2017-01-01 3132 瀏覽
Honestly speaking, patisseries from Cova have never really impressed me given the choices we have in Hong Kong. Perhaps it's really my problem instead as I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so I have decided to give it a go for the savories and the set meals in their Ristorante branch. On one of the most typical Saturdays my friend has suggested to go have brunch in Cova. They serve the typical Chef's Special Lunch Menu and the seasonal dishes with Live Lobster. Not being a huge fan of lobster,
Honestly speaking, patisseries from Cova have never really impressed me given the choices we have in Hong Kong. Perhaps it's really my problem instead as I don't have much of a sweet tooth, so I have decided to give it a go for the savories and the set meals in their Ristorante branch.

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On one of the most typical Saturdays my friend has suggested to go have brunch in Cova.

They serve the typical Chef's Special Lunch Menu and the seasonal dishes with Live Lobster. Not being a huge fan of lobster, I decided to go for the 2-course with Secondo Piatto set ($338) with the Italian antipasti buffet as the starter.

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There has been a great selection of cold cuts, seared tuna, veggies, pâté, anchovies, as well as an Italian sausage and beans stew.

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The waiter has brought us a wide range of breads, starting from some flat breads, focaccia then later on some warm fresh breads.  The brown bread with walnuts was my favourite with its crunchy crust and the moist and fluffy interior. 

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For my main, I picked the Merluzzo All'acqua Pazza - basically pan-fried cod filet. I love the tangy tomato sauce that goes with the cod, but the fish was way too dry and flavorless that I thought I was having a thick cut of dried bacalao that has been over-boiled and has lost all its flavour.

No doubt that the service here was superb and talking about the food, the antipasti buffet was not bad. However the fish I had was a great disappointment. Given this price, I believe there would be quite a number of choices available in Causeway.
(以上食評乃用戶個人意見 , 並不代表OpenRice之觀點。)