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食評 (20)
等級4 2024-05-28
177 瀏覽
呢度既裝修就好似一個洞穴咁超有feel, 好啱同朋友係度飲返兩杯傾下計, 不過黎之前真係要卜定位, 聽講walk-in 係未必食到, 我本來都卜到呢一晚, 冇諗過多口問一問8:30居然有枱, 潛尾同朋友坐到差唔多12點先走, staff 仲每人請左一shot, 氣氛超好🥳Baby Kai Lan🥬 ($118)爽脆既芥蘭切段再用烤昆布油去煮食既時候配埋柚子果凍去食會有種分子料理既感覺, 鹹鹹酸酸咁幾特別, 不過個人覺得唔洗配柚子果凍食會好啲🤣Chicken Liver Parfait🐔 ($148)鹹鹹地又軟綿綿既雞肝醬配上韭菜同麻辣榛子, 搽落佢地既自家製麵包度食又幾好食, 口感同層次都好豐富, 幾有驚喜☺️Aussie Mussels🥘 ($168)青口用左黎自法國既馬德拉醬同蒜心去煮, 青口既味道都幾突出, 仲配有中式既冬菇索曬啲汁食好正, 再配埋法國既Focaccia包😏Roasted Lamb 🐑($268)羊肉軟綿不過冇咩羊羶味, 配上豆瓣菜, 辣根葉, Garam masala, 呢三個配搭一齊食又幾夾同特別, 個辣根葉為成個味道生色不少😍ГУ \ GAMMA🥃 ($128)呢杯Oolong Highball加入左柚子, 紫蘇, 梅酒, 烏龍梳打, 呢個清新既組合適合追求清爽既朋友😎ココI Pl 🍸($128)呢杯Caipirinha加入左斑蘭, 公利甘蔗汁, 青檸, 斑蘭味好香濃, 超級滿意🤩呢間餐廳既食物雖然未去到話好驚喜, 但係淨係個氣氛同cocktail 都會令到我留下深刻印象😌 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-05-15
295 瀏覽
My friend recommended this place for dinner and it was definitely an excellent choice.For starters, the baby kai lan being deconstructed into a bite size appetizer was really refreshing and the yuzu jelly further enhanced it.I loved how they took a usual Malaysian breakfast(laksa, coffee, prawn) and fused it together into this dish, allowing us to have all its taste in one bite.The curry was fascinating. Instead of just rice or naan, they turned it into pieces of crispy rice so we get to enjoy the curry in a different manner.The tonkatsu was really tender and the slightly tarty sauce was more than enough for seasoning.Short rib was really aromatic from the coconut and basil and extremely tender, almost melting from the bone into your mouth.Both on the menu desserts were good but I preferred the Mandarin granita more as I enjoy more citrus desserts. Also the combination of corn and thyme in the dessert made the flavors more complex.They offered their french toast that was off the menu. The sweetness was well controlled and my favorite was definitely the ginger mousse on the ice, adding a kick to this dessert. 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-04-25
504 瀏覽
充滿格調既洞穴餐廳✨ 裝潢設計型格又帶藝術感,以土紅色為主調,環境氣氛好chill💕 主廚Gavin Chin將西餐融入澳洲、馬來西亞、東南亞及本地特色元素,夠晒創新😍❀ Duck Croquette 🦆鴨肉可樂餅炸得金黃酥脆,表面淋上香甜南瓜醬並倒入醬油~切開有滿滿既鴨肉,鹹香惹味且份量十足,層次感豐富😚❀ Scallop Ceviche 🐚用脆餅盛載住帶子他他,質感新鮮彈牙,加入柚子及杏仁奶等作調味,酸甜又開胃👍🏻❀ Baby Kai Lan 🥬芥蘭苗口感爽脆,配以昆布油及柚子啫喱令味道更顯清新~❀ Daikon 🥢大根爽脆又清甜,配以用上冬菇及昆布製成既奶油醬汁,濃郁入味☺️❀ Liver Parfait with Shio Koji 🐥香濃幼滑既雞肝醬加入青提子、蘋果醋韭蔥及果仁碎,平衡雞肝既鹹香味,食落亦帶微微麻辣香氣✨ 配上香脆既麵包食好夾呢~❀ Tonkatsu 🐷鹿兒島炸豬扒香脆柔嫩,蘸上旁邊既韓式辣醬及黑蒜醬汁更加惹味😚❀ Rendang Short Rib 🐮牛仔骨經12小時慢煮,肉質好軟腍😍 表面鋪上泰國羅勒及烤椰子,再倒入濃郁醬汁,口感好豐富呢!❀ Grilled Pineapple 🍍燒菠蘿酸甜又解膩❀ Dessert 🍨當日有棉花糖雪糕及杏仁脆餅配芫荽雪葩💕 棉花糖雪糕表面鋪滿朱古力脆脆及海鹽香蕉忌廉,香甜可口🥰 而另一款甜品係將雪葩混入椰子cream及芫荽果醬,加埋杏仁脆餅食配搭好特別☺️❀ Gamma 🍸❀ Sigma 🍸Signature Cocktail✨ Gamma主要以烏龍茶、vodka、梅酒、柚子及青蘋果調配,酸酸甜甜好清爽👍🏻 Sigma係Espresso Martini,表面有層豆腐泡沫,酒味相對較重亦帶咖啡香 繼續閱讀
