Opening Hours
Mon - Sun
09:00 - 22:00
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Signature Dishes
冬陰功海南雞湯麵 重慶鮮雞酸辣粉 泰式單骨雞翼
Review (9)
When I look at reviews the first thing I look at are photos and I was attracted to this place because of the colourful and clear chopsticks.I have put off coming here as a priority mainly due to its location as there is no MTR station.Finally I decided to come here because it was nearish to To Kwa Wan.Arrived at Hung Hom by ferry, walked and walked, crossed alot of roads until I got there.This noodle joint is located on Sung Kit Street where there are lots of eateries, however I entered Sung Kit Street from the alleyway end so I was doubting if I was on the right street.Anyway, was greeted by the young owners and the style of the shop felt really vibrant and colourful, even the air conditioners above were painted to match the front of the shop (which I forgot to take a picture of).Basically this place sells noodles where you can pick different toppings that you tick on the sheet.Usually these noodle shops use tacky photocopied paper for these order sheets but here they used quality paper with colour that you would expect for leaflets that you recieve.Now at MinMax1950, there are no ordering sheet but through their computerized system.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Photos of the restaurant:Not an area of this joint was left undecorated and the bowls and holders were fun too!On the glass panel by the counter there was a really nice barcode decal too.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Deep fried Fish shaomai:This was no ordinary fish shaomai. It was fried!As well as being fried, the shape of it was round like fishballs.The shaomai was quite airy inside. I wonder if injected them with air so that they became round.Anyway the taste was delicious, the fishmeat was soft and the yellow wonton skin was really crispy and the softness of the fishmeat was similar to foamy marshallow.