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食評 (40)
等級4 2019-07-16
9443 瀏覽
上星期五係爸爸生日喺ifc行咗一個圈決定買佢最鍾意食嘅芝士蛋糕其實呢間芝士蛋糕食過一次覺得佢好味,食落唔會好漏 ,有少少似雪糕,而且放喺雪櫃唔使一日食曬我覺得好方便、好正,推介大家去試下 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2019-07-03
5329 瀏覽
在家都可以品嘗到高級甜品。LeTAO雙層芝士蛋糕 .好後悔冇買多一隻返香港丫,價錢比起香港買實在平太多啦!香港賣$220,日本只需¥1800!!.外層係好微粒嘅蛋糕碎,為蛋糕整體增添少少口感,上層軟芝士,入口即溶,非常香滑,下層係焙烘芝士,一樣香滑,芝士味更濃郁,甜度同芝士鹹度剛剛好,食多都唔會漏👍🏻😋.係中環店試食過佢哋另一款產品,芝士撻,芝士味又係好濃好好味,需然唔好意思,都忍唔到口拎多一粒試食...😋:9.5/10💰:¥1800 繼續閱讀
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🐰小編一直久仰呢個雙層芝士蛋糕嘅大名 前排去左東京但買唔切 再托朋友買 幾經波折 終於有機會一試!外層係蛋糕碎🧽 上層係入口即溶嘅半熟乳酪芝士蛋糕🍯 搭配下層既鬆軟 芝士味濃郁嘅烘焙芝士蛋糕🍰正到冇朋友 注意⚠️:雪凍口感似雪糕🍦-The Double Fromage is really famous. I have been looking forward to trying for such a long time. There are three layers: sponge cake🧽, baked cheesecake🍰 and mascarpone cheese mousse🍯. It is definitely scrumptious! I am addicted to it! Reminder⚠️:It tastes like cheese icecream if you freeze it🍦-芝士蛋糕 cheese cake🍰指標👉🏻價錢price:¥1800 (=$130) in Japan;$220 in HK Ifc👉🏻濕潤moisture:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤👉🏻甜度sweetness:🤤🤤⚪️⚪️⚪️👉🏻鬆軟softness:🤤🤤🤤⚪️⚪️👉🏻份量portion:🤤🤤🤤🤤⚪️👉🏻芝士味cheese:🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤👉🏻特色feature:多重層次 multiple layers and textures👉🏻總分Score:98/100🔖 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2019-05-13
4101 瀏覽
男朋友生日,當然唔少得生日蛋糕。一早鎖定LeTAO雙層芝士蛋糕,早幾日同友人經過仲發現有新口味,仲要係男朋友最愛嘅抹茶味👍🏻好可惜到買嗰日,職員話要晏啲先補貨,好失望☹️唯有買朱古力味啦,不過都一樣好食。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2019-02-20
3903 瀏覽
Tried the classic fromage cake and strawberry flavored fromage cake from here. Love 💗 the classic better, it’s rich creamy milky and at the same time mild rich cheese every mouthful I eat. It goes very well with wine and a small piece is just enough satisfyingAs for the strawberry 🍓 flavored, it’s not bad too with some fresh strawberry taste but comparatively less outstanding to the classic’s rich and creamy taste 繼續閱讀
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