港鐵香港站 C 出口, 步行約6分鐘 繼續閱讀
11:00 - 21:00
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食評 (17)
等級3 2017-12-13
791 瀏覽
This shop has opened for more than 2 years, and I finally tried on their last day of business.  There were only 2 types of sandwiches left and few choices of salads at 1ish pm which was odd.  Upon asking, it was their last day of business and they need to stop selling at 2pm for packing.  Bought the tomato mozzarella sandwiches which were heated.  It's very tasty with the cheese which has melted a bit, rocket leaves that were fresh, and a good sundried tomato spread which went well with the taste.  Good job though it's closing, will try to go to the other shops more in the future. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2017-07-15
2132 瀏覽
周六做完瑜伽,男友说又累又饿,原来想去金钟吃自助餐,看来只好下次啦。于是两人走上摆花街觅食。好久没来,原来很多店面已改,街角开了一家小小的passion 。原来分店开在这里,觉得他家ready food 质量不错,就走了进来。中环店面小很多,感觉有点冷气不足,以至于counter 的玻璃上都起了水雾,对里面的salad, bread , cake 不太礼貌啊。。点了salad,quiche,都是符合预期的味道。咖啡也很不错,但是冷柜里的cold pressed juice 感觉已经不太新鲜了。我后知后觉的喝了芒果汁,才发现。追加了一杯茶,坐下慢慢吃。休息好了,想吃蛋糕的念头又浮上脑袋。。好吧,于是点了pistachio chocolate dome. 好久不吃他家甜点,还是一样的好吃,比很多大酒店用料要爽快很多,巧克力很甜,里面的mousse很香,有淡淡的coconut 味道。唯独pistachio mousse 太硬了,然后下面的chocolate biscuit 也太硬了,应该是counter 里面的温度不对的问题- 希望店家好好注意,才能把蛋糕的美味发挥到极限啊!以后可以经常来have a quick bite! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2017-06-30
1104 瀏覽
嚐過尖沙咀的 Passion by Gerard Dubois ,也吃過她灣仔總店的。無論是沙律、麵包還是環境都以灣仔最為出色!中環 Passion 的沙律也不錯,不過份量就是有點少。Passion 的點餐方式是在玻璃櫃前選擇自己喜歡的口味與點餐熟食後,再到收銀機前付費。大沙律可選 4種口味($63/400gr );小沙律就 3種口味($45/250gr )。大小沙律都會有少量沙律菜托底,再放上自選口味的組合。最喜歡是她的 Beetroot Orange Segement(紅菜頭橙),紅菜頭的醬汁做得非常好吃,香香甜甜配上橘子真是一流。數月前這紅菜頭配提子乾更是提味。是自己在家怎樣也做不出的美味口味。Bounty of Eden(蔬菜伊甸園)是蕃茄、白椰菜花、紅蘿蔔等混合的沙律,酸酸的口味開胃極了,不過有點油。由於 Passion 的沙律份量總是有點少,所以愛點 Quinoa with Feta Cheese Salad 增加飽足感,不過當中的藜麥仍是沒有很多呢。因為愛吃蕃茄,Tomato & Mozzarella 也是榜上名單,蕃茄鮮甜,配上 Mozzarella 就是絕配。總的來說,炎炎夏日吃 Passion 的沙律就是很開胃,不過份量更多就完美了! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2017-04-30
1274 瀏覽
次次路過都想入,今日去左下午茶。中環鋪好细间,主要做外賣,好多main course 其他分店有,呢间都冇…但係 bread / salad / cake / coffee 都唔錯好多choice. Salad 分大细,可pick three out of six flavor,Presentation 用纸碟,求其D, fast food feel,但好味wor!用Oliver oil mix vinegar sauce, 小米,菜,黍麥,cheese.....,都幾refreshing!原本想試pizza,但二个人下午茶,太heavy la. 下次去其他大间D既分店,要食下pasta😁! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
Nice French Restaurant with various choices(; This restaurant is self-catered and you can order food and take it by yourself. Relaxing style. Many people come to grasp a quick lunch and go."La Palette" passion Smoked Salmon is very delicious. I love the thin and crispy layer and the salmon with thick cheese(; The size is very enough for a girl's lunch portion! It serves with the takeaway box. Look like we are having fast food pizza. But they indeed made the La Palette after we ordered the food. Recommend this fresh lunch set! Delighted French restaurant, Passion by Gerard Dubois. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)