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食評 (23)
等級4 2016-05-18
5344 瀏覽
韓國炸雞吃了很多, 因為有很多不同的口味, 所以食極都不厭!美國炸雞, 雖然才是最原始, 但說實話除了KFC, 也沒多吃其他的. 難得朋友介紹一個"任食炸雞"的地方, 一定要試試看! Original Fried Chicken四個字, 鮮嫩多汁! 沒有很濃的調味, 但新鮮炸出來, 又不會有雪藏味, 很棒! Lime Fried Chicken加上了青檸汁更鮮味! Scone很好吃!! 烤得很香, 應該下了不少牛油, 但我也要多塗一層牛油再吃! 它的牛油也很香的說!雖然很胖, 我也吃了兩個! Grilled Corn有新鮮的烤玉米! 很開心~~烤的很好, 不會太乾, 甜! Macaroni Salad這個有點失色, 味道有點淡, Macaroni也軟了點..  Buffalo Fried Chicken始於Buffalo是最惹味的, 夠辣夠酸! 朋友們好像都最愛這個味道! Brownie with Marshmallow and Vanilla Ice Cream沒想過對我來說全晚的highlight是甜品!!我絕對不是一個甜品控, 但這個Brownie真的超.好.吃!Brownie上面也了一層溶了的朱古力醬, 好像在吃"心太軟", 超棒~~加上烤脆了的綿花糖, 天啊! 絕配!我朋友吃不下, 我又吃了兩個... 也是同一句.. 吃完再減吧~$250個大洋, 不用加一, 可以任食炸雞兼任飲啤酒! 還送了一人一Shot Whiskey! 再加上前菜和甜點, 實在物超所價! 更重要的是, 沒有限時! 太棒了! 找到大伙兒的新聚腳點了! (已納入收藏) 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-03-23
5141 瀏覽
Butchers Club 是香港少數的DA牛扒專家,近年搞作多多,除黃竹坑那可容立1000位食客的總店外,最近亦於灣仔開了一間 Butchers Burger。而今天,PJ就來了住於中環的 Steak Frites by The Butchers Club,該店平日主打吃靚牛扒,但今天是"炸雞星期三",客人只需用$250便可於這裡任吃美式南部炸雞同任飲Blue Ribbon啤酒,炸雞迷必食!Steak Frites by The Butchers Club 氣氛一流,很chill,啱哂中環人的口味。PJ一向都知道這裡的DA牛扒出名有質素,但今天要吃的是炸雞,真的很好奇,出品究竟又如何呢?廚房正在忙碌準備炸雞,不時傳來陣陣誘人的香味,實在是太折磨人了...是次 Chicken Shack Wednesday 活動除了炸雞任食外,另一賣點便是啤酒也是任飲!!!這盤 Blue Ribbon 不需15分鐘已需refill了,所以話炸雞配啤酒,這配搭無得輸!!!除啤酒外,每位食客也可免費享用一杯 Whisky,有兩種味道選擇: Jack or Jill?平日放滿了牛扒的凍櫃,今天放滿了玩具雞,十分欣賞這裡的幽默感。那到底$250元的 all-you-can-eat 係食乜東東?當然不單只吃炸雞,還有salad及甜品,真心超值。每人先來一客炸雞皮,全部即叫即炸,可無限量添食,雞皮炸得又薄又脆,真邪惡,會令人吃上癮的啊!輪到主角炸雞登場!Steak Frites只採用來自澳洲Lilydale雞腿肉,自由放養的有機雞肉質鮮嫩多汁。原來秘訣在於大廚先將雞件放進buttermilk中醃過夜,再用鴨油炸熟後放涼,然後再翻炸至外皮金黃鬆脆給客人新鮮享用。阿P不負眾望,吃了5大件炸雞,而我只吃了兩件,真失禮!雞槌部份非常嫩滑!但雞上脾才是我的最愛!不可不提的還有這雞汁fountain,味道微辛,帶酸,有助刺激味蕾及中和炸雞的肥膩感。吃到一半更有 live band助陣,氣氛一流!就連甜品朱古力布朗尼伴燒棉花糖及雪糕亦是任點任食,最欣賞那燒到香脆的綿花糖!Chocolate Brownie仍夠濕潤,雖然細細件,但卻非常飽肚,還是留肚多吃一件炸雞吧!瘋狂的"炸雞星期三",偶爾放縱一吓,讓肚皮大解放,感覺良好。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-03-23
3343 瀏覽
Steak Frites by The Butchers Club is surely well-known for their quality beef and fries. Whilst recently they have launched a mid-week (i.e. Wednesday) Chicken Shack pop up night, their house meat expert is now offering all-you-can-eat Southern-Style Fried Chicken to revamp an entirely new concept.Their American southern fried chickens are free-range and organic, marinated overnight in their secretly spiced buttermilk sauce to keep it extremely moist and succulent. It is then double fried in duck fat to give an extra-crunchy coating that is seasoned with salt and a sprig of thyme.On top of that, the option is not limited to just fried chicken. We had some decadent macaroni salad, crunchy coleslaw and buttermilk biscuits to complete the hearty and indulging menu.A piece of vividly fudgy chocolate brownie is also served with toasted marshmallow and vanilla ice cream to conclude this cheerful meal.What’s more? Free flow Pabst Blue Ribbon beer and shots are included too! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2016-03-18
1633 瀏覽
今日lunch去試吓。見lunch special咁扺,叫咗今日嘅fish and chips。老公見個個食burger就叫了burger。熱騰騰軟綿綿的麵包,正!新鮮好味的沙律,正!burger肉汁豐富,正!魚…😩😩😩triple fried到乾如柴⋯超失敗!打算走嘅時候,佢地送上甜品。vanila雪糕加超濃味朱古力brownie上面配上燒綿花糖…救命呀!太正!🤗😋❤️ 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-02-09
2557 瀏覽
We'd only just sat down at our table when an enthusiastic chef from the kitchen was presenting huge slabs of raw meat for our perusal. We could have had the full story about dry aged beef, but since I knew a little bit of the process of dry ageing, we skipped the lecture.That's the way they roll at the Butchers Club, to say they are fanatical about beef products might just be underselling the team's devotion to bringing top quality meat to Hong Kong.The Butchers Club are very well known for their burgers and for a while there, I was pretty darn addicted to their fat and juicy hamburgers (see post here). While their burgers are arguably the best in town, I was keen to find out just how devoted to the art-of-the-cow the Butchers Club were, and visiting their Steak Frites joint on Staunton Street seemed like the best way to find out.I'd walked past the entrance to Steak Frites countless times on the way to work each morning, so was well acquainted with the entrance actually being around the corner in Aberdeen Street. Walking up the stairs into the dining room was an interesting experience, with decor that included exposed bricks and a rustic feel that was enhanced by the slight red glow of the numerous hanging lights. The space was a little smaller and more intimate than I was expecting, the tables quite close together. Our table afforded us a clear view of the kitchen and fridge stocked full with the specially acquired Australian and US beef.Placemats at our tabled doubled as menus and we contemplated a decent