港鐵黃埔站 B 出口, 步行約5分鐘
11:30 - 23:30
以上資料只供參考, 請與餐廳確認詳情
Food tastes great at the beginning, but it's definitely not for any healthy eaters. The taste of salt burns through the rest of the meal. It just covered everything up. I get that it somehow tastes great, but for people who are aware of sodium intake, this is not a good place to go.The portion of the lunch is also surprisingly small, filling up less than half the bowl, though the bowl is big.Salad is not available, even though not crossed off in any menus. Can't get any vegetable into my stomach except for those soaked vegetables in the noodles.
兩個小女子,shopping shop 到累累地,選了此拉麵店作晚餐。一人份量晚餐好實惠,只需85元。先來過雞肉胡麻蟹子野菜沙律。先把雞粒炸起,然後和粟米粒、蕃茄仔和名貴的蟹子一起放在菜上,最後鋪上一層美味的麻酱,清新可口。跟住來個辣味噌义燒拉麵。溏心蛋連蛋白都好入味,义燒配上少少肥肉,口感不錯, 荀菜又爽又好味,拉麵夠彈牙。再來兩個小吃,醬汁燒雞翼串及日式芝士年糕。 熱辣辣的年糕配上流心芝士, 簡直是極品。酱汁雞翼也好脆口。今餐好滿足了。
剛好經過此處, 本來我不喜歡食連鎖快餐拉麵的, 但肚子太餓, 唔搵了!隨意叫左一個午餐+北海道牛油拉麵其實所謂午餐只係多一個沙律, 蟹籽非常咸, 芝麻醬係我媽媽平日係超市買既MADE IN CHINA稀釋版,不過沙律菜算係爽脆, 只係不知為何有少量無味既雞肉...好大塊既牛油, 但浸下湯後味道全無, 只令湯底更油, 湯底非常味精, 叉燒比較瘦, 不難咬但冇乜味, 麵底好少頗稔, 荀尖卻極多, 只能講係公仔麵質素, 拉麵價格
We arrived just as the place opened in the evening and the staff were not quite prepared for service. After being let in, the person who ran the floor disappeared for about 30 minutes, leaving the solitary 'cook' to run the whole show. As more people came in, he struggled to do so, but just about got by.We ordered two buttter ramen and a side of gyoza. One thing I noticed immediately, was that the 'cook' was handling everything with his bare hands - bad hygiene. After a short while, he brought out our food. It was a sorry looking affair, but we ate it.The gyoza - awful. They were bland and greasy and not worth eating at all. Four soggy dumplings - a sad sight.The ramen had absolutely no flavour. The taste of miso was missing and the components added nothing. There was a distinct lack of freshness. A dull soup. The kitchen guy - who, by this time seemed totally out of his depth, was still bare handed and making some other people's ramen. When he brought it out to the table for them, they called him back, as he had put some meat on one that was not meant to have it. I saw him go back to the kitchen and put the meat back in with the rest of the pork in a container on the counter. CARDINAL SIN - that meat had been in the hands of a customer. While it hadn't been touched, he couldn't have known for sure, it had to go in the bin. I must admit to not feeling 100% the next day and would certainly never go to Domon again.