7-min walk from Exit C, Heng On MTR Station continue reading
Opening Hours
07:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Mon - Sun
07:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Public Holiday
07:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Public Holiday Eve
07:00 - 23:45
00:00 - 01:00
Payment Methods
Cash Octopus
Above information is for reference only. Please check details with the restaurant.
Review (5)
一間已經食過好多次的餃子,今次一炮過食韭菜、椰菜、白菜豬肉煎餃,重點唔係咩材料,而係一定要煎餃雖然店舖有湯餃選擇,但係依間嘅煎餃係先蒸後煎, $43已經有12隻。同埋佢自己整嘅菜甫,再加上白醋汁撈甜豉油,好味道!!我會排1.韮菜2.椰菜3.白菜🫵🏻 餃子皇 - 馬鞍山39號店恒安市場(最近好似改咗名)#hkig #foodie#foodblogger #foodndaily #foodbloger ##hongkongfood #hongkongfoodie #foodblogger #likesforlike #eatateeaten #comment #share #subscribe #餃子 #煎餃 #韮菜餃 #馬鞍山 #馬鞍山美食 #美食沙漠 #沙漠中的甘泉 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
今晚叫外賣,照常都係食湯餃照常都係叫左一份12粒的韭菜餃返到屋企check,又俾少一粒…已經係第三次!!雖然味道幾好,又幾足料但係成日咁樣偷雞🥲🥲太傷忠實食客的心了😭😭如果係賣11粒嘅餐,咁咪俾11粒lo,賣12粒又要偷人一粒,做臭自己個朵,有乜謂呢? continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
經常幫襯呢間店但一直冇寫評價,決定寫番篇介紹下。最出名當然係餃子,自家新鮮包,不時都會見到呀姐坐係度包餃子。餃子有多款口味,當中最推薦韮菜,其次白菜/椰菜。可揀煎/水餃,推薦煎餃因為即場煎煎得好香脆,餡料又多。餃子會配豉油、醋、辣菜甫,醋好夠酸,配餃子好食,辣菜甫都係店嘅招牌,都係人手切同入樽,買過番去送粥食都唔錯。仲有好多小食,自己試過尖椒皮蛋/風味雞中翼/狗仔粉/豉油王炒麵/炸燒賣/胡麻撈麵,都好食的。尤其呢啲煎炸野,佢個爐即煎,好香口。另外店舖的姨姨都好親民好服務 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level2 2021-10-04
每次去親夜市都會食呢間既餃子最鍾意粟米餃子,皮薄食八隻都唔會好飽個人覺得煎會好食過煮有時會有新味下次想試下泡菜但驚好辣哈哈豆漿有D甜冇咩特別姐姐都好好人次次都會傾多兩句不過就係冇咩位坐呢個缺點但尋日都係預到冇位呢個情況姐姐話冇位可以坐對面食唔知係咪間間都可以咁另外介紹下佢D水餃都OK不過都係比較普通唔會話特別想食佢雞翼都好食,但係都要D時間因為佢即叫即炸熱辣辣食都唔錯不得不提佢辣菜脯都幾好食我次次都加兩粒調味香口得黎少少辣 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)
Level1 2021-08-24
平時都有幫襯開買餃子, 今次真係經典, 夜晚買嘢食 見阿姐帶住手套將啲炒麵放落一個一個嘅外賣膠盒, 其實都唔出奇,方便快捷都可以接受, 我等外賣期間一路睇住,但阿姐入入下炒麵 又走去收錢又走去倒垃圾, 當然冇換手套啦, 收完錢繼續入炒麵, 倒完垃圾繼續入炒麵, 用手一下一下將炒麵放入盒,入完啲炒麵一盒一盒放入雪櫃,離曬大譜, 完全冇衛生意識,當買嘢食啲人係死嘅, 希望負責人會留意到呢個問題, 好唔好生意係有原因, 我諗冇客人鍾意食細菌食垃圾 continue reading
(The above review is the personal opinion of a user which does not represent OpenRice's point of view.)