2-min walk from Exit B2, Shau Kei Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
AlipayHK Alipay Cash
Other Info
10% Service Charge
Spot payment
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (36)
Revisiting after a while seeing their afternoon tea menu changed, it seems pretty positive. Food options are variety and in reasonable price.We ordered winter melon soup rice and cold noodles & minced meat with pickles and sesame sauce. We additionally asked for two sides, leek & pork dumplings and steamed pork and soup dumplings. Winter melon soup rice was huge and boiling hot. It took forever to eat. Soup was smoothing and hearty. Light but savoury. It contained lots of ingredients, including the Chinese ham, Winter melon and chicken pieces. Filling and delicious.Cold noodles & minced meat with pickles and sesame sauce was again in enormous portion. Noodle was on a chewy hard side which was my preference. Toppings were loaded which required a big toss. It was flavourful. Mince consisted of mushrooms which added an umami flavour. Pickles were mildly tangy but savoury. When it came to the bottom, it became oily and a bit salty due to the soaking sauce. Pork and leek dumplings were also tasty. Bite size and freshly serve. Wrapping was a bit thick but soft. Strong flavour of leek which I love! Xiaolongbao was not disappointing too. Wrapper was just right. Freshly made. It burst out of soup after the first bite. Meaty and savoury. All in all, economical traditional Shanghai food which always surprises me when coming back. They change their menu occasionally too! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2024-04-10
今日在這晚餐,經自助下單要了一個二人套餐,其中一樣餸是霸王雞,過了一陣服務員放了一碟雞在枱面,我咬了一口發覺有酒味,於是奇怪便問服務員,獲答覆是霸王雞賣完,便用醉雞代替,但之前完全沒詢問客人是否同意,但現在她說問過廚師說我食過便不肯更換,而另一個餸菜津白亦淡而無味,而單據上面清楚顯示我點的餸是霸王雞,現在好像是強迫客人接受,令人極度不快,最後所有餸菜和甜品也不進食便結帳離開,服務員雖然免了加一,我也說了不需要,這店以後不會再幫襯 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2024-03-24
想簡簡單單食碗麵解決一餐, 都有D驚喜首先坐低就有杯茶上,Nice~ 個擔擔麵花生醬味唔會太濃,但食落會聞到花生香,個擔擔麵醬仲有炒香既肉燥,麵底有芽菜,口感味道都唔錯;排骨另上,厚實大啖肉,口感鬆軟,炸粉好薄,啱啱好做到香脆口感又唔會成口炸粉,成件事恰到好處,唔錯。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
門口著紅色衫阿嬸成個黑面神咁,好似欠佢幾百十萬,😱😱😱勁恐怖……招手問下嘢都唔得,一路只係講“掃碼落單”……“掃碼落單”……客人咩需求、咩事都唔知就機器人係咁講“掃碼落單”😓😓😓其他同事講人滴唔識“掃碼落單”,紅衫阿嬸即刻講“唔識落單咩冇食咯”😡😡😡……問佢有冇牙籤,都都唔抬答:“牙籤係果邊”🤔🤔……果邊,係左邊?右邊?前面?後面?上邊,下邊……即係邊?真係唔知點樣形容好,今時今日仲有這樣的服務態度,存在咁樣素質的餐廳服務員,第一次見咁樣滴人,真係長左見識,收加一服務費,從何而來的服務呢,絕對絕對唔會再去第二次…… continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2023-06-20
叫左麻婆豆腐同酸菜魚幫襯左七年左右,最鐘意酸菜魚之前有食過黑醋骨,都大愛,但中間有一排去食發現味道差左,後來就只食酸菜魚麻婆豆腐夠熱,有香菇,好食,但係唔夠麻,送飯一流酸菜魚今日偏咸,夠麻,啲魚好滑,表面應該裏左生粉,可惜食食下見到有曱甴係碗湯度,仲有幾舊魚未食,都食唔落了,連杯豆漿都冇飲哂所以冇下次了侍應好冷靜,好似見慣不怪,問我換一碗好唔好,我揀左退錢,剩番的野食佢地主動俾左九折我但都係冇下次了 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)