港鐵黃埔站 C1 出口, 步行約2分鐘
08:00 - 22:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
其實原本訂左另一間餐廳high tea,但係我地唔能夠準時完成前面行程,晏左就fullBooking⋯⋯紅磡果堆酒店行晒都無間啱心水就行返落黃埔是但見一間就入去🤣好好彩黎左間平靚正。當時係3:30左右得兩枱客人靜靜地好啱我地可以舒服傾計。因為呢我連飯都未食所以就叫咗個黑松露野菌蝴蝶粉個醬汁好香,粉既軟硬度剛剛好真係估唔到呢個價係會食到好野因應預左酒店high tea個價錢消費所以就係咁叫野食🤣同場有個加一蚊一隻迷你菠蘿包同雞尾包,細細個都足料,哎咬開真係有餡,佢哋仲叮熱左俾我地熱熱地幾好食Tea set有可以揀六隻牛角包仔總共有八款揀六款鹹兩款甜,加上自選蛋糕🍰一件,乳酪一杯同小小生果杯,蛋糕選左提拉米蘇味道就普通~生果新鮮,乳酪啲色同味都濃。仲包兩杯飲品,我地叫左杯四季春,即係生果茶,大杯又好多生果下層係我地選既六件牛角包~煙三文魚伴牛油果醬:三文魚好大片牛油果醬一啲都唔油膩膩,入口感覺柔軟巴馬火腿配芝士:火腿帶咸薄脆味道濃郁配上熱溶咗嘅芝士,夾上脆口包好味意式番茄菲特芝士:賣相好靚蕃茄粒切得好整齊,晶瑩剔透,尤其是個意式香草醬好清新好好味扒金門火腿珍寶啡菇配黑松露醬:個黑松露沙律醬好好好味好香同果大片菇好夾配埋個火腿帶軟身既質地同咸香令人一試難忘小龍蝦肉炒蛋:呢個就變左蛋治哈哈果幾件包都好脆,唔會因爲上面放左料就淋左真心讚埋單先二百幾無加一真係抵到不得了。星期日可以hea足兩個幾鐘無人催真好,因呢間應該係親子餐廳以為會好嘈但估唔到到左近6點先開始多人,價錢抵又夠飽又好食,會再黎架😍
Passed by this unassuming local cafe, the decor is basic, the walls are adorned with cartoon drawings and kind of classroom-style design, which makes it a relaxing spot to sit back and enjoy. For the breakfast menu, there is a few choices for your selection, such as Smoked Salmon Scrambled Egg with Meat Ball Minestrone Farfalle, Pork Sausage & Scrambled Egg with Macaroni in Chicken Soup, Crispy Bacon Eggs Benedict, Breakfast Omelet and so on.I have ordered Gammon Ham & Brie Cheese Croissant, the breakfast served with fresh salad with Italian dressing - it is simple and refreshing. I usually eat in order of preference, finishing with what I like the best at the end of the meal, so I had all the salad and cherry tomatoes first. I then cut a slice of croissant - a crisp clear sound. I would not imagine that it can still be that crispy after being placed quite a while. However, I think a perfect croissant should be flaky on the outside and tender in the layers, rather than making it like a toast.Having said that, the ham is a plus, it is not fatty at all, instead, moist and flavourful, which makes it a good balance with the croissant. My friend and I stayed there from like 10am till 12noon, you can imagine how affable the staff are, they did not ask us to leave even though we are done with our breakfast, this is another good snug place for work or a date.
星期日有時會去黃埔Fullhouse Kitchen 食個雞蛋仔,飲杯野Hae 下。 雖然雞蛋仔略貴,但勝在有地方Hae 下傾下計。呢間雞蛋仔,仲可以加配料再加醬,味道又有5隻揀,非常多選擇。 不過綠茶味真係冇乜味,大家可以試下其他味。 至於梅子綠茶,溝埋一齊,味道略怪,但唔知點解又會追住飲,飲完喉嚨好舒服。
我一直都愛吃牛角包。喜歡它的口感,而且用來製作甜品和咸點皆可。這間滿屋廚房的新奧爾良小龍蝦沙律牛角包三文治真的很不錯。牛角包外層香脆,內面軟熟,有牛油味。小龍蝦肉的大小剛剛好,咀嚼時可以感受到清爽的肉質。沙律醬的味道不會過重,有健康清新的感覺。甜品來説就一定要介紹他們的軟心波士, 即是一個有菠蘿皮的牛角包配上吉士軟心。 菠蘿皮脆得來還為牛角包增加牛油香味,吉士軟心蛋味十分濃厚,我十分喜愛! 當然不少得牛角包內的蜂巢狀結構帶來的空氣感,每一口都能夠享受到三種口感,十分有創意的甜品。