Restaurant: 興發麵家

To encourage eatery outlets to reduce food waste at source together with customers through offering portioned meals and adopting food waste reduction measures, the Environmental Protection Department has launched the “Food Wise Eateries” Scheme. Participants will be awarded with a Food Wise Eateries (FWE) accreditation status if they comply with the assessment criteria and will be granted with the FWE Logo and Stickers for displaying in the premises and their promotion for public identification. Applications are accepted all year round and are FREE of charge.

For details, please click here, https://www.wastereduction.gov.hk/zh-hk/waste-reduction-programme/food-wise-hong-kong-campaign

7-min walk from Exit C2, Cheung Sha Wan MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
11:30 - 22:30
Mon - Sun
11:30 - 22:30
Payment Methods
Other Info
Phone Reservation
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Signature Dishes
炸豬扒 菜肉雲吞
Review (44)
Level3 2024-06-13
拿拿食評系列 #興發麵家約左住長沙灣既朋友食飯,有考慮過去荔枝角食,感覺比較多選擇,但突然諗起呢一間「長沙灣豬排麵」,就提議左嚟呢到食~佢地全部都系舊式既圓形木摺枱,舖頭只有幾張枱,如果人多的話,需要搭枱!而我地食飯個晚,去到已經8點,所以人都唔算多,3個人自己一張枱,食下野傾下計,飲下嘢~呢一間舖既豬排好特別,佢系好薄切拎去炸,個口感完全唔同出面食到既豬扒,食之前我就中意加少少胡椒粉同埋鼓油,真系好好食!除左豬扒之外,我好中意食腐乳通菜,本身呢個搭配就無得輸!因為我地3個人食,所以再加左個小食Share,就系炸雞翼。如果同豬扒2選1,我一定擇豬扒,但系why not both,哈哈~豬扒米線腐乳通菜淨炸雞中翼而家已經好少舊式既麵家,雖然環境系差啲,但我就覺得錦先有香港既風格,希望十年後佢地依然系到~ continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2023-04-03
再次光顧這間小小麵舖,如常叫炸豬扒麵,一推開舖頭門,就會聞到一陣好濃烈既氣味……雖然炸豬扒size成個碟咁大,但係非常超級薄,話雖然好薄,但又好煙韌彈口。炸豬扒灑上好像係淮鹽既粉,倍添惹味,麵-係用蛋麵。外型似車仔麵既油麵,湯麵內會附有少少雪菜。店舖地方狹小,一個長方形見晒,座位不多。今日座近門口,見老闆正喺鋅盆用洗潔精清洗電飯煲,附近放有不同疏菜,有通菜,唐生菜選擇。鋅盆下方的電飯煲還有米線。淥麵水會作最後把關,淥得乾乾淨淨才送上枱。好味道吖! continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
如果唔係早幾日見到朋友story話好食經過都係絕對唔會行入去嘅隱世街坊小店🤣而今日放工又去附近 就決定嚟食下叫咗佢個豬扒麵同雞翼麵再叫咗個腐乳通菜加埋都唔洗$80😨佢個麵好食 湯好飲 仲有啲酸菜係上面比起豬扒 雞翼更加好食豬扒炸得脆 粉唔算厚 但肉偏薄而雞翼就炸得好好食好香口👍🏼通菜炒得好靚 好食👍🏼唯一要挑剔嘅就係佢個環境 地方細感覺唔算好乾淨 有啲飛飛係度但地下 檯面都乾淨嘅但$30碗嘅麵真係好少見 超級抵呀 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
呢間野大大話話我幫襯十幾年, 其他人通常都無留意呢間麵店, 因為太唔顯眼啦!!!!店舖裝修比較舊, 但只要你敢入去, 就會發現美食。我最喜歡食豬扒上海粗麵, 塊豬扒炸的, 脆卜卜, 大大塊, 碗上海粗麵加少少辣醬簡直一絕, 加多碟腐乳通菜直頭無得頂價錢仲好合理 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level3 2022-09-07
長沙灣老舖,懷舊味濃。呢間老字號最出名就係炸豬扒同通菜。叫咗炸豬扒擔擔米線,腐乳通菜,其實仲有叫到凍檸茶。好快就上晒所有嘢,be honest,唔係懷唔懷舊嘅問題,啲食物嘅樣我真係覺得未必會好食。首先炸豬扒感覺上係乾身,果然,食落係薄身、柴同乾,我唔明白點解佢係最出名嘅食物,我食到一半就放棄咗啦。另外,擔擔米線唔係我expect嘅擔擔,佢只係一pat花生醬嘅物體放咗落個清湯度,有啲都係街坊價食上海麵食嘅舖頭仔都唔會咁樣整個擔擔湯底,老實講係好失望嘅,味道當然係唔好食,個湯同個醬都溝唔埋,成口漿住咁。腐乳甜甜地咁,不過我覺得唔知係咪成本問題溝左糖水,你見個漿都好稀下,有人會覺得佢係特別調製,呢樣見仁見智。我個杯凍檸茶最後無黎到,亦無追過佢,因為啲野唔好食,都唔想再追啦,我好respect小店,但我覺得真係唔好食,唔係我杯茶,就唔飲佢杯茶啦。 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)