港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 18:00
08:00 - 18:00
Visa Master 現金 八達通 AE 銀聯
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食評 (314)
推介指數 Recommendation Level : 🔥🔥🔥🔥蘇豪區一間不起眼的咖啡店,由於外牆畫了一些特色壁畫,所以經常吸引不少遊客前來拍照。但原來內裏提供的食物,擺盤及設計亦非常精緻,提供意粉,麵包輕食,給意大利雪糕,而且味道亦十分出色,絕對是一間隱世的好店。The humble café in SoHo district has garnered attention from visitors due to its distinctive mural-adorned exterior. However, the intricately presented offerings inside go beyond appearances. Serving a variety of dishes including pasta, bread-based snacks, and gelato, the café stands out as a hidden gem with its exceptional flavors.Everything Benny ($138)這個菜式的擺盤就像畫一般美麗,除了看得之餘味道亦非常了。牛油果配上班尼迪蛋的蛋汁,再加上巴馬火腿的鹹香,連同香脆的酸種麵包,不能味道及口感都有極豐富的層次The dish is presented like a work of art, not only visually appealing but also bursting with delightful flavors. The combination of avocado with runny Benedicts egg, complemented by the savory Parma ham, atop the crunchy sourdough bread, offers a rich and layered taste and texture profile.Set ($178)Egg Benedicts 這個菜式的擺盤就像畫一般美麗,除了看得之餘味道亦非常了。牛油果配上班尼迪蛋的蛋汁,再加上巴馬火腿的鹹香,連同香脆的酸種麵包,不能味道及口感都有極豐富的層次The set menu offers the choice of pairing the Benedicts egg with Parma ham. The sourdough base softens slightly after absorbing the egg's juices without becoming overly mushy, while the Parma ham enhances the dish with its freshness. Latte套餐可以選擇配鮮奶咖啡,咖啡味非常香濃,但不會過份苦澀,喝後亦不會有酸味留在口中One can opt to have the set with a flat white. The coffee exudes a rich and robust flavor without overpowering bitterness, leaving no acidic aftertaste.Hibiscus Gelato Rose套餐備有雪糕,若不選擇套餐的客人則可以單點。這間餐廳的雪糕的賣點是以玫瑰花作設計,單看賣相而非常吸引,有多款不同的味道可供客人選擇。這個大紅花的味道不是每一間雪糕店都有提供,所以非常特別,雪糕的味道酸酸甜甜,有一種開胃的感覺The set includes gelato, while standalone orders are available for non-set diners. The gelato at this café is artistically crafted with rose motifs, visually enticing with a variety of flavors to choose from. The Hibiscus flavor offers a unique experience not commonly found in gelato shops, delivering a pleasantly tangy and sweet taste that arouses the palate.Butterfly Pea Gelato Rose ($50)這款蝶豆花雪糕的顏色非常吸引,不過較為失色的是,沒有什麼特別的味道,只是一般甜美的雪糕The striking color of the Butterfly Pea flower gelato is visually captivating, albeit the taste is somewhat ordinary in its sweetness without any distinctive notes.😎 評價 - Epicurean Explorer's comments: 🍽️食物Food: 🔥🔥🔥🔥✅食物的款式選擇十分多,而且又不同的雪糕口味可供客人選擇,雪糕的口味又會不是更換,為客人帶來新鮮感The striking color of the Butterfly Pea flower gelato is visually captivating, albeit the taste is somewhat ordinary in its sweetness without any distinctive notes.❌無Nil🏡環境Environment: 🔥🔥🔥✅裝修以簡潔為主調,白色的牆身給人的休閒放鬆感覺The décor leans towards simplicity, with white walls creating a relaxed and casual ambiance.❌座位不算太多,而且高身的吧檯座位,可能有部分客戶感到不太舒適Seating is relatively limited, with some customers potentially finding discomfort in the high bar-style seats.