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Review (11)
Level4 2013-06-01
奇奇怪怪@老地坊灣仔蘭杜街2號9號舖中午太太太多人了, 排到出馬路又不想經常吃同一間餐廳, 亂打亂撞下來了上海麵食及飯, 大伙兒就各叫一個再分享吃菜飯啦~有益點,多吸收綠色蔬菜的維他命=__=初一十五, 像和尚食素是好事~對環境也好, 對身體也好不過呢, 用水白灼,面上又不是豪油.......淡而無味圖我有食過才影的....極像豆豉零魚, 魚是半煎炸的方法烹調邊旁薄身的魚肉部分水也炸乾了只有中間魚身的肉是嫩滑又用上了白灼菜那個有色無味的汁較為正常一點的價錢 @ 50一人 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2013-03-16
同事帶我來試上海麵點知眼見的不是好地道的上海店,而是已經cross-over 左既茶餐廳當然,我們沒有點茶餐廳既快餐呢冬姑有成隻湯匙咁大隻,實在太搶眼了牛展每片都好厚又大片基本上唔洗食麵都已經叫人好飽雲吞應該係自家製的,個餡好鹹雖然overall 個餡唔係好多,但豬肉既比例係多dd既如果白菜餡多d 就好lu~叫麵食可以加$3 要熱飲,價錢算是fair其實味道好普通如果想真正食上海野應該呢度唔太滿足到需要 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Apart from their hot and sour noodles, the other dishes are Ok in my opinion.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Fried egg and spam with rice:Last time had the steak because I didnt see the spam and fried egg combination, so this time got the spam.The spam was slighty crispy on the edges and tasted quite nice because it was not really salty of fatty.The egg was tender with a runny yolk and complimented the rice nicely with the soy sauce.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★Sichuan style chicken with pickled vegetables:Although the dish was quite watery, the salty taste from the pickled vegetables were quite nice.The spicyness of this was intense.If it was not so hot, it would have been better.It came with vegetable rice which seemed healthy.★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2012-06-21
早前在蘭杜街吃過令人回味的炭燒雞扒,見到這條短短的巷子滿佈食肆,已決意再來遊歷一次。今云與老友揀了這間上海小店,一心想試試特色美食,怎料卻是失望收場。雖然餐廳標榜是上海館子,但所有午餐只是腿蛋飯、腸蛋飯之類,與一般港式茶記無異,最後柯打了較為似樣的上海雲吞酸辣米粉。由於本身不能吃得太辣,因此已事先詢問伙計「刺激程度」,並要求廚子只略為給予微辣便可。米粉上枱之際已心知不妙,首先見到有大堆辣椒,覺得侍應根本沒有傳遞客人訊息,另很離奇地發現碗裏有一片檸檬,莫非酸味就靠此而來?先試一試湯底,嘩!極辣,令我的舌頭立即麻痺。它似乎只是把辣醬加入清湯,欠缺了其他配料如肉碎、芽菜、腐竹等散發出的香惹,吃幾口經已放棄。再試試主角上海雲吞,外皮極其厚,單是這樣已令這個菜式大打折扣,而內餡亦沒甚特別,只是一般批發售入的貨色。三十六元單售如此質素的米粉,友人吃罷也大呻搵笨,惟有再戰下一站補數。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level4 2011-07-27
突然想吃沙律,去吃個下午茶。食物:-巴西豬扒沙律:個沙律放了太多沙律醬,比較酸。豬扒炸到太乾,無肉汁熱朱古力:勁少朱古力粉開(我估半茶匙都無),勁淡,仲要無加奶,又淡又唔滑,勁差服務:-有位女店員不停咁勁大聲同另一位店員(疑似老闆)傾談。我記得當天電視正在播放威廉子結婚的直播,初時女店員未講嘢,我都聽到電視機的音量,但後來女店員開始講嘢後,我完全聽唔到電視機講什麼,大家可以猜想女店員的音量是何等強勁。我一邊食,耳朵一邊聽到有回音,十分不舒服(阿姐,你想趕客啫,我的聽覺是無辜的!,此其一。身為老闆任由店員製造極大的嘈音污染,應該阻止,而不是繼續任由店員放肆,此其二。)環境:-如此嘈音的環境,趕客 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)