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食評 (24)
等級1 2018-03-28
2051 瀏覽
Craving some good ole' fashioned cajun food? Look elsewhere. This is not the place for you, despite what you may hear or read in local blogs. Firstly the good: the space and decor are absolutely beautiful. They've really nailed it on the look and the atmosphere. There is typically also not a long wait. Unfortunately, we don't just go to restaurants for the aesthetic. The food was pretty awful. We had a starter called "dips with nachos" that comes with a small bowl full of greasy but admittedly tasty homemade chips/crisps. The dips, though, were guacamole (most definitely not homemade; the kind you buy at a grocery store that is pumped with preservatives so that it doesn't brown), french onion dip (also store-bought), and a less-than-mediocre salsa that had too much sugar in it. Surprise, surprise - that wasn't homemade either. The main course was some sort of jambalaya with angel hair pasta that was served for two. It was tasteless, oily, and took about 45 minutes to come out. We barely finished it. Worst of all - it's very expensive. We paid around $600 HKD for two people who didn't finish what was mediocre food. Too bad too, because it  really is a  beautiful space. 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2018-02-21
1723 瀏覽
A cozy neighbourhood restaurant at Sun Street in Wanchai. The ambiente is super cool and the service was friendly.I have tried the pork and duck rillette which was presented and tasted very good. I will definitely go there again and try the ribeye steak which was on display in a sous-vide machine. 繼續閱讀
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AVOID.  We ordered a few appetizers and a main, plus a few drinks. The bill came to around HKD 700 for two people, which was very over-priced considering what we received. The drinks were sub-standard, but the skull glass that one of the cocktails came in was a surprising (albeit superficial) touch that was at the end of the day, a cheap trick. I hate restaurants who favor style over substance. The appetizers we ordered were: the Cajun-style corn on the cob; chicken wings and grilled shrimp with grits. All of them were mediocre. The corn on the cob (half-heated) was overwhelmed by dollops of mayonnaise and not much else. The chicken wings weren't terrible but at HKD 70-80 for five pieces, they were extortionately overpriced. The grilled shrimp and grits was hugely disappointing. In the US, shrimp is typically peeled and then grilled, creating that characteristic char on the flesh of the meat itself. The shrimp came with the shell fully intact, making it taste more like it had been boiled or stewed (which is fine if we had ordered that, but we didn't!). Everything was lacking Cajun spices. The main course we ordered (ribs with a side of fries) was tepid and artificial. The ribs did fall off the bone, but tasted oily and lacked flavor. The fries were okay, but tasted like they had been fried or baked from frozen. One of them was even still half-frozen––you can tell when the potato has been packed very tight in the center and is a dense texture, not crumbly and loose like when made fresh. My husband and I are experiencing stomach cramps and are generally feeling unwell after the meal. Save your dollars and your health and go to a local cha chan teng instead; it's better and cheaper.  繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-10-22
1996 瀏覽
Moonshine & The Po’s Boys係一間深受ig, openrice foodbloggers歡迎既餐廳。今次我就同幾個朋友慕名而來試下係味真係咁掂😀Iberico Baby Back Ribs ($250) 當然好唔好味係好主觀,但呢個baby back ribs啲肉又韌又少,調味過酸,definitely not what i expected from a $250 dish.再黎試下佢地洗哂版既Peanut Butter & Popcorn milkshake ($135)一句講哂:不知所謂。杯野用黎睇就ok,但飲落係冇味既。連基本既奶味、花生醬味都冇,好似一杯怪味水咁。輕鬆冇左$135,大家唔怕中伏既可以照嗌黎影張相既😀 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2017-08-23
2323 瀏覽
香港人壓力真係好大,星期四的晚上,雖然還差一天就放假,但一班朋友已經急不及待,忍唔住要去放鬆一下。晚上來到灣仔一間酒吧。日街,想不到在灣仔會有這個旺中帶靜的地方,不帶半點灣仔的商業味道,感覺頗有特色。酒吧有上下兩層,而剛好每逢星期四酒吧都會有 live band ,有外藉歌手駐場。飲酒是當然的,但又點少得加點食物。飲酒,炸雞翼是必需的。Cajun bourbon prime rib roast紅紅的牛肉非常吸引,餐廳已將肉和骨分開,唔駛自己操刀,食得方便。牛肉燒的火侯控制得好,牛肉的周邊熟透,肉身呈紅色又唔會韌,入口香腍。牛肉與脂肪比例得宜,口感唔錯,加埋醬汁一齊食味道更突出。薯蓉有驚喜,腍口的薯蓉內原來有薯粒,令薯蓉中間變得有咬口,口感豐富。Mac & Cheese (Chili con carne & cheddar)表面大量的香濃忌廉芝士非常吸引,將中間的通粉撈勻,讓忌廉芝士能夠散落到通粉之中。雖然賣點並非強大的拉絲,但味道絕對濃郁。Seafood Boil豐富海鮮拼盤,有蟹腳,蝦,蜆,青口,粟米,薯仔同腸仔,份量十足,醬汁又夠惹味,一班朋友share,一路飲一路食就岩晒。餐廳正好融入這個旺中帶靜的地方,一個令人非常relax的酒吧。 繼續閱讀
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