港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約5分鐘 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 14:30
18:00 - 23:00
12:00 - 16:00
18:00 - 23:00
Visa Master 現金 銀聯
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
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食評 (60)
等級4 2015-12-08
3471 瀏覽
Went here for lunch with a colleague. The $138 lunch buffet seems good value for money to give it a shot (costs additional to add main course and exclude tea or coffee).The bar was covered with a good array of appetisers - bread, empanda, tortilla, chorizo, salami, Manchego, a selection of salads, fruits and desserts plus a big pan of paella. Food is more than enough to feed an average Asian appetite.Can't go wrong with the appetisers and salads, so the challenge came from the paella. I found the rice overcooked and therefore too soggy to fairly claim the dish as paella. Worst of all dining experiences, we found a strand of curly hair in our food. Super gross! This ruined our appetites totally that we could not eat on anymore. We made a complaint to the one of two servers, and all we got was a blank face without any apology though she immediately took all the plates on our table away, allegedly in an attempt to destroy the evidence?Food is only average, bad hygiene, not excellent service. There is absolutely no reason to return. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-11-19
2428 瀏覽
Two of us decided to go for Sunday Brunch (with free flow) before our movie!I had free flow of sangria which you can make yourself at the sangria bar.  I really liked that idea as there were so many different types of fruit to choose from!We sat down and food just kept coming...it was endless!The food that landed on our table were...mixed green salad, shrimps, oysters, smoked salmon, parma ham and bread, tomatoes, green peppers, paella, croquettes, grilled beef, spanish egg omelette, pork, potatoes, chorizo...that's all I can remember at the moment.Mixed green salad, shrimps, oysters, smoked salmon was ok, nothing special...Most of the vegetables as well, nothing that jumped out and was memorable.The girlled beef was delicious!  It was slightly cooked on the outside, red raw inside, my favourite!  Also, what is there not to love about croquettes and spanish egg omelettes!!Of course, the best part was dessert, they served apple crumble with vanilla ice cream, freshly bakes chocolate chip cookies AND brownies!  All of the desserts were VERY good, fresh from the kitchen.  If you're a dessert lover, go for sangria and dessert!  It's a must! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-08-26
2455 瀏覽
Have to book in advancewe were on the waiting list...各式火腿拼盤Ok la 759嗰啲好食啲係就係 不停添加 不過冇問你要食幾多 所以感覺上好浪費 Roast vegetables were great though西班牙式辣肉腸片 好好味 甚有咬口 可惜冇得加牛肉羊肉 肉質好粗 又overcooked 感覺上好粗 但係有得任飲 感覺良好 500蚊位係俾個氣氛嘢食不能算好Paella無味 好難食 飯又淋Service FantasticDo not like the high chairs I have to say 繼續閱讀
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等級3 2015-08-13
2246 瀏覽
西餐來說,除了牛扒,burger之外,我往往鐘情於西班牙的tapas,有別於其他傳統的西餐都是一人一份各有各吃,tapas 份量雖小但卻能夠與知己開心分享的小食,而這間西班牙餐廳的靈感亦是取自於Barcelona最出名的tapas bars今天好友幫我補祝生日,一行4人就去了這間位於LKF tower的Boqueria,來一個tapas saturday buffet brunch早2個星期已經訂了枱,weekend都是預先book枱比較穩陣環境比想像中的大,每張枱的中間都有足夠的空間,不用怕想出入去洗手間的時侯會撞到別人的枱,也不會說的每一句說話都會給別人聽到收費方面每人為HKD 288 , free flow啤酒 , 果汁, DIY Sangria 另加HKD 188 , 如想要free flow的cava , bloody mary & wine 就再另加HKD 100 , 開心的日子當然少不了喝有氣的cava,所以一人總共收費為HKD 635 左右。不知道是不是餐廳的模式跟先前openrice看到的不同了,cold cuts , 沙律等都不再是像酒店般自己出去拿,侍應說只要坐下他們就會把食物捧在你面前,其實一開始是有點confused的,我滿心期待眼前一車的cold cuts ,等了很久都沒有人拿給我們,眼見有很多枱客人都是自己過去拿,所以我們也是這樣做每位都有一隻生蠔附送,味道還可以除了第一碟的cold cuts 令我們有點不知道應怎樣to be served外,之後的食物侍應都很快地端上來薯仔的賣相雖然不太好,但味道不錯,男友吃個不停蝦比我想像中的鮮甜飲品方面,啤酒只得一種選擇,味道還不錯,不像本地大賣的lager beer有重重的化學成份口味也有供你自助DIY的Sangria, but its jut for fun,還是喜愛bar tender調的Sangriabloody mary ,味道適中,是我當天的第一杯飲料,其實它也是我最愛的開胃酒! 事後發現我都忘記拍下我最欣嘗的cava西班牙飯味道一般,欠缺seasoning右手面的牛肉值得推介 !!整個切乳豬的過程都在我們枱的前方進行,大家都很期特,可惜味道很淡,而且皮也不脆甜品方面沒有什麼太大驚喜,雪糕值得一讚,帶有云尼拿籽,很香在澳洲回來後一直很掛念churros,當日離遠見到已經很興奮,但吃了一口後有點失望,可能炸好後放了好一會,吃的時侯是涼的,剛炸好的時侯味道會好很多吧接近尾聲的時侯還會有一個小遊戲,就是侍應們會拿一個很長咀的酒瓶把Sangria倒入你的咀裡,看看你是一口氣喝到多久,可以跟友人一比高下,而他們用的這個Sangria是沒有酒精的,所以大家不用擔心。總括來說,所有的食物都是一般,沒有太過驚喜,不過服務不錯,環境舒服,加上價錢不貴,是一個很不錯的weekend brunch 的地方,值得再來。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2015-05-02
3968 瀏覽
有別於一般餐廳,Boqueria 的 Brunch 最可愛之處是自己去攞完頭盤美食、沙律同生果返回座位,食吓食吓,店員開始由廚房推車仔出嚟巡場,再將車上多款Tapas遂張枱派送,免卻你行出行入,食物派上枱時還是熱的呢,感覺彷如做咗半個大小姐咁,超開心!這裡的食物種類很豐富,除了生蠔是每人一隻外,其他都是任吃,飲品設散叫或加錢任飲。礙於不是酒桶,只能散叫一杯 Sangria 淺嚐,味道很不錯。沙律吧用料好新鮮,配上無得頂芒果肉,竟也吃了兩大碗。肥瘦適中風腿及煙三文魚亦不能錯過,增加Omega 3是常識吧。愛吃魚的定要留意推車仔派枱的另一款熱食三文魚,其味道遠勝前者,沒煮得過熟,很鮮美。推車餸還有勁脆皮燒乳豬仔、燒羊肉及燒牛肉,想不到大鑊飯也是用肉同煑,並非常見的海鮮,口味重了點,宜淺嚐。多款Tapas中最靚是青椒,其他如血腸、蝦及炸肉丸亦不妨一試,但緊記要留肚食芝士凍餅、自家製曲奇和Brownie,真材實料,非常有驚喜。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)