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食評 (100)
等級4 2024-03-08
2436 瀏覽
最近開始我的半工讀人生又回到金鐘一帶遊走,過往比較少在這區找吃的,現在可以讓我慢慢發掘未知的地方!首先到訪的是一間以小麥薄餅為主打的薄餅咖啡店 煙三文魚薄餅 $175 朱古力 $48(冷熱同價)薄餅種類不算太多但想試的都有幾款,最後選了店員推薦的煙三文魚薄餅~ 這店的薄餅標榜手工製作,所用的麵糰由手磨穀物、黑麥及意大利麵粉混合,再經過天然發酵製成,麩質成分相對低也容易消化,亦蘊含多種營養如抗氧化物、維他命及礦物質等,比一般薄餅更健康!先不理會這些硬資料,口感味道更重要!所有薄餅全都下單即製,但不會讓客人等太久~ 薄薄的餅底加上脆口煙韌的批邊,口感很好有嚼勁麥味重,中間的食材用上煙三文魚、馬斯卡邦軟芝士、水牛芝士、刁萃、番茜、紅洋蔥、細蔥,芝士拉絲煙三文魚有鹹鮮煙燻香,伴以多款增加香味的食材,層次豐富屬於偏清新的味道;想再豐富點擠一點檸檬汁會更好吃~ size不大不小剛剛好,一個人吃上一個也沒問題啊!飲品方面點了一杯熱朱古力,拉花漂亮精緻,喝一口是濃郁甘香的可可味道跟牛奶香氣,順滑口感要讚啊~ 不會太甜但重可可味,好喝!店家在大型商場的平台位置開業,鄰近是商廈及酒店入口旁邊,對在這地區工作的應該不陌生但對如我這種「外人」來說不算易找,找這店時也要在商場職員指導下才能找到;餐廳設有室內室外座位,外場採用落地玻璃及設置開放式廚房,令空間感大大提升也促使環境更開揚,装修就如一般咖啡店、西餐廳的簡約設計,推薦來坐室內近窗位置景觀更好!非常欣賞這店店員的服務態度,由入座、下單、上菜等都服務周到又貼心,會耐心推薦各款食品,又不時詢問客人需要及了解他們對食物質素的意見~ 性價比來說絕對是偏高,會讓人有一種很好的用餐體驗啊!因到訪當時仍未到達用餐的繁忙時間所以更快便安排入座,不過晚上來到訪的食客是非常多,環境氣氛也會因應入夜而有所調節,建議要來用餐的話可以先到官網訂位就免卻排隊之苦咯~ 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2023-12-28
857 瀏覽
Went to this resto thrice with colleagues: the first was for a farewell meal, while the rest were lunch gathering..The Charcuterie Plate included parma, spianata, marladella and pickles. The appetizer was fresh and savoury, with the pickles reduced the greasiness of the cold cut. Their pasta was not that impressive compared to their pizza. The Lasagna and Mac & Cheese were both lukewarm when they were served. The Mac & Cheese was unfortunately dry too. Among all pizzas, I liked Parma Pizza the most. Served with a generous portion, the parma was not fatty at all. The rocket on top moderated the saltiness of the parma. Together, they made a tasty combination. The Funghi Pizza was memorable too. Topped with a world of portobello and cremini, the pizza smelled fragrant esp with thyme. The crispy crust complemented well with the chewy mushrooms. Appreciated the Pancetta and Egg Pizza as well. Since the yolk of ghe egg was a bit runny, it would overflow when one cut the centre of the pizza. Just that the bacon increased its oiliness. The Diavola and Carnivora Pizzas were savoury with lots of salami. It was a bit spicy becoz of the chilli and it was quite heavy to have. .As the portion of the pizzas was huge, I thought the price was reasonable when one get to share the meal with different people. You could dine in both indoor and outdoor at the resto. 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級4 2024-06-09
0 瀏覽
之前都係嚟食lunch 啲pizza都高質🙂‍↕️今次係第一次嚟食早餐 早餐選擇都幾多 但有肉嘅選擇就唔多BAKED EGGS AND CHORIZO $95焗水波蛋及西班牙辣肉腸95(tomatoes | two egg yolks | feta | Emmer panino番茄| 兩顆蛋黃 | 菲達芝士 | Emmer 招牌麵包)一上枱就聞到香噴噴 賣相都好吸引~~蕃茄醬+芝士 酸酸甜甜加埋芝士嘅鹹香 依個配搭是無得輸的而且有好多辣肉腸 夠晒惹味麵包烘到脆卜卜 入面就有彈性配埋個醬一齊食 真係好好味如果個蛋黃無咁熟🤏🏻可以流心嘅話 咁就真係perfect池嚕Iced Chocolate $45朱古力夠晒濃郁 質感又醇厚 好滿足耶 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
金鐘Pizza店🥰一出地鐵站就到的店舖❤️吃完還可以去添馬公園看發光蛋蛋的展覽🥚✨🍽️Salmon $175 ❤️看到周圍的客人都點了煙三文魚pizza,所以我們也選了😂等待的時候一直聞到麵包香香的味道🥹pizza大約等了15分鐘就到~他們家不算是厚的pizza,可是咬下去也很有口感,煙煙韌韌的🫶🏻配料有煙三文魚、mascarpone cheese、mozzarella cheese、洋蔥、dill🥰mascarpone cheese有很濃的奶味!配上煙三文魚超好吃🥹🥹🥹大家要去試!🍽️Tiramisu $72 🍰 Tiramisu也非常不錯😋不會太苦,非常creamy✨好吃得幾口就吃完了😂😆 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
等級3 2024-05-19
93 瀏覽
EmmerEasy unpretentious pizza joint at an uppity location. Used to frequent here for a quick brunch after work at a nearby building. Usually I’d order their Khachapuri but I was told that it’s now only available on weekends. So tried their new pizza flavour Dolce Diavola that comprised of artisan-made and nitrite-free pepperoni, spicy tomato sauce, mozzarella, parmigiano reggiano, honey and parsley. Balanced flavours. Perfectly thin crunchy crust. Huge improvement from my last visit. Recommend it to anyone who are pizza fanatics! 繼續閱讀
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)