燒,和牛部位雪花均勻,入口即溶,配上他們的慢煮蛋黃,一試難忘!主廚鈴木師傅每一道菜也很認真在處理,也會用心介紹每一道的特色,真的是非常棒的用餐體驗!鈴木師傅水平很高也長得帥,米芝蓮一星果然實至名歸,極力推介!Thank you Suzuki San! 🙏🏻 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2023-01-12
3898 瀏覽
📍ZuichoOne Michelin Star Restaurant 🌟Zuicho offers a refined kappo cuisine with the best ingredients from Japan. Course after course, it gets better and better. A lot of the last steps of the dishes are prepared in front of you so you get to see the chef in action as well. The abalone starter was a clean start. Seasoning was simple but you get to enjoy the taste of the well cooked abalone. Then came the fried Satsuma wagyu tenderloin. The picture speaks for itself. A thin layer of putter crisp with a melt in your mouth wagyu, so good. Enjoyed the sea urchin somen. You can really taste the sweetness of the uni. Somen texture was on point. The amberjack and kinki shashimi were fresh with the skin slightly grilled. For the caviar sushi, it’s not necessary to add on. I love their Golden-eye snapper & soymilk hotpot. Heart warming and delicious. The sprinkle of grounded sesame elevated the whole dish. You just can’t go wrong with fresh Uni and tuna handroll. The slow cooked egg yolk with a piece of satsuma wagyu is the best shabu shabu representative. Love that they gave us a small spoon of rice so that nothing goes to waste. The horsehair crab and egg roll was rather bland following such a heavy tasting meat dish. We had the salmon Takikomi rice served two ways. I m such a carbs person that rice is a must. Last but not least, the freshly made Mochi with sesame ice cream. A iconic combination but done so well. Service was so great. Definitely deserve the one star. Price: HK$3200 pp (lunch) Revisit: 10/10 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2022-09-25
3219 瀏覽
Kappo Dinner. One menu- 11 courses for HK$2,500. Counter seating 8; private room seating 6.Came here when it first opened, before their One Michelin ⭐️, and when they were doing one seating only. Now it’s either 6pm or 8:30pm.Chef Fumio Suzuki looked the same energetic self, and noted that he hadn’t been home to Japan since Covid. By the glass selection ok. Went for a glass of burgundy white. Here’s what we had.Appetizer- Horsehair crab with ginkgo and persimmon. Creative balance of flavors.Satsuma A5 Wagyu tenderloin- slow cooked then deep fried. On the side: shiso salt and wasabi. Didn’t taste fatty at all, as no excess fat was left after the slow cooking. Abalone with noodles in soy milk soup. Liver sauce at the bottom. Again, awesome balance of flavors.Soup with pike eel (hamo) and matsutake (which is now in season), with a hint of lime. Hamo was tempura-ed. We were watching the chef earlier slice the hamo- its fine bones made snapping sounds as he was cutting along. Sashimi: garoupa + snapper topped with finger lime (tasted like pomelo).Cold dish: grilled sweetfish (ayu) with roe topped with shiso leaf and plum paste. Reminded us of Kyoto so much!Tuna and French caviar on rice, with 4 pieces of crunchy seaweed on the side (additional item $350).Hotpot: 2 slices of Satsuma wagyu + brisket and Okinawa egg yolk, slow-cooked with sukiyaki sauce. Egg yolk tasted amazing, like crab paste.Sea urchin & tuna hand roll (not pictured).Grilled eel & egg roll cooked with 鰹魚 dashi. Eel was very crispy.Takikomi rice with "Black throat" sea perch (赤鯥) and ikura. First round as is, with pickles. Second round with soup. Loved the fish- very fresh and sweet. One of the best 釜飯 I have tried. Dessert: wafer sandwich with seasame ice-cream and peach. Pleasantly surprised with the layer of freshly made mochi in between- making this one stand out from all the other IceCream sandwiches we’ve tried. In summary: chef did an impressive all-rounded presentation with seasonal ingredients and different cooking methods. Well deserved ⭐️. 繼續閱讀
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