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Instant noodles with Thai chicken and coconut broth:Apart from the thai chicken and coconut broth they also had tom yom kung soup base too.I really regretted not ordering a third bowl of noodles with the tom yom kung soup base.For the thai chicken broth, it was an extra $10 but it was worth it.The bowl is much bigger than the bowls for the ordinary broth because the broth is so nice that you end up drinking it.The broth had lots of lemongrass and it was really refreshing and the chicken taste was strong and luckily the coconut flavour was subtle.With the noodles I picked blood curds and chinese radish.For improvements I feel that the toppings should be served separately from the soup if you order the thai broth because the creaminess of the soup does not quite match the Chinese ingredients such as blood curds and radish.Despite that the blood curds were full of flavour and the chinese radish was incredibly sweet that I wondered if they were natrually like that or sweetened.Finally I chose instant noodles because these noodles do not alter the soup taste but surprisingly when I ate the instant noodles it had absorbed the thai chicken and coconut broth flavour which was good.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Thin noodles with ordinary broth:These noodles reminded me of Happy Noodles, the broth and ingredients tasted really strong.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Yuzu and lemon drink:Even the drink was served in a nice plastic tumbler with colourful swizzle sticks and straw that match the table. ★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★I will be back soon if it was not so far away!!!!!!!!!!!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
睇左E間野既食評好多人都話好好食,冬陰功湯麵好得, 小食又好掂, 咁我就有個羊群心理去試下食喇~~我係下午時間去食既, 去到門口都有幾個人等緊.....排隊....等左10份鐘 咁橫掂都黎到喇, 咁都要等架喇 !!! 不過店員好好, 時不時行出黎同我講唔好意思, 要等多陣 !!! 加佢誠意分入到去當然係要周圍望下喇, 我發現好多人碗麵都係橙色既, 詢問之下完來果碗就係冬陰功湯麵, 好可惜, 其實我係唔係咁食得辣野既, 咁點解我要黎呢, 可能係到此一遊喇~ 羊群心理丫MA~ 不過都不枉我黎過......我同哥哥仔講我係唔食得辣野, 有咩好介紹, 哥哥仔話可以整唔辣陰功麵比我, 但我本人唔辣之外仲係唔濃味得既, 最後我都係要陰功轉清湯底仲要雞另上!! 哥仔話矛問題...我再有一個小要求 ==> 小麵多雞得唔得, 哥就都話盡量滿足我要求, 搵份大份雞過我.....哈.... 幾好。。達我要求, 再加你分!! 我好BUY佢地既服務態度 !! 麵來了, 賣相可以, 仲有另外有一個醬汁 TIM !!!清湯比出面既有小小唔同, 不過我唔知係咩唔同, 至於雞 -- > 好滑 個味道真係好得 (可能我本人鐘意食滑身既雞, 所以我超讚)其實我食食下好想叫個圓碌碌燒賣架, TRY TRY , 不過一碟我食唔哂, 所以我打消左個念頭.總括黎計今次E個清湯海南雞係讚既!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2012-05-31
睇完飲食男女介紹這間以冬陰公做湯底的車仔麵店,對本身喜愛冬陰公同車仔麵的我, 當然要去踩下場!!叫左個招牌冬陰公海南雞米粉加菠蘿金桔冰,眼見客人唔多,但車仔麵同飲品卻要等好耐才送到面前,這方面有待改善!!先嚐一啖冬陰公湯底---正!!比一般所謂泰國餐廳做得還要好,而且辣度可以落單時要求,另外海南雞亦做得不俗,肉質滑溜,米粉慢慢吸收冬陰公精華,愈食愈過癮,這個創新配搭,又真係估你唔到會咁好食再叫左個小食拼盤,單骨雞翼炸得頗乾身, 但唔好食,好普通,唔太入味!!豬扒亦屬一般貨色,試過就算,只要有個出色湯底同材料新鮮,其實車仔麵都好難整得難食, 而因為呢個冬陰公湯底,我一定會再來捧場!! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-05-25
