4-min walk from Exit B1, Tsim Sha Tsui / East Tsim Sha Tsui MTR Station
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Opening Hours
10:00 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
10:00 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
玻璃櫥窗內, 掛著巨型大燒鵝, 色澤明亮, 叉燒又好醒神, 大家都想食. 棋子燒鵝, 門外有推薦食品, 外賣款式有多種. 門外雖然正做裝修. 棚架緊扎, 好 安全. 店內餐面積大, 座位整潔闊落. 堂食客入很多, 好熱鬧, 牆上燒鵝, 肥雞自我介紹........香港棋子燒鵝....香噴噴. 肥雞.....滑捋捋燒鵝, 叉燒, 燒腩仔, 切雞, 可以看圖選擇, 十分吸引.我們點了 2人套餐. 有棋子燒鵝(例牌), 單拼燒味選 1款, 郊外油菜, 白飯/瀨粉/米粉/河粉, 老火靚湯/茶, 好豐富, $248- 不收加一服務費.好有效率, 不到十分鐘, 2人套餐送上, 擺滿檯. 招牌棋子燒鵝, 夠搶眼, 顏色立立令, 味香四溢. 先飲 雞腳煲瘦肉湯, 熱騰騰. 無味精, 好好飲. 燒 鵝 皮脆脆, 鵝肉厚厚, 少脂肪, 滲出陣陣炭薰香氣.燒鵝入口肉質稔香, 沒有半點膻味, 脆皮底下的鵝肉好鬆軟. 點些酸梅醬很滋味, 送飯一流.叉燒, 燒得香, 用了五花腩肉, 吾肥有蜜汁, 真滋味. 蠔油菜心, 嫩綠少油, 好健康又爽口. 白飯粒粒完整, 雪白分明, 用上靚米.這個湯瀨粉好滑. 最後飲餐茶: 熱檸檬茶, 有檸香.棋子燒鵝 , 吃得好滿意. 令人回味.
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.My family and I went to a restaurant called "Ki'son Roasted Goose"(棋子燒鵝)located in G/F, 40 Carnarvon Road, Tsim Sha Tsui尖沙咀加拿分道40號地舖..this restaurant specializes in various chinese BBQ protein"Roasted goose vermicelli soup"燒鵝賴粉HKD$68.the vermicelliis al dente.the goose is juicy ,tender and succulent.with nice roasted Crispy skin.highly recommended .."chinese roasted goose rice"燒鵝飯HKD$68.the rice is nicely cooked, each Garin nicely separated from each other.the rice soaked up all the gravy of the goose.succulent greasy is render out from the goose .the portion is generous.yum and hearty.."Roasted goose vermicelli soup"燒鵝賴粉HKD$68.the vermicelliis al dente.the goose is juicy ,tender and succulent.with nice roasted Crispy skin.highly recommended .."chinese roasted goose rice"燒鵝飯HKD$68.the rice is nicely cooked, each Garin nicely separated from each other.the rice soaked up all the gravy of the goose.succulent greasy is render out from the goose .the portion is generous.yum and hearty...
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谁懂啊!自从吃了棋子烧鹅,我逢人就安利,它直接成了我心中烧腊界的“天花板”!爱上棋子烧鹅就像呼吸一样简单~ 烧鹅拼叉烧不愧是棋子烧鹅的当家花旦!!用果木烤出来的烧鹅就是超级香!鹅皮烤得金红透亮,像裹了层焦糖,一口咬下去“嘎吱”作响,紧接着丰腴的鹅油在嘴里爆开,简直香到离谱~叉烧也是选用上等的五花肉,经过传统工艺制作而成,皮脆肉香!再配上特制酸梅酱,搭配在一起简直就是“灵魂cp”!💯中和油腻,清爽又上头,让人一块接一块根本停不下来。肥瘦相间,甜而不腻! 冻鸳鸯轻抿一口鸳鸯,瞬间驱散了午后的困乏,让人精神一振,以满满的活力继续迎接下午的美好时光。 关于真空包装棋子烧鹅现在可以抽真空打包了,买回去过年当手信礼品送给亲朋好友,真的好不错! 😇棋子烧鹅😇尖沙咀加拿分道40號地舖
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