港鐵天后站 A2 出口, 步行約10分鐘 繼續閱讀
多次打入開飯每月排行榜的大坑小店,甜食代表有waffle系列,鹹食有All Day Breakfast,兩樣都正中年青一族口味。 繼續閱讀
12:00 - 22:00
AlipayHK 支付寶 現金 Mileslife
自帶酒水 詳細介紹
切餅費 詳細介紹
電話訂座 詳細介紹
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食評 (704)
等級2 2019-09-21
1036 瀏覽
今個星期六再入大坑pudding食嘢,上次過黎見到餐牌得d文字,d紙仲要爛曬,d員工話轉緊餐牌,話下次黎餐牌就會有圖😂今次入黎果然冇令我失望!見到新餐牌終於唔係得文字,d相仲要好吸引,就同frd入去食下嘢~叫左個duck&waffle同薑蔥龍蝦意粉,水準冇變,好好食🤣🤣🤣個鴨比炸得啱啱好🤤🤤龍蝦意粉係落蠔油炒,煮果陣都聞到好香~仲要原隻龍蝦尾擺上面,超吸引呢😆😆舖頭環境幾chill,好適合同frd食下嘢傾下計咁😍不過意粉選擇得2款,如果多d選擇就好喇!同埋openrice寫冇得打電話book檯,但問左舖頭d人先知原來可以🤔🤔anyway 呢間舖頭真係可以話係大坑數一數二高汁小店,值得再去嘅~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-08-26
641 瀏覽
Waiter was day-dreaming and he got my order wrong. The menu was like it’s just picked up from a dirty trash bin. No single page of the menu is complete paper - full of holes, and perhaps the dirt fri kitchen. The food- waffle and duck - waffle was tasteless and dry. Duck was pre-cooked and it was dry. Most importantly, the cook/waiter was generating super big noises in the kitchen. What’s worse, my eyes was full of tears because of the smoke in the room and I began coughing. Terrible experience and I can’t believe this meal is the most expensive breakfast I’ve had in the neighborhood. (I live in the zone for four years)All in all, what really socked me was the fake likes- the same lady repeatedly post good and nice comments about the restaurant. This is the most terrible and most expensive coffee shop in the region. Don’t try. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2019-08-25
598 瀏覽
大坑一直很缺乏甜品店,大部份人吃完晚飯後都只能走去天后地鐵站附近吃中式糖水。自從幾年前雜誌大力推廣什麼大坑隱細小店、銅鑼灣後花園或潮人集中地後,大坑獨立小餐廳開了一家又一家,價錢也越來越貴,可惜沒有幾家是做得長久的。。這家Pudding Novea 的「歷史」在大坑可說是很久了,記得全盛期滿滿都是人,可惜現在今時不同往日了。。。重點是,這家餐廳性價比很低。首先,看到他們的餐牌已經愕然了,又皺又舊又破爛。他們的價錢更讓人咋舌。窩夫waffle索價$86+疏乎厘soufflé索價$110左右點了較少見雜莓疏乎厘奄列$98。說真的,口感還算是不錯,軟綿綿的,就像吃泡沫的感覺。上一次吃這道菜是在法國的聖米歇爾山,這家比起來蛋香沒有那麼濃郁,也比較乾。所謂的雜莓,就是幾粒切開了的士多啤梨。而且店家有點Hard Sell.. 應該好一段時間都不會再幫襯了。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2019-06-30
954 瀏覽
一向都知道大坑有好多特色小店,而且美食雲集!但由於附近冇咩商店行,所以好少去!今日去完銅鑼灣行街,就專登行咗去大坑食西餐!餐廳唔係好大,但勝在夠靜,可以靜靜地食晚飯!上網見到好多人推介食薑蔥龍蝦意粉,我當然唔執輸,都要試吓啦!意粉一上枱,就聞到好香薑蔥味,好吸引!龍蝦好入味!但係我嫌意粉略為硬左少少!而且餐廳冷氣太大,啲意粉好快就已經凍咗啦,凍咗之後就冇咁好食囉!響餐牌見到咖喱魚多士覺得好得意,就叫嚟試吓啦!呢個真係好好味,啲咖喱好香,薯條同埋多士都好脆,好香口!誠意推介! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2019-06-16
609 瀏覽
Visit the restaurant today based on the good review, it ends up a big surprise from the moment the waiter not even understand what is the difference of spaghetti & angel hair which cost at $248, the failing to offer discount by tagging Facebook as per shop poster, waiter not even know to give utensils to customer until being asked, lobster is definitely not fresh...When being asked for water, the day dreaming waiter gives only 2 cup of water even we have 3. To conclude, a joke to charge at such price with such service level with such food quality. Hard to recommend to anyone 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)