5-min walk from Exit B, Tai Koo MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 20:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 20:00
Payment Methods
Alipay Cash WeChat Pay
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (25)
豬潤魚腩比同一商場的知名粥麵還要軟滑肉味濃。佢哋仲有粉腸、餃子、魚腩飯食,選擇更多。呢間比較多附近寫字樓文職來,比較年青氛圍。老闆個仔好靚仔🤭,夫妻檔老闆都好和善。黎到呢度食粥,❣️冬天黎食特別感到溫暖。料多又新鮮,粉腸夠滑又爽彈口。鯪魚球係自家製,有口感,個味係魚味唔係出面果d充滿調味料既味。佢有app order都密。亦有唔少街坊帶暖壺買外賣。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-11-21
講起鰂魚涌食粥,好多人都會諗起巴士總站旁邊嗰間,不過當地街坊就推介我去試呢一間屈咗去怪獸大廈後面嘅呢一間食粥。因為早餐時間唔係好想食得咁heavy,所以無揀內臟類別,反而揀返d早餐粥,我食咗皮蛋魚片粥,本來仲想食牛脷酥或者煎堆,不過今朝佢哋都無呢兩款油器,結果我就叫咗碟炒麵。碗粥嘅粥底唔錯,佢係杰身啲嗰款style,配料都算多,搞到碗粥好似得好少咁樣。魚片夠新鮮,反而啲皮蛋未夠靚,如果係糖心皮蛋會更正。炒麵個味唔錯,食到豉油香味,不過略嫌有少少濕。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2024-06-25
Since I got really sick and couldn't eat anything heavy, my family and I went to this congee shop for lunch. .I ordered Fish Fillet & Pig Blood Congee, attracted by its daily promotion. The congee had a thick consistency, and the rice grains were soft. However, the fish fillet was scattered and the pig blood tasted plain. My dad got Sampan Congee Set, which also included Stir-fried Noodles with Soy Sauce. The noodles smelled aromatic and had a chewy texture. My sis had Pig Blood Congee Set, which came with Steamed Rice Roll. The rice roll was silky and soft, and she also thought the pig blood tasted quite plain. My mom got Century Egg & Pork Congee Light Set. Not sure about the flavour as I didn't try it. .The resto was a bit small yet tidy. The price of the congee was reasonable. continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
👉🏼鮮味瑤柱冬菇滑雞粥👉🏼南瓜杞子豬潤粥冇味精生滾粥粥底綿滑大大碗配料份量足真係有粒粒瑤柱架😎飽肚感十足👉🏼生滾湯飯(豬潤 魚腩 菜心)豬潤魚腩都好好食👉🏼炸兩麻麻地油炸鬼淋過毛巾好多隔離枱都叫蒸魚下次想試埋其他粥味道:🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑CP:🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑-------------------- continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
❤️鰂魚涌·海匯粥品❤️🌈皮蛋瘦肉粥/皮蛋瘦肉豬紅粥兩款粥都非常綿密 米粒煮得非常軟熟口感十分滑順 大大碗都係~$30-$50裡面配料份量非常足 肉絲切得夠幼又多皮蛋都有唔少 啖啖都食到👌🏻👌🏻豬血質地柔軟 唔會好腥又夾到啲粥🌈叉燒腸粉腸粉外表口感爽滑 但略嫌厚咗🥲配上叉燒+甜醬油一齊食 味道剛剛好 唔會太鹹太甜🌈牛俐酥外皮酥脆 內部質感豐富介乎於麵包/蛋糕之間 又有啲咬口乜醬都唔洗點已經好好食 唔怪得咁多叫專登叫嚟當早餐食🤓P.S.除咗皮蛋瘦肉和豬紅粥外 仲有好多其他種類嘅粥選擇👍🏻價錢親民唔貴 想食美味早餐又不想食咁貴有時又唔想食得太heavy 想清下腸胃推薦到粥店去試下啦🙏🏻😉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)