2014-09-17 2386 瀏覽
Favorites:Wu-Tang Style Burger (Secret menu)7.5/10 plates emptied!As requested by one of our fans, the Gang was willing to explore more opportunities out there as the Butcher’s Club Burgers caught our attention and hereby we challenged this place for its fame of being the rising star amongst Burger places in Hong Kong with mixed reviews of people stating that they are overrated. So how did it really end up?第一次有fans邀請the Gang去嘗試Burger界的當紅餐廳,我們一行人十二點正就在Butcher’s Club的門口排隊。無錯,今時今日的香港只要稍微有名的餐廳都會出現這情
Favorites:Wu-Tang Style Burger (Secret menu)
7.5/10 plates emptied!
[Written by Gobay and Carly]
As requested by one of our fans, the Gang was willing to explore more opportunities out there as the Butcher’s Club Burgers caught our attention and hereby we challenged this place for its fame of being the rising star amongst Burger places in Hong Kong with mixed reviews of people stating that they are overrated. So how did it really end up?
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第一次有fans邀請the Gang去嘗試Burger界的當紅餐廳,我們一行人十二點正就在Butcher’s Club的門口排隊。無錯,今時今日的香港只要稍微有名的餐廳都會出現這情況,你想食就是不得不排隊。你排得越耐,期望就越大。
It starts with the 35 minute wait of lining up and burgers to be served. Anticipating as the shop was crowded with people all waiting for their first bite of Butcher’s burgers. *drumroll* here comes the Gang’s comments as we ordered their regular menu Burger, and secret menu Double Happiness & Wu Tang Style Burger!
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夾著近期大熱的名氣,排徂20分鐘,再等徂15分鐘之後,我們點的Burger,Double Happiness,和Wu Tang Style Burger終於上碟了!
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What makes a GREAT burger? Not much, just a few things – crispy bun either grilled or toasted with soft texture, melted cheese, juicy & preferably charcoal grilled meat patties, secret homemade sauce to complement the patties, and some veggie (onions, tomatoes, lettuce) to balance the overall oiliness.
Double Happiness
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Double Happiness – Grilled cheese with double meat patties
Carly tried Toronto’s prominent Burger’s priest – The Four Horsemen and Apocalypse which is grilled cheese + meat patties + deep fried mushroom in cheese (veggie patty) and she’s comparing this against Butcher’s club secret menu. The grilled cheese was not bad just a bit dry for the bun was grilled for too long and meat patties were so dry after grilling and almost fully cooked, I was really disappointed at first. The flavor was not bad but then if you tell me that the beef was dry-aged, I would be questioning about the technique involved. The overall flavor and grilling technique has to be improved and consistent for Butcher’s Club to secure their fans base instead of just attracting first-visit customers.
Double Happiness
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首先試的是Double Happiness(HKD$160)。
這次Gobay很關注麵包的質量,因為這裡用的是Bread Elements的出品。
Bread Elements的兩位創始人兼麵包師傅都是非常注重品質的人——Grégoire Michaud和Mark Yeung。當Grég還是四季酒店餅房總廚的時候,人人都叫他「餅鬼」,讚賞他「整餅鬼斧神工」的意思。他每天都是笑瞇瞇的,人長得可愛也沒什麼憂愁,很喜歡逢人便講半鹹淡的廣東話,Mark也一樣,都沒怎麼見他皺過眉頭。Gobay堅信熱情洋溢,陽光四射的人總是能做出美味的食物。
麵包蓬鬆綿軟,微甜,合著芝士做成夾著兩塊patties (漢堡肉餅) 的grilled cheese sandwiches (焗芝士三明治)。Patty的用料高貴,引用他們自己的原話—— “the patties are made with dry-aged Australian black Angus beef, combining different parts of the cow and fat content” 。黑安格斯牛肉(Aberdeen Angus)原產自蘇格蘭,遺傳了原品種的黑毛,比紅安格斯(Red Angus)適應性強,也更容易飼養,在美國是最廣泛養殖的牛肉品種。Dry-aged beef即是經過自然吊起風乾熟成的牛肉,肉味會昇華而變得濃郁,猶如義大利的風乾火腿一般。
聽起來好像“很好很強大”,但吃到嘴裡感覺其實一般,煮得太熟,入口很乾。原本風乾牛肉應該更嫩和多汁,並且風味突出才是,但這個burger沒有上述優點,調味其實不俗,可惜了。黑安格斯牛肉以雪花分布紋理著稱,烹調得當的話是味道一流的,在以下試吃的Wu-Tang Style Burger裡的patty,就好很多,Carly稍微一用力,都可以看到擠出的肉汁。酸瓜和煙肉層並無增添多少水分,源於醬汁太少,就算還有兩塊溶了的車打芝士也幫助不大。可以說,份量很足但味道一般的「雙喜」並無帶來雙層驚喜,少許失望。
Wu-Tang Burger
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Wu-Tang Style Burger did woah me away for its modern kicks and Asian elements added to a traditional burger – Korea kimchi, Japanese mayo, Thai Sriracha sauce. Sweet potatoes were fabulous, as they were cooked through and the deep-fried crust was thin enough. The kimchi goes so well with the mayo which added extra flavor and creaminess & moist to the juicy tender patties.
Wu-Tang Burger
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This burger got the juiciest patty out of all three and it was one of the juiciest burgers we’ve ever had before. The inconsistency of grilled meat patties doesn’t make Butcher’s Club qualified as the best burger’s place in town.
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Wu-Tang Style Burger(HKD$120)
誠意推介這一款創新的burger。Wu-Tang 這個名字來源於美國Hip-pop組合Wu Tang Clan。他們做音樂時會加入功夫作為背景節奏,很有特色,從而啓發了設計者在burger裡混合數種亞洲元素而成就了獨特的口味:韓國的泡菜、泰國的Sriracha辣醬(辣椒曬乾打成糊加入蒜茸)和日本的Kewpie Mayo(普通超市有售的丘比沙律醬)。
麵包和patty之間還夾了一塊脆炸蕃薯,和芝士、酸瓜混合一起──泡菜的水分和微辣,泰式辣醬的刺激快感,Mayo 的甜潤,炸番薯的甜脆,還加上酸爽的酸瓜,你可以數一下一口咬下去有多少重的口感,而且他們和諧地融在舌頭上,絕對應該被推舉為該店的招牌菜!!
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普通的burger反而更能吃出patty的真實味道,牛肉的調味確實恰到好處。值得特別指出的是這裡的煙肉,特別的厚,再引用他們的原話── “double-smoked German bacon glazed with maple and whisky, it’s an epic mouthful”. 雖然不甚明白 “double-smoked”(兩度熏製)的好處,但它濃郁的豬肉香和厚重實在的口感讓我感到很新鮮,whisky的香味是聞不到,而maple的甜卻均勻滲入到肉裡面,很好吃!我特意問了負責傳菜的女孩关于”secret sauce”,只是依稀听到”caramelized onion”,原來是千島醬的變身,加入了嫩小黃瓜和炒甜了的洋蔥。也許是火候控制稍微好,牛肉也比雙囍裡的要多汁。所以整體而言,這款最為人所知和為人所點的burger還是不錯的。
Duck Fat Fries
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Burger and Double Happiness
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(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)
20 分鐘 (堂食)
$130 (午餐)
Wu-Tang Burger