港鐵上環站 E2 出口, 步行約12分鐘
12:00 - 15:00
18:00 - 23:00
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Super Mondays是個每逢禮拜一晚上在指定的餐廳有買一送一活動的優惠,因為可以選擇的餐廳還蠻多而且都聚集在中環,晚上和好友一起去一家在Soho新開的意大利餐廳吃晚飯。如果大家要用這個優惠記得在網上申請Super mondays card還有訂位的時候和店員預先說哦!這家餐廳不算很大,裝潢有特色,在裡面吃飯有點像置身在意大利的小餐館裡,牆壁以紅色調為主,掛上具有意大利風情的掛畫.可惜的是這邊食物讓我還蠻失望!首先我們點了餐廳的推薦意粉Linguine ai frutti di Mare($228). 這是海鮮扁平麵,裡面的海鮮有小蝦,mussels和魷魚。其實意粉本身煮的時間ok,不軟不硬。但是這碟意粉沒有什麼汁,吃下去感覺有點辣辣的,感覺有點奇怪。海鮮全部都沒有外殼的,雖然還蠻新鮮但是好像吃在超市買的速凍食品。魷魚不是一塊塊而是很小很小一粒粒的,不吃以為這些是什麼東西。意粉的味道不怎麼樣,接下來我們點了II Polpettone($218).這是牛肉和豬肉混合在一起做成一片片的meat loaf配上薯泥。吃起來不是很硬,但吃不出來是牛肉或豬肉,味道就咸咸的。我們還點了個炸薯條($48)。炸得有點油而且不夠脆。最後的甜點我是蠻期待的,也是餐單上廚師推薦,因為有我最愛的Nutella!哈哈上來4塊長條的類似餅乾狀的Tart,還有一球雲尼拿雪糕和raspberry. 吃下去感覺很像吃餅乾,中間塗了一層Nutella, 很脆。雖然raspberry的果酸能綜合掉一些甜味,但味道太甜,連我這個甜食怪都有點受不了。這家餐廳食物味道有待改善咯
朋友介紹左supermondays呢個優惠比我,就係星期一黎食dinner主菜可以買一送一。原來有一系列餐廳都有呢個優惠,詳情可以上番個網頁睇番有邊d餐廳,同埋羅番張免費supermondays card。每個星期一試一間,幾個月都未必試得曬。今次去左蘇豪,其實伊利近街成條街好多餐廳都有呢個優惠,有d餐廳門口會寫到明supermondays,有d就無寫。如果係星期一,有d出名d既餐廳都幾full,所以最好揀中邊間餐廳就book左先黎。今次試左呢間意大利餐廳,因為太愛牛,就算去意大利餐廳我都會食牛。我同朋友兩個人叫左rib eye同linguine。其實本新想食pizza,可惜pizza唔可以有買一送一優惠。因為買一送一係計貴個份錢,所以揀左個貴d既linguine,好似抵d。 有個送既法包,熱法包好好食,不過個醬唔知咩黎既,怪怪地,個人鍾意牛油多d。 5/5 塊牛叫左7成,岩岩好,又唔太生,又唔鞋,品質好,又有炭燒香味,真係好好食 3/5 呢個麵真係令人失望,話曬係意大利餐廳,個麵好普通,醬無咩味,海鮮係急凍既,就算比幾多粒急凍蝦,都唔會好食最後,叫左個tiramisu作結。 4/5 有足兩層手指餅加mascarpone,都算幾好食,不過個層mascarpone可以再濃d,應該會更好食(d sauce好似好靚甘,但其實唔襯個tiramisu)因為supermondays呢個優惠,所以呢餐都抵食。呢間係難得呢類甘外國style ge餐廳黎講,會主動提供水。
新鮮出爐的法包,十分外脆內軟,份量足夠,橄欖蓉增添了淡淡的酸鹹味道。青豆湯賣相吸引,味道香醇濃郁,沒想到青豆可以轉身成此般美食,隨湯的麵包粒硬身爽脆,伴裏湯食是不能再幸福的食法了,亦加了橄欖油,完全沒食到任何青澀味,十分滿意。看,影得幾靚。沙津亦好食,有不同種類是蔬菜,都是本人喜歡食的菜,食起來沒有苦澀農藥味,清甜可口,加上少量調味,已經勝過很多沙津專門店十九幾條街了。羅勒青醬長寬條麵配魷魚,一食就知道是自家手打的麵,配上青醬,味道清新口感彈牙,亦成功突顯出較重味的魷魚,是不俗的配搭。通常食青醬意粉食到一半都會覺得膩滯,但食這道菜沒有這種感覺,不是一般的貨色。再看,影得幾靚。Pollo alla Cacciatora,意思大概是獵人燉雞?賣相吸引,份量足足有三舊雞,正如其名,十分野味,食到舐舐脷,燉得剛剛好,醬汁非常濃郁,雞非常嫩滑,食得非常滿足。看這尤物,真的不能忘記你。甜品是Tiramisu,十分鬆軟,十分好食,酒味十足,咖啡味十足,比例十分好,我給十分。看這Lady finger完美地插進了Tiramisu裏。最後食這碟士多啤梨,有助消化消滯,亦是一種生活的態度。
Sometimes you just want something simple to eat. I've been feasting on a lot of French fine dining recently, including stints at two and three Michelin starred establishments with incredibly rich food. Fun for a while, but boy, you can get over that pretty quickly!When you want nice simple food that tastes great, then you really can't go past great Italian food, where the whole philosophy is to use as few ingredients as possible to extract maximum flavour. We've only recently started to find some great little Italian restaurants in Hong Kong, after finding a few shockers initially.One of the better Italian diners we'd loved was Dining Concepts Cecconi's, which was really conveniently located in Soho, a place that we walked past most nights on the way home from work. It would have been a perfect foil for the rich French food we'd been consuming in the last month, but it had moved out it's Elgin Street home to Wyndham Street - just a little too far out of our way. Luckily, the team at Dining Concepts had done the old 'switcharoo', replacing one great Italian restaurant with another. I'm not really sure why, but Cecconi's was replaced with Prego Italian, a more relaxed style of Italian more closely resembling 'Mama's home-style cooking, from kitchen to table'. It sounded perfect!As we entered Prego, there were no reminders at all left over from the previous iteration. Cecconi's was definitely more upmarket than the interior of Prego, which was just simple and rustic looking. Simple wooden tables and chairs, bright red paint on the walls and an open kitchen at the back of the restaurant told a story of a rustic diner that screamed home-style provincial Italian.The menu continued to tell the story, with a list of simple looking dishes, highlighted by Chef Enrico's rustic signature dishes. The menu wasn't complex and reflected a restaurant that knew what it wanted to say about dining, and that story was simple Italian cooking. Lots of traditional antipasto was joined by pasta and pizza offerings... There were even options from 'Mamma Gianna' that seemed right at home. Plenty to order for those looking for simple home cooking!Shortly after ordering, we were given a wicker