自從搬到土瓜灣,有幾個食友住在附近,閒時想吃個宵夜都可能找到個人陪,不過近來大家見面的機會少了,忽發奇想想和食友們見見面,難得早一日約也輕易約到,就一起去紅磡試試開業不久的新派車仔麵。原來其中一位食友之前已經率先試過這裡的冬陰功海南雞湯麵,而且評價不俗,頓時令我嚐新的信心大增。車仔麵店位於崇潔街的入口附近,不過門口極小,稍不留神就很容易會錯過。其實幾年前初初和食友四處吃喝玩樂時已經來過這裡,還記得那時是一家甜品店,後來也不知轉了手多少次,幾年後再來已經變成車仔麵。店面很小,只有五張四人檯,擁擠的程度尚可接受。看得出裝潢花過心思,牆上有裝飾用的印花貼紙,檯櫈都不是普通的木檯和摺櫈,連檯上的透明筷子也有紅、藍、綠三種顏色。至於彩色的點單紙我還是第一次見,用彩色成本太高了吧?我覺得有點浪費了,雖然可能是想客人看到食物的照片,不過貼在牆上或者印一個介紹牌應該較化算吧。由於兩個老闆都曾經在泰菜館任職過,所以想到用泰式的湯底來配搭車仔麵,當然除了特色湯底外,正常的清湯沙嗲之類的還是會有。三款泰式湯底分別有冬陰公、椰汁雞湯和青咖喱,除非你點選已設定好的麵款,如重慶鮮雞酸辣粉,否則要加$10才可以轉特色湯底。剛好我們有三個人,可以試勻三款湯底,所以我們先各自揀選自己喜歡的餸,然後再一起分享,另外我們還點了一份潮人併盤。冬陰公湯底配粉絲。其實三款湯底都有分大、中、小辣,我們全部點了中辣。湯底不但顏色對板,喝起來香辣勁十足,椰奶香和酸度也剛好,跟在泰國菜館喝到的相比,絕不輸蝕,只是少了蝦和雜菇而已。配料選了蘿蔔、豬皮和紅腸,特別要讚蘿蔔,鮮甜無渣,入口軟腍,必食推介。一致認為冬陰公湯最適合配粉絲,粉絲完完全全吸收了冬陰公湯汁,最後可以一滴不剩的把全部湯都喝完。椰汁雞湯配米粉。雖說是中辣,但其實一點也不辣,店員在問我們食物意見的時候也提到,如果椰汁雞湯太辣的話會蓋過了椰汁的味道,現在這個微辣的程度就剛好。不知道是不是因為先喝了冬陰公,所以雞湯味不太突出,但仍然嚐到陣陣椰汁香,清甜不膩。至於配料方面,冬菇和豬大腸不錯,炆得夠腍之餘本身已經很入味。青咖喱撈米線。不知道青咖喱可不可以變成湯底,但因為參考了店方推介的青咖喱牛腩撈米線,所以我們也點一個撈米線來試試。青咖喱醬汁濃郁,香料味也重,帶甜味而且不太辣,不過我覺得偏甜了點,吃到後期覺得有點漏。茄子是青咖喱汁本身有的,炆得也算軟腍,不過我比較愛吃圓球狀的泰國茄子,和青咖喱汁更搭。上檯時看到那些豬紅,才覺得有點奇怪,本身豬紅也爽滑,但配青咖喱始終怪怪的,另外點了必食辣魚蛋,魚蛋一點也不辣之餘,口感太實,也沒什麼魚味,可以不試。本來我們點了一個潮人併盤的,本身併盤有炸燒賣、單骨雞翼、炸韮菜餃和香茅豬扒的,可是店員說豬扒已經沽清,問我們要不要轉其他東西,但實際上是沒有其他食物可以轉,只能多加併盤裡其中一款食物,所以我們最後決定單點,不要併盤了。圓碌碌炸燒賣。燒賣是剛剛炸好,新鮮熱辣,外層也是微脆,不過整體魚肉燒賣好像沒有什麼味道,我也忍不住要醮個辣椒醬,整體很普通,沒什麼特別,如果店家可以研製一款特色醬汁配這個炸燒賣可能更好,譬如說咖喱汁之類的。泰式單骨雞翼。份量大概是四至五隻完整雞翼,賣$22不算貴。雞翼都算炸得香口,在碟上也沒有看到多餘的油,火候掌握得不錯,肉質嫰之餘仍有少量肉汁,只是香料味稍欠,吃不出泰式風味。炸韮菜餃。看賣相沒問題,只是這裡的韮菜餃,幾乎完全失去了裡面的肉汁,吃起來乾巴巴的,我想炸物最好還是配個什麼醬吧,現在情況跟炸燒賣一樣,又乾又淡,結果我們要醮些青咖喱汁來提一提味。湯底確實很不錯,特別是冬陰公湯底,椰汁雞湯和青咖喱汁也不俗,相反小食方面實在要多加努力,就算定價不貴,但這樣的質素也不吸引我再點來吃。食友說午市客人很多,可能也是這個原因,有不少配料都沽清了,就我們所見,晚上的客人真的不多,始終崇潔街食肆林立,而且食友們都說晚上比較少吃車仔麵,所以在食材預算方面可能不太能兼顧到晚上的客人。希望店家繼續努力,不斷創新,下次在家如果想吃車仔麵的話,必定會再次到訪的。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2012-05-18
無聊上 openrice 睇下有咩車仔面好食,就搵到呢間見佢有四個好評就專程渣車入去食。去到見到門口細到差 d 都 skip 左入去叫左個三送車仔面,魚旦,魚皮餃(餐廳推介), 炸燒賣(餐廳推介)加個凍奶茶都係 $32細粒魚旦五粒, 魚皮餃三粒, 都係一般車仔面檔質素炸燒賣另上, 係叫做特別少少, 不過都係翻炸, 唔係咁新鮮湯底有分腩汁/清湯, 都係果句啦, 加左腩汁都唔係有乜特別好食凍奶茶正常, 茶餐廳水準價錢係平,但係老老實實我係屋企自己都煮到,並無以下食評所講到咁特色我亦都見唔到老板有樓下食評講到咁熱情,所謂老闆其實都係幾個廿零歲的o靚仔,見無乜客仲係門口煲煙忝總括黎講,我俾個喊喊佢唔係因為話佢難食,而係因為睇左下面四個食評之後造成o既巨大落差 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)