港鐵中環站 D2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
於2007年開業的日意fusion菜餐廳,是中環上班族的好選擇。由日籍廚師主理,除了傳統口味的意粉,更供應融入日式元素的意大利麵,如清爽的吞拿魚冷意粉。 繼續閱讀
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
11:30 - 14:30
18:00 - 22:30
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番茄汁蝦球魚子醬凍意粉 意式煙肉烤雞槌 TUNA cold pasta Abalone(鮑魚) pasta Blue crab(蟹) pasta
食評 (77)
等級1 2024-07-11
872 瀏覽
第一次Openrice食評就獻比呢間。未食過d咁難食嘅野,兜椰菜花湯0調味唔知飲緊乜,比較貼切嘅形容係一兜有菜味ge水。問返同行友人佢哋果兜反而係死咸,懷疑係我果碗唔記得加鹽,不過其實都冇分別,一樣係入唔到口。至於主菜叫左個Carbonara,第一眼已經覺得係用超市d車打芝士片溶落去咁,食落口咸到苦咁,份量又細,真心呢種質素自己屋企煮都仲好食,咁樣收差唔多$200真係唔能夠接受。再睇返其他人食果d,尤其係個Shirasu,放一堆吻仔魚喺兜意粉上面就$130?認真咩? 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級2 2024-06-15
1037 瀏覽
最近好想食意式千層麵,剛好上午喺半山開完會,中午就嚟到蘇豪附近搵食。睇過不少間意大利餐廳都冇意式千層麵,兜兜轉轉下嚟到呢間喺威靈頓街上樓嘅意大利餐廳,都冇時間心機睇食評,問侍應有冇意式千層麵?話有!我就坐低點咗餐。首先蘑菇湯有小驚喜,不是忌廉蘑菇湯,侍應特別講解話佢哋餐廳嘅蘑菇湯係唔會加忌廉,我個人喜歡,而且覺得冇用忌廉更加符合意大利菜嘅特色。飲落都好味,不過飲完喉嚨有少少乾,希望唔係有味精。主角千層麵終於嚟,賣相一般,有興趣可以睇其他食友上傳嘅相片。睇得出係高溫焗爐剛攞出嚟,上面嘅芝士仲起緊熱泡,怕燙傷忍住肚餓用上餐湯時附送嘅麵包棒輕輕垂直插入千層麵,立即熱氣爆升,吹幾下放到嘴裏都有少少被燙傷。不過失望接踵而至,簡單來說,就是一層芝士一層肉醬一層面一層肉醬…意大利國家咁大,可能有唔同類型嘅千層麵,但係呢間餐廳嘅千層麵就不敢恭維…單一品種嘅芝士份量都算幾足夠,肉醬好普通,千層麵係細長方形嘅軟淋淋千層麵;整體食落有啲似希臘嘅木莎卡,但冇茄子;總結就係似急凍食品或者快餐廳茶記等級嘅千層麵,超失望… 個人建議,我覺得千層麵可以有多少少acidity 酸味,或者加少少意大利香草都會有所幫助。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
[ Sagratino | 中環 ] This restaurant has been open since 2007 and it recently came on my radar to try out. The Japanese chef makes interesting Italian pasta with Japanese ingredients and it instantly intrigued me. I came on a weekday to get their weekday lunch set which is way better value compared to ALC. As the set is $130 (+10%) and most pastas are more than $150. Arriving around 12:15pm there was barely anyone, but once it was 12:30pm, the cozy but spacious restaurant was packed full of workers and also tourists. Like I mentioned, the restaurant is on the small side but you won’t feel claustrophobic. The view is also pretty nice and the bathroom is clean. I would say they should increase the ventilation and air-conditioning especially in the summer and due to the large number of people in the space. The service is amicable but not too enthusiastic. We were first given some breadsticks which were stale and soggy, very tasteless and no vinegar or oil to make it better. The lunch set comes with a choice of soup or salad and a drink, the food came rather fast after ordering and I was halfway through the soup when my pasta came.—— —— Broccoli Soup The soup today was broccoli soup and the salad was caesar salad. I chose the soup and I highly regret it. It came rather unappealing and unappetising. This shouldn’t even be classified as soup as it is just salty broccoli water and you can tell they only use very little broccoli as the ‘soup’ separates into broccoli puree and water after being left for a while. The only upside is that it is seasoned well with salt but there is honestly no taste to this 😔—— —— Morone - Sea Bass in White Wine Sauce $130 After that disastrous starter, I was starting to doubt the restaurant and the many praiseful comments it has. However, this pasta redeemed them. The spaghetti is cooked perfectly al dente and the sauce is extremely luscious and oily but in the best way possible as to stick onto the spaghetti. The use of olive oil makes its aromatically silky and not greasy and the addition of white wine as the base makes it extremely flavourful and light. I also really enjoyed the bits of garlic as it adds a really nice dimension of depth. As for the sea bass, it is also cooked perfectly well thus is flaky and tender with a strong ‘bass’ taste without being fishy. Like the pasta, it is seasoned very well with herbs and I enjoyed eating them together for the perfect combination of taste and texture. The pieces of fish are varying in size so can get tiny pockets of fish in between bites and it tastes of literal heaven. Portion wise, it is perfect as a filling lunch but it left me wanting more due to its deliciousness 😅😋—— —— 推介 💁🏻‍♀️💬 Overall, what started off as a pretty bad meal ended on a very high note with a very very delicious pasta that I already crave again. I hope to be back soon to try their other Japanese-Italian pasta dishes like the baby octopus, whitebait, squid tentacles, as well as their chicken cartilage, beef tripe, and pork ribs. On the other hand, my friend got their Bolognese and it was very watery and salty so perhaps stick to the uncommon dishes instead 😬🗓 Revisit? ✅ ⭕️/ ❎ Below is my second visit here and suffice to say that I will not be back. Before I ordered, I wanted to thank the chef for a great plate of pasta left time but when I saw him, he was rude and wanted me to get out as soon as possible, not even giving eye contact or appreciating my gratitude. I was so close to leaving the restaurant but I didn’t want to make a scene.I ordered their caesar salad this time after the abysmal soup I had last time and this was no better. Literally just wet romaine in bottled caesar sauce with no other toppings. The lettuce was also in very big pieces and not very fitting to eat. This time I got the Shirasu pasta which is is soggy and mushy with no flavour whatsoever. The spaghetti was also overcooked and was the same texture as the shirasu in my mouth 😬😭. 推介 🙅🏻‍♀️ 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2023-02-07
3280 瀏覽
Came here because of their free corkage up to 5 bottles. Their stemware was quite adequate, unlike some establishments that use water goblets. We were 4 adults and two little toddlers, and they were very accommodating and serving, despite the almost full house of the evening. Prices were very reasonable and the food was very good. We will definitely be back again. Their two draft Japanese beers were surprisingly good. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2022-04-06
4687 瀏覽
午飯時段想食沙律,以為西餐都應該有草食掛,唔知係我眼大睇過龍冇留意主餐牌,還是真係沒有,眼見午餐餐牌上面只係有意粉同意粉,另一邊就是肉!既然你都意大利餐廳,而佢哋又只提供意粉,咁唯有揀意大利最著名的肉醬意粉。午餐賠償沙律,沙律原來指是羅馬生菜及芝士汁,本來想清淡D,但給厚厚的芝士醬蓋過了。至於肉醬意粉,碟很大,但意粉就是在中間的小兜裏,以為分量很少,但越食越有。意粉都煮得彈口,肉醬都多,只是干番茄的味道略嫌有點鹹。最後以意大利咖啡結束。一頓不過不失的意大利餐。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)