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Review (15)
去咗位於北角新開的"甘潮"~間野d野食好好食le, 不過幾貴ar~但同cafe比較, 都差不多ja ma個價錢...但d野食好過哂d 一般的cafe le~雖然幾貴下, 但食得出佢比足材料ga!但食完唔多夠飽咁...可能係太好食la~ =P
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I bought the take aways from North Point City Garden tonite, $55 for a homemade bbq pork loin in chiinese sauce baked rice (with coffee) & $29 for a coconut milk, long-an & water cestnut paste.the baked rice taste ok BUT... only got 2 pieces of bbq pork which is only 6cm x 6cm x 3mm, it makes me feel like having the diet meal... the smell of coffee is better then the tastedessert taste ok, BUT... I can only see the coconut milk but cant taste it! $29 -- I'd rather buy 2 bowls of 王記糖水feel like 俾人搶
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和同事們食完晚飯後, 便到了此處食甜品.我叫了個椰汁芒果西米露, 用上了大粒西米, 但大粒西米不及細粒西米好味, 而且芒果味甚淡, 味道麻麻地.而麥提莎奶重湯丸就反而ok, 因為味道也比較特別, 甚感得意, 而且是即做, 送來時熱騰騰的.
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食完飯去食糖水. 全店只有6個人(連埋我), 待應姐姐無咩笑容, 可能係剛剛開鋪吧! 我選了薏米雪耳馬蹄露, 味道ok喎! 又唔太甜, 有馬蹄香味, 都幾OK喎! 唯一唔ok的可能是價錢, 21蚊一個馬蹄露, 貴左d喎!
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