range of choices that included grain fed 120+ Western Australian beef aged for 40 days, USDA Angus prime aged for 90 days and the very special Ranger's Valley 'Black Onyx' Angus grain fed for 300+ days and aged for 30 days. Of course there was a supporting cast of appetisers and platters to share and a small number of desserts, but the menu left no doubt that the focus of the Butchers Club was the steak.We kicked off our meal with a dozen of the Scottish oysters, thoughtfully halved so that the girl and I each had six fat and plum oysters shucked and ready for devouring. Of course, jealously running my eye over the oysters, I noticed that SC's were a little larger and a little more plump than my half dozen. The super fresh oysters had quite a high salinity levels and were lovely and salty, you could really taste the sea in every bite. Accompanying the oysters was a sharp little vinaigrette, which paired wonderfully with the salty oysters and the girl even added a little tabasco to provide a little kick.Next up was another little share plate of Ranger Valley wagyu carpaccio, which was served with a little arugula, parmesan and lemon olive oil. The marble content was on display, with the white fatty deposits streaking through the bright red of the incredibly tender meat. Lightly grilled on the outer edges, the carpaccio was a lot thicker than I've been used to, but the superior quality of the meat allowed the thicker cut to really shine. The healthy amount of seasoning sprinkled over the meat, along with the slight peppery flavour of the olive oil ensured that the carpaccio was one of the better examples we'd come across.Part of the gig at the Butchers Club is to provide a salad before the main show started and we were given the option of a honey mustard dressing or a blue cheese sauce on our lettuce wedge. Given my experience at Byron Hamburger's in the UK (see post here), I didn't hesitate to ask for the blue cheese sauce while the girl went with the honey mustard. In case you've not had a lettuce wedge salad, you're missing out, they are superb. A quarter of lettuce, drizzled in a sauce then showered with chunks of crisply bacon seems like a simple salad, but boy are they superb. I'd have loved to have seen a lot more blue cheese sauce on my lettuce, about half way through, I'd run out and it lost a little of it's impact.We both kept the main simple, ordering the 300 gram Rangers Valley centre cut tenderloin, medium rare for myself with the girl committing a little bit of heresy and going for a medium. Our huge steaks were presented on the expected wooden board with a handful of the Butchers Club's famous duck fat fries. Before touching my steak, I jumped straight those wonderful thick cut fries with the golden and mostly crispy exterior and a soft and fluffy interior. But I could only ignore the call of my beef for so long, and before I knew it my knife was gliding through the tender cut of beef like a hot knife through butter. My steak was well cooked, seasoned to perfection and most importantly, had been rested 'juussst right'. Tenderloin is not the strongest flavoured part of a cow, so they need to be cooked perfectly to be enjoyable and the Butchers Club clearly know a thing or two about cooking beef. The steak was superb.We'd done a silly thing though... You remember the Simpson's episode where Homer fills up on bread? Well, there were some tasty baguette slices provided with the smoothest and creamiest truffle butter ever on our table, and, well, we almost filled up on the bread! So were completely stuffed trying to finish off the huge steaks!It stopped us from sampling one of the desserts of offer, but in all honesty, there were no options that enamoured us that much anyway.The Butchers Club clearly know their way around a cow, in fact, they have many a poster on their walls showing just that. The team have secured the best beef and are well adept at preparing it with love and respect. The meal is a bit of a hike on the traditional 'steak and frites' on offer from likes of 'La Vache' (see post here), both in quality of the produce and the price of the meal, which has the potential to burn a hole in you're wallet.I very much enjoyed our meal at the Butchers Club and I'm glad I went, but boy, those steaks are expensive, even by Hong Kong standards. It's just a little hard for me to justify regularly visiting Steak Frites by the Butchers Club - I guess I'll just have to satisfy myself with their very beefy burgers!@FoodMeUpScottyIt's all about the steak and the Butchers Club sure know their beefThe rustic but very 'red' interior of the Butchers Club 繼續閱讀
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