Restaurant: | PEKING GARDEN (Cityplaza) |
Info: |
To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.
For details, please click here,
Restaurant: | PEKING GARDEN (Cityplaza) |
Info: |
To promote a new salt and sugar reduction (RSS) dietary culture and living style to the people of Hong Kong, the Environment and Ecology Bureau, the Committee on Reduction of Salt and Sugar in Food and the Centre for Food Safety of the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department have launched the "Less-Salt-and-Sugar Restaurants Scheme" ("Scheme"). Restaurants participated in the Scheme will offer less salt or sugar options to the consumer or even tailor-make less salt or sugar dishes in designated restaurants. Participating restaurants will be granted with the Scheme Labels for displaying in the premises for public identification. For details, please click here:
- 糖醋骨
因為是以京淮菜為主, 故廣東點心相對較少選擇。
可能等位等得久了點, 前菜放下後, 我未及拍照, 已被家人取去了半碟 花生脆丶青瓜爽丶還有豆腐乾, 加上不辣/油, 其實這前菜也很好吃。
無錫灌湯小籠包做得不錯。 小籠包內有湯汁在內, 皮薄之餘, 但又不會容易破開, 這就是師傅的功夫了
椒鹽九肚魚炸得外皮鬆脆, 但魚肉仍然滑溜,是我最喜愛的食物。
鮮茄蝦仁鍋巴的蝦仁雖然不是大大的, 但配以酸酸的蕃茄醬汁加在脆口的鍋巴一起吃, 整個配搭很好吃呢。
整體來説, 食物質素也不錯。
數天前才訂位, 還擔心到處也Fully Booked, 但出奇地... 有位!!! 還不需要分時段(6-8; 8-10)進食, 真的嗎?!! 坦白說, 北京樓的門面著實一點也不失禮... 店內裝潢亦瑰麗堂煌... 不錯的前菜... 青瓜爽脆, 清甜多汁... 豆干彈牙...
研究了一會, 決定吃4人餐 (原價$1420, 優惠價$830)... 因為懶惰不想用腦... 燕山涼拌海蜇拼揚幫水晶肴肉
-- 水晶肴肉有鹹香, 但肉過硬, 吃了1件, 我的胃也實了... 翡翠明蝦球
-- 蝦球爽脆彈牙, 惜沒有鮮味, 西蘭花新鮮, 很難出問題... 紅煨雞絲翅
-- 曾在外國生活多年的同事很大反應, 我們即時解釋不可能真的給你魚翅, 應該是粉絲來的... 他無奈吃下... 嘿, 對不起了, 我吃罷後相信應該也有數絲魚翅在內吧... 味道與飲宴上吃到的一樣, 不難吃, 但不可以用美味用形容... 烤北京填鴨
-- 片皮前先奉上讓你看一個全相, 然後拿到放在一旁的工作枱片皮... 服務員端第1碟上枱的時間, 我已經覺得很足本, 能切到那麼多肉... 萬萬想不到, 之後還有1碟!!! 怎可能切到也麼多呀?!! 可惜鴨皮不是太脆, 鴨肉又乾又韌... 鴨味不濃... 北京糟溜魚片
-- 這個魚倒是有點出乎意料之外, 魚肉入口滑嫩, 帶點酒味, 頗香醇... 無錫灌湯小籠包
-- 不濟!!! 咬開一點也不熱, 一滴汁也沒有, 還自稱灌湯?!! 餡料豬肉一點也不鮮, 又硬又實... 暢春園核桃酪
-- 單看名字還誤會是核桃形狀的糕點, 可惜, 原來是核桃露, 還是開粉的... 味道偏淡, 不太甜...
餐廳方面與其費心在設計累贅的菜名, 不如認真地研究一下如何把食物味道提升...
如此的食物質數, 難怪大節當前, 也坐得這麼鬆動...