港鐵灣仔站 A1 出口, 步行約13分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 22:00
Visa Master 現金 八達通 AE 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
confit Duck legs daily homemade dessert cakes and tarts moules marinieres Snacking platters (cold cut assortment from France, cheeses selection or pâtés and terrines) steak tartar toasted pain Poilane tartine
食評 (16)
等級1 2016-11-03
1315 瀏覽
The baguette with butter was good. Ordered Salmon Papillote ($158) which was so tasteless that I had to ask for salt. The Italian Tartine with chips ($118) was not impressive either, but good mozzarella saved it. Overall the only thing vaguely tasty was the baguette (and maybe the crunchy thin chips), which shouldn't have cost us so much. Definitely not worth the price. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2016-04-29
2313 瀏覽
下午茶時間走到灣仔的好處是很多餐廳都有位置。這間餐廳的牆邊滿了各式各樣的酒,不過只是下午茶時間,所以都是不要酒了。選了的食物是三文魚三文治,旁邊配了沙律及薯條。各樣食品都很新鮮,薯條更是即製的,很脆很香。但唯一不太理想的是包,雖然溫度暖,外層又夠脆,但始終這一款包都是比較硬,不太合自己的口味。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-11-25
1910 瀏覽
午膳時間到 Brim 28 用膳,因那處的餐廳所提供的午餐款式分別不大,隨意選了 Chez Patrick Deli 入座。午餐頭盤主菜連咖啡茶 $138+10% ,以一客 Roasted Bell Pepper & Tomato Soup 作甜品,湯汁酸中帶甜,另帶微微辣感,口感滑度普通喇!配上一件小小的麵包,亮點在於用上的牛油挺香口。主菜 Marinated Pork Chop with Gravy, Mashed Potato, Green Peas & Carrots ,菜式份量比較小一點,豬扒外層煎成微脆,味道鬆軟度都 OK 的。跟上的薯蓉挺滑,拌以青豆及清甜的小甘筍配搭不俗。熱咖啡口味薄身,普普通通。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2015-05-28
1792 瀏覽
Given it is still May, I visited this restaurant to participate in Le French Gourmay and ordered a 2 course set lunch which consisted of Watermelon Gazpacho (cold soup) and Veal Navarin and paid HKD40 for a glass of white wine. The watermelon soup is a good choice given the hot weather nowadays, although the soup was a little too sweet and I would personally have preferred a stronger vegetable taste to balance the sweetness of the watermelon.  As for the main, the veal was well cooked and the tomato based sauce is tasty. The house white was horrible, so I do not recommend you order this but the coffee that came with the lunch set was very good Overall not a bad lunch experience.  繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-01-31
1188 瀏覽
係灣仔食西餐,識食一定係去新鴻基中心食。今次去左呢間一到正餐時間定必爆滿,坐到全店外國人既Chez Patrick Deli,感受一下外國氣息。Set lunch分左幾款package:1. $108 Main course + drink2. $138 Main course + drink + soup/ salad/ dessert 3. $168 Main course + drink + soup/ salad+ dessert 而Main Course就分幾款:Meat/ fish/ pasta/ vegetarian今次點左個$168既fish course, soup方面係pumpkin soup, 然後就食住啲包等美食。好開心既係啲包暖暖地,外脆內軟,加上牛油好香,所以食左兩盤,不過如果牛油軟啲就會更加好。Pumpkin soup都算濃,食落去有啲糊既感覺,幾香,唔錯。但計返要$30,都幾貴。Main course要等就基本啦,但等大半個鐘就有啲誇張,而且唔算特別。個飯算係偏乾偏硬,魚帶黎既驚喜都唔算大:魚皮煎香左而魚肉都算滑,但其實都算細舊,而且薄薄的,唔算太吸引。唯一值得推介的係啲汁,非常香既忌廉味,但又唔會heavy,配返偏硬既飯就啱哂。Dessert值得一試,係chocolate mousse,白色一層的類似cream mousse, 食落有一陣拖肥味,好香,但一啲都唔膩,而且唔係太甜,非常好,有水準的甜品。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)