港鐵灣仔站 B2 出口, 步行約4分鐘 繼續閱讀
Chili Thai無論美食或用餐環境都令人十分滿意: 菜式由泰籍主廚精挑細選,親自烹調,味道正宗,而嶄新的環境更令人很舒服。 環境別具泰式風情,情侶們、朋友或一家大細聚餐
18:30 - 22:30
Visa Master 現金 銀聯
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
食評 (18)
等級3 2018-12-03
210 瀏覽
為什麼我去親好吃既餐廳, 都會執左既呢...位處廈門街既樓上, 呢間CHILI THAI個老闆仲幾靚仔, 不過位處偏僻, 都幾難搵嫁, 如果唔係OPENRICE都搵唔到份量超多的柚子沙律勁多柚子, 甜中又酸酸地, 輕微既辣味好開胃, 越食越想食~豬肉炒菜就比較普通, 不過味道都唔錯, 豬肉稔得來又唔會係用鬆肉粉果種, 炒完都唔會覺得好油, 幾好蝦餅係我最鐘意既~呢度做得超彈牙又重蝦味, 熱辣辣好好食!燒雞加左少少炸蒜頭, 焗到岩岩好, 都唔錯丫~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級1 2014-06-11
3213 瀏覽
生日飯想食泰國菜但又唔想去一D大路既泰國餐廳, 免得又迫又無新意, 無意間發意Chili Thai, 抱著一試無防頂多賴野既決心就Book左位, 反正同呢班朋友一齊都賴過唔小野.餐廳裝潢不錯, 有泰國風味, 雅潔, 我估大概可容納30人左右, 包場開party都係一個好選擇, 入正題!上菜速度非常高, 一碟接一碟, 目不暇給, 個咀都好忙.先來沙律: 皮蛋沙律及柚子沙律, 兩個沙律清新開胃. 原本想order 青芒沙律但無貨, 唯有等下次.緊接是生蝦刺生, 好爽好新鮮, 朋友唔食得辣, 用冰水過冷河都要食冬陰公湯, 好味道, size岩兩個人share焗魷魚, 大家食到舐舐脷, 正胡椒蟹及咖哩蟹, 呢個係招牌菜, 不用多說了, 其實係因為我詞窮, 只記得好味又唔記得咩野味, 哈哈, 但溫馨提示大家, 經openrice book 位, 呢個蟹有discount 炒金邊粉, 我地把胡椒蟹d調味碎倒入個粉到撈埋食, 別有一番風味!炒花甲,大蝶到呢, 新鮮. 總結, 呢個價錢有呢個食物質素, 服務, 環境, 我令我地開開心心過左一晚, 簡直係超值美中不足是沒有甜品, 好想食芒果糯米飯!But Chili Thai, I will come again soon! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2014-06-09
394 瀏覽
灣仔卧虎藏龍,不同國家菜式的餐廳應有盡有~~位於廈門街的Chili Thai,去過數次,晚餐時段往往坐無虛席。不可不試,泰式生蝦,大推介!蝦隻新鮮彈牙,醬汁甜中帶辣,完全沒有半點腥味!我有位朋友只吃過日式刺身,而沒有吃過泰式的,我說這樣太可惜了!因為各有千秋,不應只獨沽一味!豉椒炒蟶子,香口而且大大件!火喉十足!蒸扇貝,扇貝鮮甜美味!一人一個,很快便清碟了!服務良好,侍應很勤快地清理桌面,更換碟子,令人滿意!另外,如果可以提供多款泰式甜品,將吸引更多客人! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2012-07-18
2401 瀏覽
約咗朋友傾嘢 ! 朋友在灣仔工作, 他放晚上0900, 之前去過呢間泰菜都食過幾餐, 都覺得環境好好, 所以book定位先 !老闆好nice, 先推介生蝦, 鹽焗烏頭, 我哋亦order咗泰式生菜苞, 最後老闆亦介紹泰式銀絲粉 , 上菜次序如下: 1. 生蝦- 好新鮮, 都有10隻, 唔太細隻, 泰式生蝦汁都好夠味同辡, 正! 食泰式生蝦個辡汁醬好重要 2. 泰式生菜苞- 份量好足夠, 生菜好大塊及新鮮, 豬肉配上椒絲及泰式香料都十分有口感及盞味, 唔會好濕 ;3. 鹽焗烏頭- 上檯時已聞到陣陣鹽香, 全烏頭以鹽焗, 食落去魚肉好鮮及帶有少少咸味,更顯出鮮味 4. 泰式銀絲炒- 加咗辡, 好盞味, 以豬肉碎,紅椒, 青椒, 泰式香料作主要食材, 銀絲粉好滑 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2012-07-07
2298 瀏覽
I came here for lunch and dinner so I'll group the two visits together. Being located on the second floor on a cul-de-sac means it doesn't get the usual traffic flow, but also means those who come are dedicated and know what they're after. The manager/owner is a nice dude who's attentive and energetic, also relaxing towards the end of a hard day's work with a beer together with a couple of regular customers.For lunch, there is a set menu with 7 or 8 choices, which offer good value for money. We went a la carte instead, getting the grilled pork neck (tender, juicy, but the accompanying sauce was a bit too salty, would have been better with a vinegar based chili sauce to balance the fattiness of the pork), the grilled squid (not overly charred, tender and fresh, came with a nice sauce that we used for the pork neck as well), the papaya salad (more spicy than sour, it didn't quite hit the notes for me, but they are one of the few in town who adds crushed crabs into it, just like the hawker style in Thailand), and a tom yum soup which was made with fresh galangal, lemongrass, lime leaves and all the other goodness, plus a couple of fresh prawns.For dinner, the atmosphere was more relaxed, the big TV was on without the sound so it wasn't distracting. It was still quite full despite being a Thursday night at 9pm. We went for the two person set menu, which included a tom yum soup, an appetiser platter, the grilled chicken (and other choices such as fish, pork etc, at different prices), stir fried morning glory, rice/naan. We also added a lamb chop curry as we were starving mad.The fish and crab cakes were a little oily but quite soft and meaty, not like the ones made with too much flour and too little anything else. The spring rolls were crispy which suggests they were made to order (or at least deep fried when ordered). The grilled chicken was a little on the dry side but the seasoning was great. The lamb chops came in a creamy yellow curry sauce and were super tender and juicy, I just wished there were more of it. The morning glory was seasoned with garlic, chili and belachan, and still retained the greeness and just the right amount of texture (overcooking kills the dish).Both lunch ~$320 and dinner $375 were very reasonably priced. We saw the next table order a large plate of pork's knuckles that could easily be shared between 4-6 people. That'll be a reason for me to return with back up next time.Just a few points: if you want their seafood dishes, order in advance. Also they don't have satays if that's what you're craving for. There's free parking downstairs which is generally safe for most of the time. 繼續閱讀
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