Opening Hours
06:30 - 22:00
Mon - Sun
06:30 - 22:00
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Randomly walked by this place as my friend was explaining to me the history of this restaurant. As it is a Family owned business, you can somewhat feel it from the vibe there. While this place is more expensive than nearby shops, but i think their roasted pork is the best. Crispy skin with succulent meat. Pair it with mustard and you get the perfect bite. If you order take away, they will puncture a hole in the take away box so that the skin stays crispy. I also appreciate how there's never been a time the skin has been overly roasted and turned black. It's always roasted to perfection. Char siu is also very delicious, with the honey charsiu sauce drizzling over, I always ask for more to mix in with my rice.
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天氣一凍個腦即刻諗返起啲煲仔飯🍲🥶🤤如果住喺紅磡或者經過呢頭附近食嘢嘅朋友,一定會見到黃埔街大部分都比發展商收購重建,周圍都係鐵架,唯獨是有一間舖頭仍然開晒燈做緊生意,就係呢一間經營超過30年嘅燒臘茶餐廳💁🏻♀️因為業權問題,茶餐廳門口貼住「自置物業還有多年為街坊服務」,老闆有咁多業權,收購發展賺到嘅錢一定比茶餐廳多好多,或者中間好多細節我只係一個路人唔清楚啦,不過都幾欣賞呢個老闆🥸好啦都係講返野食,其實話說我係俾佢門口既火爐瓦煲吸引咗過嚟,行到埋去仲係見到用傳統方法整煲仔飯,真係買少見少😋👅北菇滑雞煲仔飯 煲仔飯上到嚟照舊要熱辣辣勁驚咁開蓋🌝淋個老抽極速冚返蓋,等一陣再開返就食得!😛超級香,撩到落底勁多飯焦🤩飯粒乾身粒粒分明👏🏻滑雞數量多,仲要又嫩仲有啲雞油出🤤菇都係大大舊有汁💦整體黎講呢個價錢仲想點💯👅臘腸潤腸煲仔飯 鍾意孖腸既朋友可以試下,孖腸味滲哂入飯🤤咬條臘腸仲咇到啲油,咁邪惡架咩🤤兩條腸料足,腸皮唔un,口感亦唔錯👏🏻吖,呢間啲燒臘下次可以試下,見好多街坊排隊買🥸
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由細到大住係紅磡既朋友話我知呢間燒腊檔既燒味出名唔錯,仲平靚正,叫我過黎試下。✨燒肉飯燒肉肥瘦適中,肉質唔會硬柴柴,個皮燒到脆卜卜,而且份量都多,唔錯,只係個例湯比較咸。🏠 金源燒腊茶餐廳🛤️ 紅磡黃埔街20號地下📍 港鐵站B1出口,步行約6分鐘-----#hkfoodie #hkfood #hkfoodblogger #hkfoodlover #hkfoodieblogger #hkfoodstagram #hkfoodblog #hkfoodies #hkfoodpic #hkig #hkigfoodie #hkigfood #hkeats #hkfinedining
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今晚加料做完facial, 去黃埔街金源燒腊茶餐廳買燒肉呢間出名,以前在紅磡返工,收工經過好多人買燒味燒肉唔貴,唔使100蚊一斤下次買兩條骨,嗰款,貴啲,仲好味係好味的
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今日同老公又出黎行街, 幫屋企走左既仙人問少少野, 之後就去左食燒味飯。 諗唔到多食評既金源有不少棒場客, 由我地坐低到走,都不停有客人入黎堂食同外賣, 可想而知, lee到既燒味質數唔差。叉燒併油雞飯:油雞食唔到有雪味,d雞肉鬆軟, 唔會過老。叉燒半肥瘦,唔算鬆軟,我最愛既叉燒都係深水埗金華, 但金源叉燒算唔錯。燒肉併燒鴨飯:燒肉係脆唔會過咸, 但皮同肉分離左, 少少失望。燒鴨冇so味,皮脆而且醬料入味。44蚊有雙併飯跟餐有例湯,加3蚊有奶茶咖啡。老公話既奶茶出色, 確實係有茶味又唔會太澀。係抵食。
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