basket filled with some crusty bread, which came with a small bowl of olive tapenade. The crusty bread was warm and slightly sweet, it went well with the olive oil that I'd asked for separately - olive tapenade being one of the few food substances I just don't like. We devoured the bread quickly, but declined the offer of a refill - wanting the jump into our pastas that had just been delivered.The girl had chosen one of the signature dishes from Chef Enrico, the I Tagliolini della Chef, house made angel hair pasta with diced sausage in a cream sauce with basil. As I said, simple ingredients but full of flavour! The pasta was excellent, perfectly al dente, with the simple sauce cooked through at the last moment to ensure the pasta was coated with the sauce. Chunks of pork sausage mixed nicely with cherry tomato in a sauce that was both simple and beautiful at the same time. Simple and delicious..... Just perfect.My main was even more simple, I'd gone for the ultra traditional spaghetti with a Bolognese sauce, containing veal, pork and beef ragu. While I'd ordered the spaghetti, there had been mix up with the ordering and I was actually given the penne instead. The issue was quickly resolved and after a short wait, my penne was replaced with the spaghetti. While the wait was short, it was torturous watching SC enjoy her tagliolini, all the while wondering if my pasta would be as good. It was, yep, it really was. The perfectly cooked spaghetti had been finished off in the pan with the sauce, which was earthy and beefy and totally delicious.We didn't stick around for dessert, our plan of a simple and quick bite to eat on the way home from a long day in the office had been completed. We wanted a quick and delicious Italian meal and the team at Prego Italian had delivered.It was very quiet during our visit, with only a few diners inside the restaurant. It was just a little off-putting to us that there were staff outside touting for passers by to come in to sample the Prego fare. We'd normally avoid restaurants that have pushy staff out the front trying to pull customers, but we'd made a beeline for the restaurant and didn't even notice that it was happening. I guess that's one of the consequences of running a restaurant in busy Elgin Street!Even though we didn't go all out ordering everything on the menu, the two items that we did choose were simple and delicious. Prego delivers the type of comfort food that is warming and memorable, the type of food that is comforting and oh-so-moreish.In fact, we enjoyed Prego so much that we've been back a few times already. It's bitter sweet that we've just 'found' Prego Italian. It's the type of place that would be a very regular occurrence for us - very regular indeed. It's sad then that we're moving out of the Mid Levels and over to Wan Chai. We probably won't be able to get to Prego so much when we move.. Better make the most of it while we can!@FoodMeUpScottyA mountain of fresh parmesan added to the flavourThe signature pasta - wonderful flavoursThe open kitchenA simple paper placemat reflects the rustic approach of PregoSimple wooden chairs and tables
Opened in August in SOHO to the delight of traditional Italian food lovers, Prego is welcoming. Enjoy the shellfish as a starter at this Italian eatery, Importer Italian mussels soup with garlic bread, elegantly presented in a wooden background.It's the best to go with the simplest option so that I am fully able to enjoy the shells' natural taste- the uniquely sweet and succulent briny taste! Make sure you dip the fresh crusty Italian bread to mop up all the soup that gives a comforting crispy element to contrast the mushy little mussels.I believe there's something called food porn literally; this servicing size chicken has just proved it. The Galleto whole white spring chicken had firm, moist meat and a light balanced sauce. Even the breast meat is juicy! Simple ingredients; yet u get most out of its natural flavour at a warm home-style cooking.HKd 138 for a starter, main course with a hearty finishing of dessert. Overall service was warm and attentive. Love it!