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食評 (38)
等級3 2018-09-29
3773 瀏覽
It is the kind of sweets that you buy during your shopping break. We walked pass this shop on a Saturday afternoon during our shopping sesh, have heard of a lot of good reviews before, so we decided to give it a try.Considering the class and location of this shop, i don’t really think this is over priced, but obviously not too cheap as well.. We picked a salted caramel one which the shop assistant always said its one of the best selling flavour as well. We had it straight after we bought it, i think it tasted ok, cuz the level of sweetness is quite over the top, especially the filling inside, i think its almost too much that i couldn’t really taste the ‘bread’ outside, but overall it’s still a good sweet/ snack to recharge yourself for a short break during the mid day 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-10-22
6256 瀏覽
中秋時,有幸一嚐Éclair de Genie的慶中秋之作,首次與閃電泡芙結緣。這款法國最傳統的甜品,乃是法式泡芙麵團烘烤後,以擠花袋把朱古力或咖啡味的吉士餡填進內層中空的位置,最後在泡芙頂部鋪上一層糖霜、朱古力片等裝飾食材,即成一件美輪美奐的藝術品。據說,甜品之所以命名為「ÉCLAIR」這個解作「閃電」的法文,乃由於甜品實在太好吃,人們可以快如閃電般,一口把其吞噬之故。 這天,K買回了一盒閃電泡芙…… 打開一看,一盒六件色彩斑斕、如手指般細長形狀的閃電泡芙,面層包裹著形態顏色各異的彩色糖衣,令人垂涎欲滴,食指大動。 由左至右,第一件乃法式閃電泡芙月餅,之前吃過,內層乃香甜士多啤梨配上濃郁花生醬; 第二件是朱古力爆炸糖,除了馥郁朱古力外,還多了玩味十足的爆炸糖,內裏是牛奶朱古力忌廉;第三件,是香草核桃泡芙,雲呢拿味濃郁,且充滿焦糖香的合桃,既香口又有脆口,只稍嫌咬下去,中間略為濕腍;第四件是香港限定的抹茶口味,清香且抹茶味頗為突出;第六件是黑朱古力,據說朱古力味道濃郁且突出,味醇而不太甜,內層朱古力吉士細滑香濃;最後一件是 牛奶朱古力果仁,有烘過的榛子金箔和牛奶朱古力片作點綴,口感更見豐富。 小結:賣相佳,味道多元化,然,泡芙稱不上鬆脆香口,敗筆也。此外,價錢也貴。 繼續閱讀
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等級4 2016-08-30
4325 瀏覽
今天男友來我家吃飯,媽媽隆重其事,特意買了甜品回家,打算飯後齊齊品嚐!真是託他的福 …原來媽媽買了閃電泡芙~haha 這種奶油泡芙是法國人愛吃的甜品之一,當地人稱它閃電泡芙,因為Éclair意思是閃電。閃電泡芙由名廚Christophe Adam所創,Christophe Adam來頭不少,曾被權威糕點協會Relais Desserts選為「2015年最佳廚師」。它在法國有6間分店,試過日賣5,000個。泡芙不難做到,但吸潮後很快會變軟,維持不久,所以要做到好吃絕不容易! 香港店在港特設工場,材料如麵粉、牛油、忌廉由法國直送,為迎合香港人口味特意減低甜度。店員知道是買回家晚上才品嚐,就告訴媽媽除了即食,亦可放在雪櫃冷藏。吃前半小時才拿出來解凍,味道也很好!這款是店員推介給媽媽的,以檸檬黃為主色,實質外層是白朱古力。切開裏面,薄薄的泡芙下是奶白的奶油, 奶油主要由檸檬及青檸組成,味道天然幼滑,酸酸甜甜,充滿檸檬香氣!閃電泡芙微凍,大部份是奶油,口感有點像吃 mousse cake, 泡芙已放進雪櫃4-5小時,不再脆身, 但味道仍然不錯。另一款賣相有點不同,看上去有點像chocolate cake。朱古力幼滑,入口即溶而且不覺甜膩,中間夾著榛子醬,味道很夾。裏面分別是榛子醬及牛奶朱古力,內、外賣相同樣吸引!榛子醬內有幼粒,令口感更加豐富,味道亦相當濃郁!吃完後男友說下次要親身到店舖買個閃電泡芙即食,看看口感有什麼不同! 我還想試香港店特設的3文治啊! 繼續閱讀
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等級2 2016-08-18
3158 瀏覽
閃電泡芙早前hit爆全港,連Do姐都特登飛去法國食,難食極有限🤔? 店面好簡約,單睇櫃面都未必知泡芙係咩味。好彩店員勁有禮貌,介紹每款泡芙既特色。佢話海鹽焦糖係best sell,咁緊係要試下拉。海鹽焦糖 $38泡芙睇落似係脆皮,但一咬落去,竟然係淋既。可能係雪得太耐,泡芙水氣太重。呢個泡芙極重口味!係極重口味!每一口都食到粒粒海鹽,加上heavy既焦糖cream,真係好咸好膩呀!雲呢拿合桃果仁 $45呢個比海鹽焦糖好食。同樣係已經淋左既泡芙,面頭有香脆既碎合桃果仁,加上微甜既雲呢拿醬,每一啖都口感豐富,甜得黎唔會太heavy。👍🏻 整體黎講都幾失望,無想像中咁好食。下次都係去食番日式泡芙算😢L'éclair de Génie海鹽焦糖 $38雲呢拿合桃果仁 $45味道:★★吸引度:★★★性價比:★★(五分滿分) 繼續閱讀
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等級1 2016-06-21
3480 瀏覽
My wife bought us some eclairs for a special treat, from this famous French chef who had opened them in Hong Kong . We were very disappointed in the taste , textures and flavour of the eclair. Fist we had tasted bitter skin and yuzu flavour, Awful! Second chocolate, which was heavy and over salt kill, third green tea, over kill again and last one the vanilla which tasted of salted vanilla essence no vanilla pods in the cream what so ever, and all the eclairs are salted which kills off the flavour of the product, but I guess it a fashion thing to add salt to all your desserts in France now regardless the taste. As brands taste better in Hong Kong I we won't be ripped off again as we will never go back again. For taste we give it 2 out of 10. Look wise 9 out of 10, so if you want to buy looks and not worried about taste . Go for it , but if you know how to eat and taste of great products instead of saying wow I like it because it's a brand , you'll be very disappointed . We could not even finish our eclairs as it was awful. I guess there was too much hype in this product. If it will be around in 2 years time we might give it another go . But in no rush . 繼續閱讀
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