美國餐車駛進室內,背景更從美國街頭換成了兩層樓高的室內冷氣環境,有落地玻璃讓食客感受室外藍天白雲。食物方面是標準的西岸美國菜,漢堡薯條少不了,更有小食系Grilled Cheese多士及海鮮菜。 繼續閱讀
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 00:00
08:00 - 22:00
08:00 - 22:00
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食評 (25)
等級3 2018-11-19
487 瀏覽
晨早起身,想去淺水灣食個 All day breakfast,咁就出發去淺水灣 The Pulse。點知,去到8點鬆啲,好多餐廳都未開😑。最後搵到得呢間 Hotshot 係開左門。早餐選擇唔多,最後叫左2個 Scrambled Eggs and Chorizo。一個加 toast,一個加 bacon。我以為個炒蛋同西班牙腸係分開,點知原來係炒埋一碟。都算炒得好嘅,不過$95炒個蛋,重貴過我去 four seasons 食。個bacon 得一條。早餐重要無包野飲,飲野要再加錢。其實真係好過去搶。 繼續閱讀
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It was a hot summer day and boyfriend and I headed to the beach. We were a bit  hungry so decided to eat at one the places in The Pulse. Out of all the places, Hotshot had plenty of tables available and we chose here.Upon arrival, there was no one to take us to a table. We wondered ... were we to just seat ourselves? Finally someone came over and said just sit wherever you want. Then when we pointed we'd sit there, we were left alone for the longest amount of time with no menu. At first, we thought she'd come back with one but after a while, I just got up and grabbed our own menus.Menu is in English only. They serve casual western fare. Food fit for a beach eats.The layout is really beautiful. As it's run by the same group who did Bibo, there are plenty of pieces of art pieces sprinkled throughout. Being an Invader fan, I loved the addition of Invader pieces!Cheeseburger ($120). The burger came with a side of homemade potato chips. There was a pickle, tomato, jalepeno, onions and a slice of cheddar on a brioche bun. We asked for a medium rare but what we got was a well done. The bun had a burnt taste to it. For $120, this was a pretty sorrowful burger. The only thing good was the potato chips.Free Range Fried Chicken ($130). This fare better. The chicken was moist and juicy. The coating was spectacular. Seasoned well and crispy. It came with a honey mustard dipping sauce that tasted more like honey than anything else. The place is beautifully decorated. But the food is mediocre especially for this price, it should be even better.  The burger was burnt and not great. The service was non-existent. It is no wonder out of all the restaurants at the Pulse, this was the only one where there was plenty of empty tables. We won't be back. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2018-06-15
496 瀏覽
因為要做一件影響下半生嘅重要事,所以要一早入淺水灣!大大話話,成二十年無落過淺水灣嚕,面目全非!做完我想要做嘅事之后,緊係醫肚啦,我早餐都未食晨嘅早飛入黎架。𠵱!依家淺水灣海邊有個商場喎,幾時起架?我太耐無黎了,睇吓有咩食先!因為時間尚早,商場都未營業,好彩都有兩三間食市開咗。行到 hotshot,人最少,於是乎走咗入去幫襯。黎到哩d高尚地方食野,貴就緊架啦!點咗一個野菌奄列同鮮果沙律做早餐。野菌奄列無我地一般茶餐廳咁肥膩,係奄列入面都有野菌,喂,鋪係面頭d野菌又鋪得幾靚啫!第一次食早餐食成兩個鐘,食吓停吓傾吓望吓聽吓歌,其實兩個鐘好快就過!係 HotShot 有一種超憂閒感覺,你突然會感覺世界停頓哂,所以我慢慢去享受個早餐。 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-11-19
778 瀏覽
@Clockenflap... Extremely unfriendly service and unapologetic staff. Lobster roll was far far away from what it should be, imagine lobster salad dumped into a cold bun.... then went for cotton candy as they were the only place... that receptionist / cashier was extremely rude and after queueing, told us there was no cotton candy!!! Totally unacceptable!!!After telling them they should let people know, there was no action, no apology... A marketing stall like this should reflect or at least market better than the restaurant. BIG FAIL to that Caucasian lady who was manning it!!! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2017-10-05
621 瀏覽
... when all other restaurants in the Pulse ask you to wait for an hour for a table ? Hotshot has fantastic location , very good place to chill and have a drink. Food is decent ( cheeseburger , mac and cheese , salad ) BUT service is terrible .Like : no restroom , food arrives before drinks , need to ask 3 times for a fork, dishes arrive every ten minutes not together , waitress avoids you ... they should do so much better for their clients . 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)