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三個元素既Dining room、Communal cave、Bar area區分整個空間,以唔同藝術元素,唔同色彩令成個感覺更加獨特。先由門口 Valley Culture,呢個神秘又型格既communal cave就係呢到誕生,經過camp fire,一大個長型lounge,對出就係dining room,由Chef Gavin主理既fusion culture menu,一定大飽胃福! 👇🏻📌TO · START - ▪️ Prawn donut · Laska broth · coffee oil - $148▫️ 第一個必試「鮮蝦冬甩·鬼佬油炸鬼」,chef將港式油炸鬼包住個蝦膠,再浸係餐廳自家製喇沙sauce同埋咖啡油,成件事濃香到不得了,食落外層相當脆口,裡面蝦肉爽口彈牙,真係成個冬甩咁;面頭再放上檸檬皮、咖哩葉賣相夠哂精緻。📌M A I N S -▪️ Mum’s chicken curry · crispy sticky rice · preserved veg - $268▫️ 第二道必試就係「自家製咖哩·香煎糯米飯」個咖哩食落有少少似日式果種,而雞肉煎得非常嫩滑,食落絕對唔乾身,加埋D酸菜、shallot份外惹味;最亮點就係個糯米飯,chef用香茅同埋椰子整成,再經過pan fired,變左好脆口既煎餅咁,我想講好味既境界係超出我預期,真係一定要嗌!▪️ Tonkotsu Kagoshima pork · gochujang · pickles - $288▫️ 最後一道主食「日本鹿兒島·吉列豚肉」好有驚喜,豚肉明顯裡面夾雜少量脂肪,肥瘦分明,食落口感岩岩好,而且肉質爽嫩到不得了,外層吉列皮亦做得出色,夠薄身唔會太厚;旁邊仲有辣椒醬同埋炸醬可以點,好食。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2024-06-05
0 瀏覽
Wanted to try, as chef is from Brut, which the BubblesLovers loved, given its selection of grower champagnes.Nice hip decor with welcoming servers. Wines were mostly Australian. Ordered a Pinot. Decided to go for the tasting menu “Chaos Menu”. Here’s what we had. Smoked Scallops topped with shreds of Pickled shallots and yuzu. Served on a piece of seaweed. Blobs of Wasabi aioli on the side. Terrine of leeks, apricot, cranberry, seaweed served with olive oil sauce. Flavor-wise, a confusing experience for the palate. Texture-wise, the leeks were difficult to chew.Aged squid and jellyfish on a bed of cream cheese, topped with crispy strips. Another perplexing offering of flavors.Onion braised in miso and soy sauce on mashed parsnip with cheese. Hint of numbing spiciness. Server instructed us to eat with the toasted bread.Pig jowl marinated with Shio Koji (鹽麴- fermented mixture of rice, salt and water), anchovies etc. To be taken with a Squeeze of Sudachi (Japanese lime). On the side: pickled and very spicy green pepper and onion slices. Local Tomato pieces topped with pickled turnip and ginger- refreshing.Hong Kong style Bibimbap with diced duck sausage and Cured egg yolk. Again, the green vegetables were too chewy. Roasted Lamb slices marinated with Garam masala (an Indian spice blend with Cumin and cinnamon etc, roughly translating to “warming spices”). On the side: Watercress and Horseradish.Grilled pineapple marinated with Szechuan spices and Yuzu emulsion. Interesting concept.Dessert: ice-cream mixed with melted Marshmallow, sprinkled with Chocolate crumble. Topped with Rum-glazed banana puree. Would prefer more crumble and less banana.In summary: the menu (aptly named “Chaos”) boasted an ambitious and eclectic blend of flavors; not fully harmonized at times, resulted in a vaguely confusing dining experience. Friendly and attentive service. 繼續閱讀
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