💁服務Service:🔥🔥🔥🔥✅侍應生的態度非常親切有禮,而且十分細心留意客人的需要The service staff exhibit a warm and attentive demeanor, ensuring customers' needs are met with care.❌客人需要自行點餐,然後再尋找座位Customers are required to place their orders themselves before finding a seat.💰價格Price:🔥🔥🔥✅以中環蘇豪區的餐廳內比較,價錢算是相約,而且備有套餐,套餐的價錢會比較抵In comparison to other dining establishments in Central's SoHo district, the pricing is considered moderate, especially with the value offered through set menus.❌由於食物的份量不算太多,所以男士們可能會覺得吃得不飽,價錢不太超值Due to the moderate portion sizes, male diners may find the meal less satisfying, making it less cost-effective in their perception. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-11-07
815 瀏覽
為咗造型獨特,兼且次玫瑰花的意大利雪糕一來品嚐。呢個意大利雪糕有很多種味去選擇造成玫瑰花的形狀。味道一般,真係一般比起喺意大利食正宗嘅雪糕同埋其他香港嘅雪糕店唔算特別出色,但係個外型可以補返數。main course 都好食,淨係份量有點少,可能因為我肚餓。食完都唔係幾飽咖啡就真係要讚一讚有咖啡香又有外型,同埋呢度啲咖啡都幾特別唔係一般咖啡店會有嘅選擇。好明顯飲得出佢同商業咖啡店,例如Starbucks同埋Pacific Coffee嘅分別。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-09-23
627 瀏覽
This cafe offers pricey food, but their salmon toast was delicious (the toast was hard though I couldn’t chew it 😭) However, the gelato wasn't to my taste and I didn't enjoy it. The service was good, and the central location justifies the higher prices. Worth a try for the salmon toast, but consider other options for gelato. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-09-04
577 瀏覽
打風過後的星期天終於可以出動,放假當然要瞓到自然醒,起來已是吃Brunch的時間,就去我一直想去的這間餐廳試試。其實幾年前已經在灣仔利東街吃過玫瑰花型的Gelato,那間只是雪糕店。今次呢間餐廳則有少量座位(~18個),除了有多款味道的玫瑰花型雪糕筒外,還有其他食物Floating Rose $80Ice Coffee /Tea with Handcrafted Rose Gelato 今次沒有吃雪糕筒了,選了同樣有玫瑰花型Gelato 的咖啡,一向好熱飲的我為了要和這玫瑰花Gelato 打卡,唯有飲凍咖啡,Gelato 有很多味道選擇,記得幾年前是吃粉紅色的Gelato, 今日就揀好靚的紫色薰衣草味,杯咖啡上枱時有少少淺了出來,可能要做到Floating Rose 的效果所以咖啡要裝滿滿的。雖然如此仍無阻我打卡。要盡快打卡,否則朶玫瑰花溶了😅Gelato 有淡淡的薰衣草味,咖啡亦香濃👍👍👍Floral Coffee~ Rose Latte $45 正常水準,值得讚的是他每杯飲品都會加埋細細杯水用Tray送上給你👍Avocado Dukkah $125(Avocado Rose🥑牛油果玫瑰, Beet Hummus 紅菜頭鷹咀豆泥,Pistachio Dukkah , Sourdough Toast 酸種多士)餐廳除了Gelato 是玫瑰花型外,牛油果也砌成玫瑰花啊,好在這朶花不會溶,可以打多幾個卡。牛油果好稔又冇變黑👍喜歡吃牛油果的我在家嘗試過砌,砌到成手牛油果蓉也未砌得到~哈哈。紅菜頭鷹咀豆泥加上開心果Dukkah味道好特別,鹹鹹地比另一款惹味😋,因為Dukkah(杜卡)是一種發源於埃及的綜合香辛料  由堅果果仁磨碎與香料和芝麻子混合而成。Avocado Poached Eggs $125(Avocado Rose🥑牛油果玫瑰,2 Poached eggs 兩隻水煮荷包蛋, Handmade Pink Mayo 自家製粉紅色蛋黃醬,Sourdough Toast 酸種多士)這款雖然是最Basic , 在Sourdough Toast 酸種多士上放上牛油果玫瑰和兩隻水煮蛋,碟邊有少少自家製粉紅色蛋黃醬,但擺盤一樣IGable, 除了牛油果花,還有食用花裝飾😍酸種麵包當然不及隔鄰的麵包店,但仍可接受,不會韌到咬不開因為每碟有兩片多士,可以share每人食一片,可以試晒兩種味道。其實餐廳還有Pasta 和 Croffle……,下次要再去試試📍Barista by Givrés中環士丹頓街7號地舖 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2023-09-04
308 瀏覽
當日去開大館睇霓虹燈展,記起附近有間食玫瑰花雪糕黎到都幾多人,要等一陣先有位叫左2個雪糕 Gelato Rose (2 Flavors) $65🌹 Strawberry + Chocolate🌹 White Peach + Pistachio 味道不錯,玫瑰花整出黎係幾靚,幾精緻餐廳仲有其他食物選擇,例如toast, pasta不過店裡面座位不多,繁忙時間都要等一陣先有位 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)